Steam 2013 Winter sale is here! runs from December 19th to January 2nd.

Anyone got any comments on Dragon Age: Origins?

Seems like a good deal on the Ultimate Edition and it's got something like a 91/100 Metacritic score...

Game is one of my all time favorite games. It hasnt aged amazingly well graphically, but the game play is fantastic as is the story. It has some nice addons in terms of support, it's not an elder scrolls game but the ones it has are useful. Game is an in depth rpg with lots of strategy. You can pause it and scroll out to get an overhead view, playing as both a first person real time rpg and a top down strategy game and everything in between is possible. There's a table on the games subreddit that shows median play time is 51 hours, so the cost is about 10 cents an hour :p

Second one was pretty shitty imo

Also grabbed 3dmark for 3 bucks or so, guy posted it to the video card forums
I missed the Far Cry 3 Daily Deal at $7.49 yesterday...does Steam offer that price again on the last day of the sale ?...or do they ever offer an even cheaper Flash Sale on a game throughout the Holiday sale?

Steam has the habit of repeating the daily deals as flash deals or community choice so just wait plenty of time left.
Anyone got any comments on Dragon Age: Origins?

Seems like a good deal on the Ultimate Edition and it's got something like a 91/100 Metacritic score...

If you like RPGS it's a great game, one of the best rpg games in the past decade.

It's much more focused on the story/characters and dialogue (there's a TON of dialogue).

The game itself is kind of a throwback to the older style of games like Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale games, real time with pause where you can issue orders to your party members, etc.

DA:O was the best in the series, Dragon AGe 2 was a bit of a letdown and there's a new one on the way that's going to be more open world style that's running on the frostbite engine (battlefield engine).
There are also a lot of very small details in text within the DA:Origins game, lots of lore involved in it. I would highly recommend at least trying out the different races to play through the origins of them. For the price it will definitely pay off in the time it takes to play through it just once.

I was going to comment in regards to Dragon Age 2 being a letdown but that would take a lot more text than I expected. I might toss my opinion of it up in the appropriate place later. So yeah, get DA:O if you haven't played it and like lots of story in your games.
Steam has the habit of repeating the daily deals as flash deals or community choice so just wait plenty of time left.

has Steam ever lowered the price of an item during the course of a sale?...for example a Daily Deal at $10 and a Flash Deal a few days later at $8?
has Steam ever lowered the price of an item during the course of a sale?...for example a Daily Deal at $10 and a Flash Deal a few days later at $8?

For the most part Flash Sales = Daily Deals it usually always the same price I will say 90% of the time just by going from the previous sales.

Btw you can always check my previous thread for the previous Summer and Winter sales. I kepted price logs of all community choices, flash sales, daily deals etc.
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Picked up the Witcher 2 & Fallout 3 GOTY on the game side. Grabbed 3DMark for $2.49 on the software side. Plan to make a lot more purchases soon enough :).
Picked up Duck Tales, Machinarium, and Sherlock Holmes. Played them each for 5 minutes then quit. I should just stop buying games.
What are they thinking putting Dark Forces II up for the Community Choice vote? It's already on sale for $3.99. Who in their right mind is going to vote for it to be further reduced by a paltry $0.99 to $3.00? LOL.
What are they thinking putting Dark Forces II up for the Community Choice vote? It's already on sale for $3.99. Who in their right mind is going to vote for it to be further reduced by a paltry $0.99 to $3.00? LOL.

the legion of 10 year olds who troll the Steam forum with all their mighty force and vote for the cheapest crap they can get their hands on :D
Walking Dead for $6.24 sounds nice...heard a lot of good things about the episodes (1-5)
I just finished Antichamber yesterday ... crazy puzzle game if that's your thing. You *will* put your head through your keyboard after you look up a couple youtube solutions when you get stuck.
Walking Dead for $6.24 sounds nice...heard a lot of good things about the episodes (1-5)

I can confirm, as well as many other people I'm sure, that it is an awesome game. Totally worth the money.
Hey got Max Payne 3 for 2 dollars!

