I just noticed something that made me laugh: 4 Graphics cards, 2 CPUs, 8 sticks of ram and only one hard drive

I love it though. Do you think the water will actually cool the 4th GPU adequately? I'd imagine it would be pretty hot by the time it gets there.
I just noticed something that made me laugh: 4 Graphics cards, 2 CPUs, 8 sticks of ram and only one hard drive

I love it though. Do you think the water will actually cool the 4th GPU adequately? I'd imagine it would be pretty hot by the time it gets there.

Haha what I thought as well. To OP that is a fantastic case mod.. you are building my dream system right there. :)
This project is hands down amazing. I can only dream of doing a project like this some day. Great work! Keep it up!
Thanks to all for the feedback and sorry for the bump but just had to get this sorted :)

Just putting the finishing touches to the new bezel to hold the red Lamptron FC6 fan controllers and will have finished pictures up by the deadline for the Coolermaster Comp on the 15th ;)





All done and time :D













Your work is beyond reproach, really, no argument.

Scroll-saws and files? really? Get a fucking mill man. You can get into a little Sherline or Taig for a fraction of the cost of this build. No, the finished product will not be better. There is no better than perfect. Like I said, this is not a criticism. Just trying to save you time. Time is (almost) everything.
I was crying tears of joy at your phenomenal craftsmanship. Simply AMAZING!

agree with everyone here, very nice. thanks for sharing your log.
i'm curious, all the cutting work to the sheets of aluminium, is that done with a hand saw?
I love your mod so much, I hope you don't mind if I use your idea for your bay cover for my mod.
if he is using a 'deep throat scroll saw'? (think that is the correct name), cutting those panels would have taken some time. if this is indeed the case, i'm more impressed that the cuts were straight.
Yeah no CNC here, after all this is modding right :D - i used a fret saw for the front bezels and all 12 fan grill cut outs on the side panels but had to use a jig-saw for the top panel as it was 7mm thick aluminium and even the jig-saw struggled through that so no chance with a fret saw.

I did however resort to laser cutting for the SR-2 logo on the front bezel but that was the only time i did :eek:

BTW, thanks for all that took the time out to vote
Best Modder of Tower Mod Category
ATCs 840 STACKER (by coolmiester)
Total scores: 78.44 (CM judges: 53.77 + Public vote: 24.67)

Coolermaster 2011 Case Mod Competition

WOW, 1st place in the Tower Mod Category is absolutely fantastic news considering the standard of entry this year.

Anyway, a massive thanks to everyone who followed this mod from start to finish and took the time out to leave feedback and vote and of coarse Coolermaster for again delivering one of the best mod competition in the world...........i’m seriously honoured to have won.

Party On:D
Best Modder of Tower Mod Category
ATCs 840 STACKER (by coolmiester)
Total scores: 78.44 (CM judges: 53.77 + Public vote: 24.67)

Coolermaster 2011 Case Mod Competition

WOW, 1st place in the Tower Mod Category is absolutely fantastic news considering the standard of entry this year.

Anyway, a massive thanks to everyone who followed this mod from start to finish and took the time out to leave feedback and vote and of coarse Coolermaster for again delivering one of the best mod competition in the world...........i’m seriously honoured to have won.

Party On:D

:D Congrats!!! And you're welcome :) ;)
Great!! Congrats on the win. It really was the clear choice. The workmanship on that mod is amazing.
Being a classically trained silver smith and black smith I do have to say you go beyond a case my friend this is simply a piece of artistry! Jewelers saws come in soo very handy don't they :D

And congrats on the win, well deserved.