so many games just close to desktop


Dec 13, 2020
Nearly every game I play just closes and goes back to desktop sometimes even in just the menu. This was happening on my 3080 ti for weeks and now on a 4080 and with different drivers. The pc benchmarks fine and system memory tested fine if that matters.

I do not know if this will help but here is the event viewer info for RE Village that just happened.

- <System>

<Provider Name="Application Error" Guid="{a0e9b465-b939-57d7-b27d-95d8e925ff57}" />







<TimeCreated SystemTime="2023-03-07T04:22:47.0348337Z" />


<Correlation />

<Execution ProcessID="20408" ThreadID="12580" />



<Security UserID="S-1-5-21-926250418-691374484-4250714242-1001" />


- <EventData>

<Data Name="AppName">re8.exe</Data>

<Data Name="AppVersion"></Data>

<Data Name="AppTimeStamp">6384906c</Data>

<Data Name="ModuleName">re8.exe</Data>

<Data Name="ModuleVersion"></Data>

<Data Name="ModuleTimeStamp">6384906c</Data>

<Data Name="ExceptionCode">c0000005</Data>

<Data Name="FaultingOffset">0000000000b6fbda</Data>

<Data Name="ProcessId">0x4b78</Data>

<Data Name="ProcessCreationTime">0x1d950ab9f896eb1</Data>

<Data Name="AppPath">D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Resident Evil Village BIOHAZARD VILLAGE\re8.exe</Data>

<Data Name="ModulePath">D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Resident Evil Village BIOHAZARD VILLAGE\re8.exe</Data>

<Data Name="IntegratorReportId">9a0eb82e-e2ae-499d-b9ec-4e843d2caf32</Data>

<Data Name="PackageFullName" />

<Data Name="PackageRelativeAppId" />


This might sound crazy but try using a different mouse and keyboard and uninstall any of their software. I had an issue with Razor devices back when DOOM came out, it kept crashing, turns out it was the Mouse / Keyboard software that was causing it.
I am not using any mouse or keyboard software. I tried running RE Village even without Afterburner and this time the game froze up after a few minutes and I had to control alt delete to get out and it got the official RE crash report window. With Metro Exodus and The Callisto Protocol I usually get the crash report window too.
you always blame the games but it looks like you're finally realizing that it's your you always say to everyone else: Google it and do your own research
you always blame the games but it looks like you're finally realizing that it's your system
This is something that started a few weeks ago on this new pc. The previous pc had no issues at all. None of the issues I mentioned in the past had anything to do with my pc and were reproducible on other setups. Lets save the arguing for another thread though please.
The full capcom crash report if it helps...

