SOAP request help.


Fully [H]
Jul 12, 2007
Alright, i'm lost on this crap. Usually this stuff just works by importing the WSDL into visual studio but it is NOT working at all and I need to get this working. I hate trying to write an entire SOAP/XML string to send with a http request. I HATE IT....I can't figure it out.

Trying to use this Oracle web service and trying to figure out how to do it. Attributes for the payload are here:

I think I only need to supply:
DynamicInsertion:No or not needed (not sure which)
LedgerName: I have the name
Segment1, Segment2, Segment3, Segment4, Segment5, Segment6

I dont think I need anything else to get what I need...At least that is what Ernst and Young are telling me. I can't get any help from Oracle as to why their shit doesn't work by importing the WSDL. Their examples don't even work in visual studio either. Anyone able to help me out with this?

this is as far as I got <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="http ://" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

the credentials are added to the header.
What language are you using? Visual Basic? I've done a lot of POST/GET request stuff with Python and the requests libaray, which is very straight forward to learn and works quite well.
Yeah, what is the plan and what are you using? I wrote a little c# code to generate soap requests, don't know if it has everything you'd need as it was pretty specific to one interface.
If you tell me the exact requirements, what you're trying to do and all the information you have regarding the project, I can whip together a working prototype for you. I never mind coding practice.