sleep button on Log g710


Feb 18, 2005
Does anyone know how to bind a sleep key to the keyboard similar to the sleep button in windows shut down menu ? Ive pasted this command "Rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep" into one of the G keys however it seems to be more of a shut down/hibernate than sleep. Whenever I do sleep from the windows shut down menu & start up the PC it comes back to exactly where I left off within a second while the command above basically has to go thru bios and all as if I shut the PC down...
Does it need to be this? "rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0"

Or maybe you need to change Power Options system settings for what sleep mode or the sleep button does.
I will try that command shark. I already tried to change things in power options but that did nothing unfortunately..
Tried that command but it does the same thing that the command I had does...Why wont it put the pc to sleep and with mouse click im right back into windows instead of going thru bios?
Use the command sharknice gave to you. There's one thing you have to do before it will work. You need to turn hibernation off completely from the command prompt:

powercfg -hibernate off

Once you've done that, his command should do what you're looking for.