[Steam Install Folder]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
2023/03/07 05:16 <DIR> 0 .
2023/03/06 06:41 <DIR> 0 ..
2023/03/07 04:15 0 .crash
2023/03/07 05:15 <DIR> 0 appcache
2023/02/17 07:35 <DIR> 0 bin
2023/02/13 05:10 <DIR> 0 clientui
2023/03/07 04:37 <DIR> 0 config
2023/02/13 05:10 <DIR> 0 controller_base
2023/02/14 00:53 379240 crashhandler.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2023/02/10 02:44 379240 crashhandler.dll.old (v7.83.43.90)
2023/02/14 00:53 484712 crashhandler64.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2017/06/20 06:38 124440 CSERHelper.dll (v4.50.0.0)
2012/08/21 09:26 3231696 d3dcompiler_46.dll (v9.30.960.9200)
2012/10/26 04:34 3873264 d3dcompiler_46_64.dll (v9.30.9200.20546)
2023/03/07 04:27 <DIR> 0 depotcache
2023/01/26 08:55 <DIR> 0 dumps
2022/11/18 20:19 718 fossilize_engine_filters.json
2023/02/13 05:10 <DIR> 0 friends
2023/02/14 00:53 1193320 GameOverlayRenderer.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2023/03/07 05:28 0 GameOverlayRenderer.log
2023/02/14 00:53 1414504 GameOverlayRenderer64.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2023/02/14 00:53 388968 GameOverlayUI.exe (v7.84.3.25)
2023/01/19 10:53 5587 GameOverlayUI.exe.log
2021/09/09 05:53 2579656 GfnRuntimeSdk.dll (v1.7.3039.5783)
2023/02/13 05:10 <DIR> 0 graphics
2016/09/01 01:02 1563936 icui18n.dll
2016/09/01 01:02 1195296 icuuc.dll
2022/12/07 17:30 4417896 libavcodec-58.dll
2022/12/07 17:30 1245032 libavformat-58.dll
2022/12/07 17:30 592232 libavresample-4.dll
2022/12/07 17:30 1294184 libavutil-56.dll
2021/04/09 02:54 577024 libfreetype-6.dll (v2.10.4.0)
2021/04/09 02:54 1105920 libharfbuzz-0.dll
2022/12/07 17:30 1044840 libswscale-5.dll
2023/01/19 09:18 875520 libx264-142.dll (v0.142.0.0)
2015/03/26 21:56 875552 libx264-142.dll.crypt
2015/03/26 21:56 32 libx264-142.dll.md5
2023/03/07 04:15 <DIR> 0 logs
2023/01/19 09:16 <DIR> 0 music
2016/07/04 22:17 266560 openvr_api.dll
2023/03/07 04:15 <DIR> 0 package
2023/02/13 05:10 <DIR> 0 public
2023/02/17 07:35 <DIR> 0 resource
2023/01/31 01:41 1267560 SDL3.dll (v3.0.0.0)
2023/01/06 05:19 1693696 SDL3_ttf.dll (v3.0.0.0)
2023/02/13 05:10 <DIR> 0 servers
2023/01/19 09:16 2048 ssfn2201415802992408343
2023/01/21 09:39 2048 ssfn64623852917568863
2023/01/19 09:10 <DIR> 0 steam
2023/02/14 00:53 504680 Steam.dll
2023/02/14 00:53 4253032 steam.exe (v7.84.3.25)
2023/02/10 02:44 4253032 steam.exe.old (v7.83.43.90)
2023/02/14 01:00 3981 steam.signatures
2014/02/14 02:04 2882984 Steam2.dll (v2.0.2117.156)
2023/03/07 04:15 <DIR> 0 steamapps
2023/02/14 00:53 19018088 steamclient.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2023/02/14 00:53 22342352 steamclient64.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2023/02/14 00:53 573800 steamerrorreporter.exe (v7.84.3.25)
2023/02/14 00:53 657256 steamerrorreporter64.exe (v7.84.3.25)
2022/07/13 12:18 694 SteamFossilizeVulkanLayer.json
2022/07/13 12:08 696 SteamFossilizeVulkanLayer64.json
2023/02/14 00:53 182120 SteamOverlayVulkanLayer.dll
2022/07/13 12:09 482 SteamOverlayVulkanLayer.json
2023/02/14 00:53 219496 SteamOverlayVulkanLayer64.dll
2022/07/13 12:09 484 SteamOverlayVulkanLayer64.json
2023/02/13 05:10 <DIR> 0 steamui
2023/02/14 00:53 13593448 SteamUI.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2021/07/01 00:44 4765416 steamwebrtc.dll
2021/07/01 00:44 13031144 steamwebrtc64.dll
2023/02/14 00:53 9306472 streaming_client.exe (v7.84.3.25)
2023/01/19 09:10 <DIR> 0 tenfoot
2013/12/24 18:41 405 ThirdPartyLegalNotices.css
2013/12/17 00:27 25088 ThirdPartyLegalNotices.doc
2019/05/06 19:37 202978 ThirdPartyLegalNotices.html
2023/02/14 00:53 345448 tier0_s.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2023/02/14 00:53 398184 tier0_s64.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2022/03/22 02:30 143104 uninstall.exe (v2.10.91.91)
2023/03/07 04:15 894 update_hosts_cached.vdf
2023/01/19 09:16 <DIR> 0 userdata
2016/09/01 01:02 4969248 v8.dll
2023/02/14 00:53 3716456 video.dll
2023/02/14 00:53 491368 VkLayer_steam_fossilize.dll
2023/02/14 00:53 589672 VkLayer_steam_fossilize64.dll
2023/02/14 00:53 542568 vstdlib_s.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2023/02/14 00:53 708968 vstdlib_s64.dll (v7.84.3.25)
2012/01/13 18:20 284456 WriteMiniDump.exe (v1.0.1255.558)
2020/12/04 21:09 103424 zlib1.dll (v1.2.11.0)

