Skyrim VR Available For Pre-Order Now


May 13, 2013
In its 429th re-release since launching 7 years ago, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is back again, this time in VR. Launching on April 3rd and available for pre-order now on Steam for $59.99, the game supports the HTC Vive, the Oculus Rift, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets.

$59.99 is a big ask, but Skyrim is a big game, albeit a big old game. The store page also states that it does come with the Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn add-ons, so that's good. I was really surprised to see Windows Mixed Reality headsets supported, as well as saying that it can be played standing or room-scale. Thanks to cageymaru for the story.

A true, full-length open-world game for VR has arrived from award-winning developers, Bethesda Game Studios. Skyrim VR reimagines the complete epic fantasy masterpiece with an unparalleled sense of scale, depth, and immersion. From battling ancient dragons to exploring rugged mountains and more, Skyrim VR brings to life a complete open world for you to experience any way you choose.
Nice! I've been waiting for this.
But as they signed an exclusive with sony to get this out on the ps4 for no reason, i'm going to wait on a very good discount for it. I mean it's a game that came out 6-7 years ago. They can go screw themselves asking for full price.
My wife might be willing to remodel a room and get a room-scale VR rig for this. She loves Skyrim.
Waiting for the [H] review to see what HW to buy for it. ;)
I bought FO4 and am still meandering my way through that.

I never played Skyrim or FO4 in all these years so to me it makes sense in my opinion for me to play them.

We aren't getting a ton of AAA games from VR.
Wow 7 years christ I'm getting old. Also i bet there new games will come in vr edition and regular edition and both cost $60...
Not even a discount if you already own the game? I respect that this took time and effort to re release, but no love for those who already paid 60 bucks and put many hours into the game? Hmmm, that will probably turn a lot of people off of this.
I'm interested in this, but I'm willing to wait for prices to drop (even if it takes years). Right now, I have too many games on my list before I replay Skyrim, which I had formerly put in more than 100 hours.
If I had a VR headset this would be at most a $15 value to me over the special edition. Are there really any people out there that don't already own Skyrim that would plunk down $60 to replay it yet again in VR?
Bethesda needs to stop this. This is fragmenting Skyrim to the point of... oblivion. They should have just made an update to the original Skyrim and not be another $60 purchase. And now we're getting VR Skyrim, which again is another $60. People who mod Skyrim still use the original Skyrim.

Bethesda did this with Fallout 4...

I'm not buying a game I already own and completed at *FULL PRICE* just to try it in my Vive... sorry.

Yeah, no kidding. I don't think even Fallout 4 was at full price with VR patch. It's still a VR patch, far cry from games developed for VR. They do however have to make massive changes to make it work in a game but in FO4 VR while cool is a big mess. The game is not very playable in VR.
Interested to know if Skyblivion can be installed to this. If so I'll pick this up when Skyblivion comes out

diff being the PS4VR version of skyrim was very well received, unlike the FO4 VR on PC. Makes me hopeful.
As others have already said, $60, no way, and I haven't even jumped into VR yet. Also add that by today's standards the visuals are mediocre at best(remaster included) unless you dip into the endless black hole of mods and who knows how many can even work with it.

Also as others have said, Bethesda, just get a new game out already. Make it great, and VR compatible from the get go and its sure to be a big hit.
Interested to know if Skyblivion can be installed to this. If so I'll pick this up when Skyblivion comes out

They have said there will be no mod support, but they also said that about fo4 VR and it took a day to get that figured by out and a list of which fo4 flat mods worked with VR
Awesome!... now the long wait for the $19.99 bargain bin cause i already paid for this game A-holes.
diff being the PS4VR version of skyrim was very well received, unlike the FO4 VR on PC. Makes me hopeful.

I did have some fun with PSVR Skyrim, but I got it for $30 (a friend wanted to play it and paid half). It's still just Skyrim, but at the same time its honestly the best way to play it. I don't think I would pay $60 to play through it again just in VR, but... it really does change how the game feels and how you experience it. Having each hand function individually is actually pretty huge game changer as you can cast spells in multiple directions and block in the direction of one enemy while attacking in another direction, things like that.

But mostly it still just leaves me wanting a proper action RPG in VR with better combat (something that requires timing, could you imagine dark souls parrys or something where you have to actually do the parry with your own hands and not just tap a button!?).
Sounds cool if done well, but at full As others have said, its a ripoff to release the same game, with some add-ons and VR, at full price. Sounds like one of those 19.95 commercials "Now with VR!!!!!!!!".

On a separate note, I wonder if saved game files that were saved in the old Skyrim would work with the VR Skyrim? I own the original Skyrim and never completed it. If they ever offered VR Skyrim for cheaper it might be interesting, but it would be nice to be able to pick up where I left off in my other game.
I don't have VR gear yet, but if I did, $60 would be too high. I already spent about 80 hours playing Skyrim - I likely bought it during a Steam sale several years ago. Even with VR, I don't think I would play more than 10-15 hours before I got tired of it again.
Now, if this were something like "Skyrim 2" - $60 would be ok to ask as it is a new game. Nice to see them coming out with titles. I hope they sell well enough to make additional ports or new content.
teleport or smooth motion (joystick/touchpad)

From the videos I saw online it's regular locomotion which makes me tempted to buy the game.

However, I fucking hated regular skyrim, it felt like a clunky version of what a good game could have been. The way spell casting worked, weapon swapping, etc, all felt very clunky. But damn I have wanted a fantasy VR game with regular locomotion ever since this shit came out. Screw the teleporting, screw the BS, just give me a regular game and these guys finally did it. Now just gonna have to wait for some reviews.

I'm going to throw out a guess it won't be $60 forever, it will probably drop to half price by black friday.
From the videos I saw online it's regular locomotion which makes me tempted to buy the game.

However, I fucking hated regular skyrim, it felt like a clunky version of what a good game could have been. The way spell casting worked, weapon swapping, etc, all felt very clunky. But damn I have wanted a fantasy VR game with regular locomotion ever since this shit came out. Screw the teleporting, screw the BS, just give me a regular game and these guys finally did it. Now just gonna have to wait for some reviews.

I'm going to throw out a guess it won't be $60 forever, it will probably drop to half price by black friday.

You can swap between the teleport or free roam walking mode in the options at any time. Personally, I didn't think I would like the teleporting but it actually works quite well. I really wish there was a way to toggle it without going into the menu, but I don't think that option existed (though on the PC release I'm sure it will be fine because even if you don't like the default locomotion method there will be 10 billion tweaked and improved and vastly different versions you can get through mods).
This would tempt me but I don't have any VR stuff yet. But only if I could play sitting down. I love the idea of 3d and head tracking but I don't have the stamina for playing actively)...if I was 20 again sure, but I'm old and arthritic, they need a mode for us :).
I'm waiting for the enhanced, special, remastered, legendary, ultra ultimate, GOTY, VR edition. This release is bullshit money grab.
The cost does make me wonder. What is involved in porting something like this to VR? I mean is it mostly the same program with a few algorithms introduced to render it in 3d or does the program have to largely be re-written? Somewhere in between? Same for the user interface does it just build on the existing one or does it have to be largely rewritten?