Some hot deals on crumpler camera bags.


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 9, 2003
These are top notch bags that are different than most camera bags. I have a 4 million dollar home and 7 million dollar home, and like them a lot. They are hard to find discounted by much. The browm/green color stays pretty presentable if you find yourself dragging your gear through dusty dirty conditions.

7 million dollar home $80 instead of $110.

6 million dollar home is $65 instead of the usual 95.

5 million is $45 instead of the usual $75-80.

the 4, 3 , and 2 million are on sale, but are only like $5-9 off, and easier to find discounted, so not so hot a deal.
Doesn't look like they have much padding, or waterproofing. What would persuade me to buy that over a similarly priced Pelican case?
They are very good bags, they do have plenty of padding, and they are for a totally different use than the pelican hard cases. If you are honestly asking that question, you have no idea what your needs are.

The Crumpler quality is outstanding, I have a few bags from them including a backpack that gets daily use and they all hold up very well and have great designs.
No.. my needs are protecting equipment. That bag doesn't look like it would be up to the task if someone kicked it, or if it got dropped in a body of water. Plus it's ugly as hell.
I think it's built for looks, not safety/durability.

When it comes to taking care of my $2k+ of stuff, I'm sticking with my Pelican.
I have heard good things about these. I wish they had a wider range of colors. The purple and red ones look like a purse.
I have a Crumpler 6 million dollar home and love it. It's great for us since we don't kick our camera bags and test their flotation ability. ;)

The quality is top notch, fits our SLR and HD video camera just fine. I would buy another one.
No.. my needs are protecting equipment. That bag doesn't look like it would be up to the task if someone kicked it, or if it got dropped in a body of water. Plus it's ugly as hell.

That is what I am talking about :rolleyes:

Complete different uses. You probably would REALLY hate the Think Tank modular sets, they have almost no padding....they are made for a different purpose though. Good Camera gear itself is made to withstand some harsh use, you do not need pelican like protection for most situations. The only stuff that is not as protected are the cheaper consumer entry SLR stuff and most of it is cheaper anyways for replacement if need be.

You also bash the crumplers and have obviously never used one, they actually provide a lot of protection compared to most soft sided camera bags. Most bags do not withstand kicking or large drops, that does not make them bad at all, some of us arent dumb asses with our stuff for a daily use bag. and for reference, I have hard cases, backpacks, soft cases, and even quick shooter bags for my gear. All have different purposes. The crumplers have outstanding build quality and a fair amount of protection when setup properly, I find they are my most used bags.

Now, everyone has their own needs, and the Crumplers are not for everyone. But dont come in saying they suck for protection when they absolutely do not.
Just so you know I stuff $5000+ into a 7 million dollar home between various combination of lenses and camera bodies and have never had any problems with it. Its a great bag to get around in, in the rain I haven't had a problem either. Now if you threw it into a body of water that's a different story.

Also I have stuffed this bag with equipment into overhead bins stuffed with other suitcases and nothing has broke. And Yes I have dropped it before from standing height and nothing broken. Its been knocked off of tables and nothing. Its meant to lug your equipment around for easy shooting and getting at everything while offering some protection. Will it serve as a soccer ball...I doubt it.
Doesn't look like they have much padding, or waterproofing. What would persuade me to buy that over a similarly priced Pelican case?

Um... Pelican cases aren't very handy for slinging over your shoulder and doing some shooting on the streets or the local ballpark..
argh, waited too long, all the links are showing out of stock for me :(

I had been thinking about this today. I use a Slingshot 200 which I love, but I had been thinking about getting a shoulder-type bag since if I am packing light, I can't carry a backpack together with the slingshot (not easily or comfortably anyway).
argh, waited too long, all the links are showing out of stock for me :(

I had been thinking about this today. I use a Slingshot 200 which I love, but I had been thinking about getting a shoulder-type bag since if I am packing light, I can't carry a backpack together with the slingshot (not easily or comfortably anyway).

Same situation here I think I'll stick with my slingshot 200 though, it was like $80 at costco, or maybe less. It has the nice feature of rotating it in front of you to remove the camer and the weather resistant shield as well as additional security straps which I use for hiking or riding.
damn it, I missed it. I have the 3 and 4 million dollar homes and each of them gets equal amount of usage depending on what i need it for. If I'm just going to the park in the daytime, the $3m is fine, for birthdays I would carry the $4m to hold my flash, and extra batteries and my 2.5 external drive. I wanted the 5 or 6 to carry all my gear plus some that i might get in the future.

The reason why i like the crumplers is because they don't scream "camera gear, please steal me" I took a chance and bought it for that very reason and found that it was more durable and padded than the Lowepro Topload zoom that it replaced. i see people carry their camera in a metal briefcase with locks that only holds their camera which looks like a pain in the ass to carry around.
Wow, such venom over something as simple as a bag.

If you are shipping gear, usa an ATA approved case. If you want to actually carry it around and access it, use a properly designed bag. IF you want to drop $5k on gear and stick it ina $300 plastic box that is about $200 too expensive then stare at it and tell yourself you own the best gear ever, I'm sure I can find you a beter camera and a better box as long as you are willing to cough up a fee to me to be your personal shopper.

It was a good product on sale, not a sales pitch. You don't like, don't buy.