[Process Directory]
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Resident Evil Village BIOHAZARD VILLAGE
2023/02/12 11:15 <DIR> 0 .
2023/03/01 05:32 <DIR> 0 ..
2023/01/21 12:32 0 1196590
2023/01/21 12:32 150016 AkConvolutionReverb.dll
2023/01/21 12:32 42496 amd_ags_x64.dll (v6.0.1.0)
2023/03/07 05:19 7703 config.ini
2023/01/19 09:20 679 config_default.ini
2023/02/12 10:48 <DIR> 0 CrashReport
2023/01/19 09:20 151345192 CrashReport.exe (v1.0.0.0)
2023/01/19 09:20 158856 CrashReportDll.dll
2023/01/21 12:49 <DIR> 0 dlc
2023/01/19 09:20 30008 InstallerMessage.exe (v1.0.0.0)
2023/01/19 09:20 534 InstallerMessage_RunlScript.vdf
2023/01/21 12:32 125440 MSSpatial.dll
2023/01/19 09:20 584252032 re8.exe (v1.1.0.2)
2023/01/19 09:20 29528999518 re_chunk_000.pak
2023/01/19 09:20 819745012 re_chunk_000.pak.patch_001.pak
2023/01/21 12:31 16 re_chunk_000.pak.patch_002.pak
2023/01/21 12:31 16 re_chunk_000.pak.patch_003.pak
2023/01/19 09:20 12569600 re_chunk_000.pak.patch_004.pak
2023/01/19 09:20 24235341 re_chunk_000.pak.patch_005.pak
2023/01/19 09:20 932478462 re_chunk_000.pak.patch_006.pak
2023/01/21 12:26 25002 re_chunk_000.pak.patch_007.pak
2023/01/19 09:20 934880 re_chunk_000.pak.patch_008.pak
2023/02/17 08:22 289657904 shader.cache
2023/01/19 09:20 288032 steam_api64.dll (v4.95.20.30)

[Process Information]
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Resident Evil Village BIOHAZARD VILLAGE\re8.exe
ExceptionPointer: 000000014CCA5E10
ExceptionCode : C0000005
ExceptionFlags : 00000000
ExceptionAddress: 00000001449D7D33

Exception Data SHA3:
This just happened in Dead Space within 5 minutes. I NEVER had a crash with the 3080 ti in that game.

If it happened to almost your game, is it possible due to bad drive / SSD? some corrupt on windows file?
If so, check the SSD condition, and then if it still happens, then maybe it's time to re-install the windows.

If you have 2nd rig, try testing your 4090 on that rig.
If it happened to almost your game, is it possible due to bad drive / SSD? some corrupt on windows file?
If so, check the SSD condition, and then if it still happens, then maybe it's time to re-install the windows.

If you have 2nd rig, try testing your 4090 on that rig.
The drives were already checked plus the games being tested are not even all on the same drive.

I think it was a bad driver install somehow. After I saw that error in Dead Space I went back and reinstalled the driver but this time did not use DDU. I then played Metro and RE Village for over 60 minutes and no issues. Before I was not even making it more than 5 minutes minutes without a crash or a freeze in those two games. I think the latest version of DDU is the main issue for me because that's when the issue started on the 3080 TI a few weeks ago for those same games. As for Dead Space it did hang again after a few minutes with the same error but looking on the forums others have been getting that exact error too.
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Glad you got it going.. DDU.. hmmm. Interesting.
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AMD has driver issues every one knows this; sorry you are running 2 nvid cards so drivers couldn't be the problem.
I have no idea.
if you used an old version of ddu to remove the newest drivers something might have been missed to cause it. at least you got it goin.
The fun continues as now when I start the Callisto Protocol it just froze on the menu screen with out of memory error. I see some reports of this on the Steam forums even from other 4090 users. I tried again and after a few minutes it just crashed.

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0xffffffffffffffff



EDIT: Less than 5 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077 and it "flatlined"
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may want to test your system memory. the only time i've ever run across errors like that was when my gskill ripjaws started crapping the bed which i knew was eventually going to happen since they were bad when i got them but just kept throwing voltage them until they worked.
I tested the memory a few weeks ago and no issues but I will check it again since I have no clue what is going on.

