Starfield: Rumored new IP from Bethesda at E3?


Fully [H]
Sep 28, 2007
The rumor seems to have a decent amount of heat on it so better than 50/50 they show "something" at E3 in regards to this long discussed new IP.

Grain of salt for now but this is an interesting concept if it's even remotely accurate along with VR for Skryim and Fallout 4:
I dunno, I'd be up for a new IP - even if it's basically 'Elder Scrolls in Space'.

I just really hope there's a new engine proposed. Their current engine is kinda stiff.

How about a new Elder Scrolls? We're overdue for a new one, already...

Eh. After Oblivion and Skyrim I'd be fine if they took a decade or so off of TES to go back to the drawing board with several elements of the series. They also seriously need a brand new engine before they make another TES game. Gamebryo wasn't up to the task of Morrowind back in 2002, it falls apart when pressed to handle any of Beth's modern games. Even with the updates and alterations made to it, the engine is just too old and not up to the tasks they're asking it to do.
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Eh. After Oblivion and Skyrim I'd be fine if they took a decade or so off of TES to go back to the drawing board with several elements of the series. They also seriously need a brand new engine before they make another TES game. Gamebryo wasn't up to the task of Morrowind back in 2002, it falls apart when pressed to handle any of Beth's modern games. Even with the updates and alterations made to it, the engine is just too old and not up to the tasks they're asking it to do.
TBH frostbite 4 might be a good switch, they've proven that building their own engine doesn't go well. They could take the effort away from working on the engine and put it to making the combat system actually work.
TBH frostbite 4 might be a good switch, they've proven that building their own engine doesn't go well. They could take the effort away from working on the engine and put it to making the combat system actually work.

EA doesn't license Frostbite to outside studios. Plus, that would be a terrible idea. You should read about all the trouble Bioware had with that engine. Frostbite was designed 100% for first person shooters and it falls apart when you try to make it do anything else. Bethesda never built their own engine. The "new" engine they made for Skyrim is a modified version of Gamebryo.
TBH frostbite 4 might be a good switch, they've proven that building their own engine doesn't go well. They could take the effort away from working on the engine and put it to making the combat system actually work.
No please, no, no for the love of all that's holy, frostbite is terrible.