Space Marine Demo Aug 23rd


Supreme [H]ardness
May 10, 2010
Too bad I'll be playing Deus Ex on that day, but I'll have to check out the demo at some point.
Too bad I'll be playing Deus Ex on that day, but I'll have to check out the demo at some point.

That's the only negative :p

But I'm going to try to sign up for honor guard, and hopefully get to play it on the 22nd.
I'll probably check this out the 23rd, was planning on waiting until this title got cheaper to buy but I might go for it sooner if the demo turns out to be good.
glad these games are coming out before I leave, will give me plenty of entertainment in a time of many hours of nothing...
I just have no clue why they are comparing the Melta gun to a shotgun, it's a beam weapon. Or should be...
Melta guns have always been the close-range high-damage weapons in the Dawn of War games, so the real life analogue would be a shotgun.
Melta guns have always been the close-range high-damage weapons in the Dawn of War games, so the real life analogue would be a shotgun.

Hmm, I thought multi meltas and meltas were an anti armor anti tank beam weapon. At least on the SM side.
Hmm, I thought multi meltas and meltas were an anti armor anti tank beam weapon. At least on the SM side.

They are close range weapons, but yes, they are normally for heavily armored targets like tanks, but they will also vaporize pretty much anything they hit within their effective range :D
Like an actual demo ? For the PC? *passes out from shock*
pretty much. (what it has come to anyway) Looking forward to this release. I think the devs know that they got a pretty kickass game on their hands and are excited to get it out as much as we are to play it.
Demo is out now if you pre-ordered.

Check it out, game is amazing.
Well to put it simply it's an action game that combines ranged and melee combat, and it works incredibly well. Every weapon feels great to use. Left mouse button is to shoot your gun and right button is for melee. Melee has some basic combos, you can mix in "stun" attacks which dazes enemies allowing you to execute them for an instant kill. There are about 5 different melee weapons each with different attacks (only 2 in the demo though). Combat involves you versus dozens of enemies at once.

Health system is similar to Halo, you have a shield that regenerates quickly and a pool of health. The only way to regain health is by executing enemies.

So the game, even on Hard difficulty encourages you to keep fighting rather than go hide behind cover. What I also liked is that unlike many other action games, enemies actually mob you and attack you at the same time. Even while performing execution moves they will keep attacking you so there's definitely a bit of depth to the combat, not all about mashing a button.

Demo has two areas, one which is pretty straightforward and has you obliterating a shitload of Orks, and the second gives you a Jet Pack :)

Really glad I pre-ordered, the demo was fantastic.

fake edit: it also performs extremely well (80+ fps on a 6950 and X3 720) and doesn't feel like a port at all.

video probably explains it better than words:
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I really don't like the regenerating shields, very lore unfriendly, other then that I have high hopes.
I really don't like the regenerating shields, very lore unfriendly, other then that I have high hopes.

Looks pretty good. I'm not going to rush out and buy it but when I get some of my backlog taken care of I might.
Well to put it simply it's an action game that combines ranged and melee combat, and it works incredibly well. Every weapon feels great to use. Left mouse button is to shoot your gun and right button is for melee. Melee has some basic combos, you can mix in "stun" attacks which dazes enemies allowing you to execute them for an instant kill. There are about 5 different melee weapons each with different attacks (only 2 in the demo though). Combat involves you versus dozens of enemies at once.

Health system is similar to Halo, you have a shield that regenerates quickly and a pool of health. The only way to regain health is by executing enemies.

So the game, even on Hard difficulty encourages you to keep fighting rather than go hide behind cover. What I also liked is that unlike many other action games, enemies actually mob you and attack you at the same time. Even while performing execution moves they will keep attacking you so there's definitely a bit of depth to the combat, not all about mashing a button.

Demo has two areas, one which is pretty straightforward and has you obliterating a shitload of Orks, and the second gives you a Jet Pack :)

Really glad I pre-ordered, the demo was fantastic.

fake edit: it also performs extremely well (80+ fps on a 6950 and X3 720) and doesn't feel like a port at all.

video probably explains it better than words:

YES! Thanks for the vid. I knew that Relic wouldn't let us PC gamers down....:)
Just played the demo due to my pre-order. From just the two levels that are included in the demo, I can already tell I am going to love this game!