EDIT: Yep memory problems were detected almost immediately when I tested it.
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Started the RMA process with G.Skill and went ahead and grabbed a Corsair 32GB kit from Best Buy and everything is working fine so far. Tested Cyberpunk, The Callisto Protocol and Dead Space and no issues.
I’ve seen more bad memory sticks in the last 12 months then I’ve seen in the entirety of my PC building “career”
I'm paranoid as hell right now because anything goes wrong I'm thinking it's the memory or either something else is going defective. After I get the memory back from gskill I may just sell it and keep this slower Corsair kit that I have now from Best Buy. Maybe the IMC on my CPU was just getting pushed a bit too hard and I'm the kind of person that just wants to set and forget not sit there and tinker.
Started the RMA process with G.Skill and went ahead and grabbed a Corsair 32GB kit from Best Buy and everything is working fine so far. Tested Cyberpunk, The Callisto Protocol and Dead Space and no issues.

looks like you found the issue...
I’ve seen more bad memory sticks in the last 12 months then I’ve seen in the entirety of my PC building “career”
Just seems like some boards/CPUs really don't play nice with certain memory kits. I've even heard of people having problems with stuff on the QVL list.
Wow bad RAM, that would have been WAAAAAYYY down the list for me. I would have done a scratch build first. Good catch.
AMD has driver issues every one knows this; sorry you are running 2 nvid cards so drivers couldn't be the problem.
I have no idea.
What makes you think it is NV drivers? Troll much?
Just seems like some boards/CPUs really don't play nice with certain memory kits. I've even heard of people having problems with stuff on the QVL list.

That may be true but I’m talking about sticks that have worked fine for months or even a year plus, suddenly causing crashes.
That may be true but I’m talking about sticks that have worked fine for months or even a year plus, suddenly causing crashes.
I noticed the same thing, I had a couple AM4 systems that were rock solid at the rated kit speed for months that would suddenly not boot properly. I dialed back the memory speed to something safe and they ran no problem. Not sure what caused them to degrade as they were barely used and I didn’t do any bios updates in the meantime.

This was mainly with 2000 series Ryzen CPUs, I haven’t had many issues with the 3000 and 5000 series.
That may be true but I’m talking about sticks that have worked fine for months or even a year plus, suddenly causing crashes.
Been there had that on an intel quad core, Crucial ballistix ram. Worked for a year or so and then errors all over the place. Replaced with G-Skill and still running.
I’ve seen more bad memory sticks in the last 12 months then I’ve seen in the entirety of my PC building “career”

I've seen more than a couple systems where the the ram is getting undervolted by default. It's real easy to get errors that way.
I have been doing a little more research and it is crazy to see how many issues people are having with memory on both the mobo and memory makers QVL list. Apaprently that does not mean much and you still may have to do some tweaking even with the XMP. I have seen people with 13th gen Intel have issues even with 64GB 5600 mhz memory with XMP. It seems the dual rank (2x 32GB) kits put a lot more stress on things and using just single rank (4x 16GB) for all four slots can be even more trouble.

So really I do not even want to fool with tweaking the G.Skill 64GB kit that comes back. I will just sell it even though I am going to lose a crap ton on it since it already dropped in price by 125 bucks just a month after I bought it.
That "ExceptionCode">c0000005 error can be caused by a lot of things.

Glad you found the bad ram.
Other known causes include, but not limited to:
JavaVM software - if you don't need this, it's best to just uninstall it
Unstable overclocks
Bad hardware of all sorts (mobo, cpu, ram, ssd, video card)
Driver issues
OS files damaged..

Speaking of, if you finally have the system stable and no more crashes, you might want to run
sfc /scannow
in an administrator command prompt, just to make sure all of the crashing didn't corrupt any files.

I feel your pain on the memory, my old system I had to underclock some ddr-3466 to 2666, or maybe 3000. But it wouldn't run at the rated speed. New system, moved it over, and now it runs XMP at the rated speed.
I got a brand new G.Skill 64GB kit back yesterday from the RMA and installed it and it seems fine after some testing. I cant believe I paid 475 bucks shipped for that memory and now its already down to 310 bucks.

I ran the sfc /scannow and it did find and repair some files so thanks for the tip.
I noticed the same thing, I had a couple AM4 systems that were rock solid at the rated kit speed for months that would suddenly not boot properly. I dialed back the memory speed to something safe and they ran no problem. Not sure what caused them to degrade as they were barely used and I didn’t do any bios updates in the meantime.

This was mainly with 2000 series Ryzen CPUs, I haven’t had many issues with the 3000 and 5000 series.
I would think that it is either on the sticks then, or, something got tweaked and never corrected or got stuck needing a bios reset or maybe a clear CMOS, or maybe it was a BIOS revision even. So many boards, RAM and BIOS that even a good vendor can shit the bed time to time.
Just saying because one time I couldn't get my RAM back to a previous high level it ran at. For all my trying it was a no go. But it was a me error. When fixed, BINGO!