Squaresoft store Tokyo Japan...


Jun 9, 2004
Why is this in the console section? This post is here because I nearly dropped my jaw watching upcoming games coming from sqauresoft for various consoles.

I saw videos on Kingdom Hearts 358/2, Birth by sleep, Final Fantasy 13, Final Fantasy vs 13.

All I can say is I WANT. Oddly the FF13 and vs 13 were listed as For PS3 only. Doesn't matter much to me as I have it too.

They've really upped the ante for trailers honestly. You'd think you were watching a movie. Too bad I was forbidden to take pictures and mpeg of the TV screen. Can take pictures of anything else. Saw Vincent's costume from dirge of cerbereus and a Sephiroth under the glass floor like him swimming in materia. Prices were ridiculous though, $70 for a t-shirt or hat. Gotta be kidding me. Various popular recent squaresoft stuff was around including jewelry and chocobos as well as DragonQuest slime.

I think most of the trailers were displayed at Tokyo Game show 07 but to see them in person at this "shrine" of squaresoft (which is only open on weekends) left me with one hell of a this had better come out by x-mas or I will be pissed. Vs looked awesome, one scene in particular had me going WTF as a girl and a guy crossed the street like they were lost loves only to discover they had powers behind them so they brought out the swords KH appear in hand style and were about to duke it out. Another had this guy walking against an army up some steps and deflecting the bullets with some phantom glass shards or something. He summoned something of a spell that surrounded his opponent with swords... it was a lot to take in in 15 mins... so much eye candy...

Also, that Lightning heroine of FF13 looks amazing in more of the clips I saw. (I think that's what the video mentioned of the strawberry champagne haired girl of FF13) She kicks ass, is mentioned to be the one to destroy the world (or at least the order of things) Some of it was in english, but a lot of the comments were in japanese. Sweet.

If you are into gaming and squaresoft has been a part of your life all these years, you MUST make a pilgrimage to this store near Shinjuku in Tokyo Japan. Heck just come out here because it is a gamer's DUTY to visit the origin of imagination gone wild.

End rant, back in good ol North America and my trustworthy V8 Chevy in 24 hours...
I hate you and the fact that you went to Tokyo.
I haven't been back to my asian country in 10 years...