Had a couple bucks in my Steam wallet from selling cards :cool:
Been a pretty slow sale for me so far. Only a couple of games I've wanted were on sale, the only one I ended up buying was Space Hulk for $10.

I was considering Bioshock Infinite and then saw they do the season pass shit and decided I can wait.

DLC really destroys my desire to buy games these days. End up waiting even longer until I can get the game + DLC for almost nothing.
I've only picked up Bully (had it on console) and XCOM: Enemy Within (was 50% off). I think I'm finally starting to get some restraint when it comes to PC games since my backlog hasn't gotten any shorter.
Yea the only thing on steam I've gone with is xcom: enemy within. I'm getting sick of the season pass crap so going forward games with them I wait for the 'gold' version (i.e, metro light). I already own bioshock but might get the seaons pass if it drops to $2.
With the past year of Humble Bundle, Amazon and GMG sales, the Steam sales don't have as much power behind them as they used to be. I've bought Monaco for like $2.50 and I believe that's it so far.
how much did the individual episodes cost when they first came out?...$5 each?

If I'm not mistaken, it was priced just like season 2. You paid 1 time and got content in an episodic format every month or so.
If I'm not mistaken, it was priced just like season 2. You paid 1 time and got content in an episodic format every month or so.

Yeah, it was $25 when it was released from memory, though as with season 2 it had frequent sales where you could get it for $20. Episodes came out every 2 months which was way too fucking long, you forget what happened in the previous episode by the time the next one came out. By episode 3 I gave up and just waited for them all to come out before playing any further.
Wow, today's deals are the worst yet I think. Not because of the games, just because of the shitty prices.
Plz vote for Brothers, it's one of the few games I'dlike to buy during this sale.

Though it's up against Chivalry and Fez, which one of will probably win (even though both have been on sale for dirt cheap before).
Plz vote for Brothers, it's one of the few games I'dlike to buy during this sale.

Though it's up against Chivalry and Fez, which one of will probably win (even though both have been on sale for dirt cheap before).

Plz vote for Brothers, it's one of the few games I'dlike to buy during this sale.

Though it's up against Chivalry and Fez, which one of will probably win (even though both have been on sale for dirt cheap before).

Done. Fez was just on sale for $2.50 anyway, and Chivalry is frequently under $7.

I'm usually not one to complain, and I often roll my eyes at the people who do complain about the Steam sales, but I'm feeling very "meh" about this one as well. And this one's supposed to be THE event that we look forward to all year.
Plz vote for Brothers, it's one of the few games I'dlike to buy during this sale.

Though it's up against Chivalry and Fez, which one of will probably win (even though both have been on sale for dirt cheap before).

3rded or 4thded or whatever. Total Biscuit highly recommended this game recently and i've been waiting for a good deal on it. so far 50% off is the lowest it's been so this is a good price.

i see that max payne 3 is $4 for the base game and $7 for the complete. is the complete worth it? seems like it's just mp map packs and character skins. if there's any extra content i'd buy it but not if it's just maps and skins. also wondering about tomb raider dlc as i got just the base game from amazon a bit ago. is that stuff all just skins and maps too?
Everyone do yourself a favor and get Contagion for $3.74

I have played it the last month and it is great to be an early beta.
3rded or 4thded or whatever. Total Biscuit highly recommended this game recently and i've been waiting for a good deal on it. so far 50% off is the lowest it's been so this is a good price.

i see that max payne 3 is $4 for the base game and $7 for the complete. is the complete worth it? seems like it's just mp map packs and character skins. if there's any extra content i'd buy it but not if it's just maps and skins. also wondering about tomb raider dlc as i got just the base game from amazon a bit ago. is that stuff all just skins and maps too?

All MP3 extra stuff is MP only.
Plz vote for Brothers, it's one of the few games I'dlike to buy during this sale.

Though it's up against Chivalry and Fez, which one of will probably win (even though both have been on sale for dirt cheap before).

This. Though I know the general public is too stupid to know what is good for them..