Starfield and Redfall Delayed to first half of 2023


Jun 6, 2014
Was really looking forward to Starfield, but I am okay with this delay.

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I mean, the last few Bethesda games at launch probably could of used a delay. Kind of expected Starfield to be delayed (even though everyone said not a chance) since we have seen nothing on this game minus a trailer that told us nothing about it minus "Yay Space"
Definitely appreciated in an era when studios are still pressured to ship games in the fall. As it stands, I think companies realize that a good blockbuster title will do well whether it's released in November or March; it's just a question of whether the sales are mostly up front (during the holidays) or spread throughout the year.
I mean, the last few Bethesda games at launch probably could of used a delay. Kind of expected Starfield to be delayed (even though everyone said not a chance) since we have seen nothing on this game minus a trailer that told us nothing about it minus "Yay Space"
When was the last time a Bethesda Game Studios game had a good launch? Did they ever have a good launch?
Was looking forward to Stanfield, which I assumed was Fallout in space. But I expected this delay.
I mean, the last few Bethesda games at launch probably could of used a delay. Kind of expected Starfield to be delayed (even though everyone said not a chance) since we have seen nothing on this game minus a trailer that told us nothing about it minus "Yay Space"

They never show anything about their games before launch. Just telling us they were even making Starfield so far in advance is a lot of them. They usually don't even announce the game until it's a few months before the release. Remember what they did for Skyrim or Oblivion before they launched?
I mean, the last few Bethesda games at launch probably could of used a delay. Kind of expected Starfield to be delayed (even though everyone said not a chance) since we have seen nothing on this game minus a trailer that told us nothing about it minus "Yay Space"
I honestly doubt delaying Bethesda games any amount of time would make a 100% functional game. Playing Skyrim's Anniversary Edition now 10 years after Skyrim's original release and there are still hilarious bugs I find almost every time I play.
When was the last time a Bethesda Game Studios game had a good launch? Did they ever have a good launch?
I don't recall having any issues with Fallout 4 the first time I played it with respect to game crashing or anything major. I do agree however that Bethesda games can be unstable at launch, however with the complexity of the games it's kind of expected at this point. Doesn't make me love their games any less.
why are people "OK" with delays?...I keep hearing that from people on forums..."the delay is fine as I'd rather they take as much time as they need to polish the game" people think that the delay means that when the final game is released that it'll be bug free or in excellent condition? Cyberpunk 2077 which was delayed multiple times and still a mess at release?
A delay is just indication of underestimating the time needed for a project., not proof of doing it right. It is not a guarantee that the end product will be flawless.
When was the last time a Bethesda Game Studios game had a good launch? Did they ever have a good launch?
Fallout 4 was OK-ish. But I never expected this game to be bug free. I hope it's at least at the level of Cyberpunk 2077, where it is at least playable.
I bet we're going to get some remakes announced at next month's Microsoft/Bethesda event now. They'll need something to fill in the gap for this year.
I have a feeling of the total count of surprised people, worldwide, is zero or very close to it. Including Bethesda and Arkane employees.

Still might have problems, but go ahead and shine things more. We're fine.
A delay itself is a sign of incompetence, not competence. Yet many nowadays treat it as the latter
Yea it is some level of mismanagement of the project. You certainly aren't going to get the board or investors to okay a delay because "we want to make it better". Only way they would allow it is "it isn't able to be released yet".

But agree with ya, delays are never a good sign.
Yea it is some level of mismanagement of the project. You certainly aren't going to get the board or investors to okay a delay because "we want to make it better". Only way they would allow it is "it isn't able to be released yet".

But agree with ya, delays are never a good sign.
Calling every delay mismanagement is flat out stupid. There are a lot of factors which have many effects on whether something gets done "on time" or not. Many of those factors can be out of the control of the team working on something and even if everything goes perfectly it doesn't mean that a deadline will be met. You're also not taking into consideration that the likelihood of the development team or even the managers of the development team set the deadline is next to zero.

Blanket statements such as yours are pathetic tripe.
Calling every delay mismanagement is flat out stupid. There are a lot of factors which have many effects on whether something gets done "on time" or not. Many of those factors can be out of the control of the team working on something and even if everything goes perfectly it doesn't mean that a deadline will be met. You're also not taking into consideration that the likelihood of the development team or even the managers of the development team set the deadline is next to zero.

Blanket statements such as yours are pathetic tripe.

I get what you are saying but you are also not far from what I said. Project management isn't handled by the devs, i dont fault that team one bit to be honest. It is the project management team which sets deadlines, feature-creeps, direction changes. Usually the project managers directly or indirectly are guided by investors or publishers.

And yes i did make a blanket statement and while i feel i didnt illustrate enough what I was saying, i still stand behind this.
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I personally would rather have Bethesda delay both games unit they get it right out the gate. I can wait.