Sony Sending Out Trial PlayStation VR Units to Select Plus Members


Aug 20, 2006
Sony is trying at least one new way to get more people into PlayStation VR: giving select PlayStation Plus members the chance to try it out for free. It's too late to get in on the promotion now, but some gamers received an email yesterday prompting them to try the platform for 14 days using a unique code in their email.

This is a great way for Sony to put the peripheral in the hands of more people without having to resort to having the things out in public (which, considering how little I trust demo kits to be sanitary, I would never use). I do wonder, though, how many people will get what they want out of VR right now within those two weeks. It's more than enough time to get through Resident Evil 7 in VR, for example, and if that was the most enticing thing about PSVR for you and you got into this promotion, it might kill your enthusiasm to purchase one.
I thought you need to use two 1080 Ti's to do decent VR? How can a PS do it ?
I thought you need to use two 1080 Ti's to do decent VR? How can a PS do it ?

A 1070 can do decent VR. As for the PS4, it targets 60fps vs 90+ for PC and the resolution is only 1080x900 per eye instead of 1080x1200 per eye for the Rift and Vive. On top of that, PSVR games run at fairly low settings in order to maintain the frame rate.
I got one of these invites to try PS VR yesterday and decided to try it out. I also did VR just fine with a 970 when I got an Oculus Rift last summer.
I got an email too, but decided to pass on it as I rarely even play my PS4 much anymore.
As a PSVR first gen owner, yes it's not the 3k$ PC VR, but d... it's done well for a console.
I played DOOM VFR this weekend using the AIM controller (not sure about the name... it came with Farpoint) and it's really nice.

Maybe I'm lucky enough to not feel the screen door effect (while my friend gets sick using my settings) but it's really addictive !
fyi, I remove all move lock when I use the VR since I think having those nerf the experience, the point to teleport only adds to tactical move, it's crazy in Doom !

On the other hand, I'm really pissed at SONY for the lack of HDR on the first gen. and the fact that you can't use second gen controller with the headset. (I wish I could upgrade... I need to swap HDMI to get 4K HDR to work when not using PSVR).
I got the email and since I was already considering buying it went ahead and opted for the trial. I have started and put on the back burner RE7 just because I feel it’ll be so much more in VR.

Plus, it’s honestly a great deal. Second gen headset, move controllers, camera for $299. I can’t find any other deals online for that low of a price with that amount of hardware. $299 can get you the headset camera and a game though.
While I am not a console VR player here, that seems like an awesome deal.
I had a rift and returned it as I could not wear glasses in it. While actually using it I did not think the Rift was a whole lot better. PSVR is the best platform for buck and maybe Sony's engineering department is a wee bit better than Rift or Vive....
I had a rift and returned it as I could not wear glasses in it. While actually using it I did not think the Rift was a whole lot better. PSVR is the best platform for buck and maybe Sony's engineering department is a wee bit better than Rift or Vive....
Should of just ordered the prescription lenses for it. $99. I love it.
I don't buy extra stuff because a company fails to support the 63 percent of people who wear glasses. They just lost me as a customer I don't play that game..
I don't buy extra stuff because a company fails to support the 63 percent of people who wear glasses. They just lost me as a customer I don't play that game..
They worked perfect on my glasses. Not sure what you had.
I don't know if I got a different version of headset or what, I had a really small pair of glasses and there was NO way I could fit those glasses in...