Strange audio issue on a monitor.


Oct 20, 2012
So, I have this monitor sitting around. It's a Samsung c27f591. I had a guy ask me if I had a monitor with speakers, because he'd like to buy one. So, this one was sitting around doing nothing, and I thought it would be good for him.

I went to test the audio, and the screen keeps turning on and off when playing audio through it. I tried it with HDMI and Displayport. Tried it on multiple systems. When there's no audio playing, it's fine. When the audio starts, it powers itself on and off repeatedly.

I've been trying to troubleshoot this, and any input would be appreciated.
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Quick update.

It seems to only do it with YouTube videos so far. Twitch and everything else works fine. If I turn down the YouTube volume to 75%, everything is fine.
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Ok, Twitch does it too. It's definitely volume related, though. Turning the volume down definitely stops the issue.

Turning the speakers on the monitor itself down the 30 stopped it.
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Sounds like the issue is related to the vibration of the speakers since it goes away when turning the volume down.
Apparently, Samsung packed the wrong power supply with it. It's supposed to be 14v 3.22a, but they supplied a 1.7a power supply. The correct one will be here today. Hopefully that fixes it.