I'm a relitavely new comp. builder and I'm asking for suggestions on good ram. I'm going to be purchasing it soon.
- I want tried and true reliable memory.
- I want to use this memory for years to come, swapping from system to system, like say I rebuild my current rig in a year, and I want better memory... I want to use this in a lower end build that I make.
- I want the price to be around (pref. under) 300 shipped, via newegg.
- I want a gig (2x512)
Current sys specs:
GA-7N400 PRO2
AMD 2700+ Barton
Nvidia Geforce FX 5700 Ultra (IMO The weak spot in my comp's gaming ability... after this ram purcahse)
37gb Raptor System HDD
Currently 1 Stick of 512 - Corsair Value Select (I guess it's PC2700)
- I want tried and true reliable memory.
- I want to use this memory for years to come, swapping from system to system, like say I rebuild my current rig in a year, and I want better memory... I want to use this in a lower end build that I make.
- I want the price to be around (pref. under) 300 shipped, via newegg.
- I want a gig (2x512)
Current sys specs:
GA-7N400 PRO2
AMD 2700+ Barton
Nvidia Geforce FX 5700 Ultra (IMO The weak spot in my comp's gaming ability... after this ram purcahse)
37gb Raptor System HDD
Currently 1 Stick of 512 - Corsair Value Select (I guess it's PC2700)