So the 5870 was a "soft" launch not really for sale yet ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
So we get the official preview of the brand new AMD 5870 today, and no one can actually buy one now ? Is that called a "soft" launch ? Sure newegg and zzf had them up for sale at midnight on a weeknight, and they were all gone in like an hour, to me that means very very limited stock. I mean how many hardcore people shop at midnight on a weeknight for a product and have it sell out immediately ?

I checked the B+M stores like BestBuy, TigerDirect, and Fry's around Chicago, and no one has them, and the sales people have no clue when I ask them about it.
Yeah it's pretty disappointing. Had one in my cart 4 times and of course they all sold out before i could hit submit. Hopefully more come around at some point today, but I am starting to doubt it.
I don't know if I would call it a soft launch. I think the demand is just that high.

I can see it selling it out all over in a day or two, but in one hour at midnight on a weeknight :rolleyes: Come on how many hardcore gamers are shelling out $400 at the time of day. To me that means a very limited supply.

I also had the Asus 5870 in my cart, I needed to log into my newegg account, and when I clicked buy, it said that product is no longer available.
Wait for the XFX one anyway. Only one I go for on there was the ASUS anyway.
I will swing by Fry's again this afternoon, I hope they have them available ? And what about TigerDirect, I thought they were a hardcore site, they don't have any for sale yet ?
According to Kyle Bennett, some OEM supposedly has a 1-week exclusive deal for these 5870s. They will be available in much larger quantities on October 1st.

This corroborates with earlier rumors that Dell was buying up a bunch of 5870s and that only about 10% of the 5870s would be sold in retail.
It WAS for sale..I saw two 5870 models in stock at newegg...had I wanted, I COULD have pulled the trigger :p WHich of course I wouldn't since I'd be CPU limited anyway and already have a 4890 anyway, but I WAS a tad tempted :p.

Ten minutes later though it was out of stock.
Microcenter doesn't have them listed and in the case of most other launches, they've had a product page up at midnight when the NDA expires.
I'm tempted to drop in on my way home and look, but then again, I'm not 100% sold after seeing the reviews.
I can see it selling it out all over in a day or two, but in one hour at midnight on a weeknight :rolleyes: Come on how many hardcore gamers are shelling out $400 at the time of day. To me that means a very limited supply.

I also had the Asus 5870 in my cart, I needed to log into my newegg account, and when I clicked buy, it said that product is no longer available.

OK, I might call it a soft launch. It wasn't quite a paper launch, but it totally wasn't [H]ard. Still, I had my credit card out, and it sounds like you did too. Based on the "I got one" threads, it seems like quite a few people were willing to shell out $400 last night.
OK, I might call it a soft launch. It wasn't quite a paper launch, but it totally wasn't [H]ard. Still, I had my credit card out, and it sounds like you did too. Based on the "I got one" threads, it seems like quite a few people were willing to shell out $400 last night.

I was willing to! Then again I might be a somewhat unique case because I just had all of the parts for a new PC arrive on Monday, sans video card, so I don't have the dilemma a lot of people are having on whether the upgrade is worth it or not.
They're up on Tigerdirect now for "pre-order". Started checkout and it told me expected delivery date is in February 2010!!!!!

Hope that's a glitch, but either way i won't waste my time ordering from them at this point.
So we get the official preview of the brand new AMD 5870 today, and no one can actually buy one now ? Is that called a "soft" launch ? Sure newegg and zzf had them up for sale at midnight on a weeknight, and they were all gone in like an hour, to me that means very very limited stock. I mean how many hardcore people shop at midnight on a weeknight for a product and have it sell out immediately ?

I checked the B+M stores like BestBuy, TigerDirect, and Fry's around Chicago, and no one has them, and the sales people have no clue when I ask them about it.

didn't most of them go OOS in under a minute?
Also, aren't prices a tad high? I thought that these were supposed to retail around the $350 mark. I'm assuming that retailers took advantage of the limited stock and high demand.
Why not just wait until Oct. 1st if supply is artificially constrained until then?
Ordered off ncix, hopefully will arrive tomorrow
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
From what ive been told, these cards are extremely limited in quantity due to the fact that the yields still aren't that great and AMD doesnt have nearly the amount of cards they'd like to have for a successful launch.
It was a good launch I had multiple opportunities at different times to purchase one.. :)
Hmm... limited supply, many people ready to pay $400 for the 5870... yea I wouldn't be surprised if the price of this card is $100+ more come launch date or shortly after.
yes, 5870 is here, and it is a hard launch, I have one on its way to me.

it looks like some people just can't get over themselves of the fact their 280/285 are outdated.
I paid around the same price for my X2 last year but for me this is a better deal than last year, too bad that I can't spend my money like I used to spend it before anymore..
Great launch IMO, I had several options to choose from as well. NCIXUS still has a few Powercolor and XFX (20 XFX still in stock).
Is ncixusa any good or is it one of those places you order from only to find out 3 days from now they are out of stock?
I ordered after work at 2 am from Ncix, when the stock said 20 (their US and cdn sites reference the same wharehouse). I just spoke with customer service and they said that they had 60 orders in 6 hrs, and couldn't confirm whether I was allocated one of those. He said within the week they will have 100 more, and the web site now says ETA is the 25th, so 2 days.
As for the kind of company they are, when I ordered an Intel SSD on the 11th the wharehouse showed one in stock, of course that was an error, so I called 8 hrs after ordering and had my $ within 2 mins of cancelling my order. I'm in Canada, and have had good luck with them, they were/are our Newegg for quite awhile. My W3520 came from there and some US friends on the forums had no issues when getting the same batch.
Good luck for those still looking, remember this is only my experience with them and it's from a Cdn perspective, research some more if your concerned.

Edit: Now on the cdn site there is some price confusion, I bought mine at $429 and that was good until 9/29/09 or stock ran out, it's now showing $500 on the product page, the US is still tracking at $387 but is in backorder status as well.
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I ordered from their US site around 11:30, here's hoping I actually get it lol. Hate those sites that let you order when it's out of stock.
It wasn't so much a soft launch as much as only 10% of them released made it to companies like newegg. The rest were bought by OEMs like Dell.
just spoke with ncix and apparently I'm either 20 or 21 of the 20 initial xfx cards :rolleyes:

the guy said the powercolors are still available
just spoke with ncix and apparently I'm either 20 or 21 of the 20 initial xfx cards :rolleyes:

the guy said the powercolors are still available
Just curious, what time did you order (and what time zone)? I wonder if I should give them a ring as well.
So we get the official preview of the brand new AMD 5870 today, and no one can actually buy one now ? Is that called a "soft" launch ? Sure newegg and zzf had them up for sale at midnight on a weeknight, and they were all gone in like an hour, to me that means very very limited stock. I mean how many hardcore people shop at midnight on a weeknight for a product and have it sell out immediately ?

I checked the B+M stores like BestBuy, TigerDirect, and Fry's around Chicago, and no one has them, and the sales people have no clue when I ask them about it.

I saw them available to purchase online long before midnight CST, so I'd assume that vendors jumped the gun on selling them.

Add to that (somewhat) limited supply and that led to little (if any) available at Midnight.
It looks like there was a decent number of them available, and if more are expected within a couple days then things seem to be going along quite well. Guessing the OOS is only going to last a week max which isn't bad.