SM961 vs 960 EVO - 1TB similar price which one to buy?


Nov 10, 2005
Hi guys,

Just a quick question:

In your opinion which would be the one to buy? Both from the same reputable retailer.

The SM961 being the OEM equivalent of the 960 Pro should offer significantly more performance over the 960 EVO.

However the EVO should have a better warranty and easier to find firmware/driver updates (not sure if the 960 PRO NVME driver from Samsung works on SM961).

My usage: Windows 10 running Lots of VMs, Lightroom/Photoshop, Video Editing, some gaming

Thanks :)
The EVO is a retail drive and comes with a 3 year warranty. As far as the SM/PM 961, they are OEM drives and I don't believe they come with any warranty from Samsung. I was in the same Dilemma and decided not to go the PM/SM 961 route as I couldn't find any warranty specs, so after a lot of research I ended up settling for a MyDigitalSSD 480GB NvME.
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If the price is similar -- 960 just for the warranty alone.
Thanks for the replies.

I should have mentioned in my initial post but out of the two issues with the SM961 the warranty was for me the lesser one.

For years I had very good experience with this retailer plus by EU law I should get 2 years warranty. I'll send them an email to confirm anyway.

Plus (although I know in the real world this does not make a huge diff) the SM961's MLC should be more resilient than the TLC in the EVO

I am honestly more worried about FW and driver support.