Strange 403 error from webpage served by BlueOnyx


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 11, 2002
So I am working with a friend to get a dev site running. He installed BluxOnyx which looks to be a CentOS/RedHat varient that includes an easy to manage web interface from the old Cobalt/Sun Raq servers.

I have created a virtual host within the system. All files reside in /home/.sites/143/site2/
I created the DNS entries and they point to the system's IP address.

the Apache Error log shows: File does not exist: /home/.site/143/site2/web/application/config/config.php

However that is where config.php resides. I checked permissions to make sure they are correct and what I find is:

rwxr-sr-x with the owner apache and the group being site2.

Any ideas on what is going wrong here? I've been running Linux web servers for quite a while now, but this one has me stumped. Thanks!
Directories have the same permissions as the files, drwxr-sr-x.