The jump pack level really brought to life what I expected a Space Marine would be.
Jump pack level:

I had seen several people describe the game as "Darksiders with Warhammer trappings" and that video more or less seems to jive with that as far as I can tell. That's not a bad thing per se. I like what I see.

Hmm, not so sure I agree. I really didn't like the combat in Darksiders and this feels completely different. Then again they do use the same engine so similarities are probably there, visually at least.
I had seen several people describe the game as "Darksiders with Warhammer trappings" and that video more or less seems to jive with that as far as I can tell. That's not a bad thing per se. I like what I see.

It doesn't look terribly Darksider-ish to me. I sure hope its more complicated combat wise than Darksiders, personally I got bored of the Darksiders combat after a few hours, the combat system was just too simplistic. It was the overall package of the game that made me enjoy it where as it looks like Space Marine is going to lean more heavily on its combat system, so I hope its more interesting.

I guess I'll find out in a couple of days when they release the demo to us peasants who haven't preordered yet!
Darksiders was much more Zelda. Space Marines looks to focus on hardcore action instead of puzzles.
It doesn't look terribly Darksider-ish to me. I sure hope its more complicated combat wise than Darksiders, personally I got bored of the Darksiders combat after a few hours, the combat system was just too simplistic. It was the overall package of the game that made me enjoy it where as it looks like Space Marine is going to lean more heavily on its combat system, so I hope its more interesting.

I guess I'll find out in a couple of days when they release the demo to us peasants who haven't preordered yet!

It looks good. I'm eager to try out the demo myself. :)

Darksiders was much more Zelda. Space Marines looks to focus on hardcore action instead of puzzles.

Good to know.
Well to put it simply it's an action game that combines ranged and melee combat, and it works incredibly well. Every weapon feels great to use. Left mouse button is to shoot your gun and right button is for melee. Melee has some basic combos, you can mix in "stun" attacks which dazes enemies allowing you to execute them for an instant kill. There are about 5 different melee weapons each with different attacks (only 2 in the demo though). Combat involves you versus dozens of enemies at once.

Health system is similar to Halo, you have a shield that regenerates quickly and a pool of health. The only way to regain health is by executing enemies.

So the game, even on Hard difficulty encourages you to keep fighting rather than go hide behind cover. What I also liked is that unlike many other action games, enemies actually mob you and attack you at the same time. Even while performing execution moves they will keep attacking you so there's definitely a bit of depth to the combat, not all about mashing a button.

Demo has two areas, one which is pretty straightforward and has you obliterating a shitload of Orks, and the second gives you a Jet Pack :)

Really glad I pre-ordered, the demo was fantastic.

fake edit: it also performs extremely well (80+ fps on a 6950 and X3 720) and doesn't feel like a port at all.

video probably explains it better than words:

The gameplay looks badass. I thought maybe the Orks would be a bit tougher for a Space Marine to bring down (though I'm no expert on 40k lore), because in past DoW games Orks were usually pretty resilient, especially the higher Orks (Nobs, Warboss, etc.). Either way, this game will be a purchase for me. :cool:
A captain in the Space Marines would be able to mow down hundreds to thousands of orks himself, as long as he wasn't swarmed by nobs + warboss.
AceCR42 - you made that shit look good as hell bro!

Looking forward to the 23rd. Absolutely smashing! :)
I cant stop watching Ace's vids over and over and over :). This shit is so fucking pro! I wonder if they know they've created a masterpiece?
I wonder if they know they've created a masterpiece?

I'm fairly confident they know they have a great games on their hands. From all the dev interviews and wanting to push a demo out you get the vibe from Relic they really cared about this game and are really happy with it.

I've played the demo 4 times so far and really like it and can not wait till release, this was one of the few games I actually am buying at release(technically I already bought it by preordering it the day it went up for preorder on Steam lol)., I rarely do that now.
I hear ya, I know they've made outstanding previos titles. Im not a rts player so I've never really played any ot them. My buddy used to play a lot of DoW a while ago. I remember hearing 'yes my lord' a lot lol.
wow, I never even heard of Darksiders before. Just read a little about and watched some of that. Seems pretty cool. You can def. tell the resemblance, Space Marine seems much much more refined though and completely original ip. I Iike the idea of a giant genetically modified horse complete with his own battle armour and a rider and a twenty foot pike, tearing up a sea of green :cool: Knight Crusader style