Simulation Suggests 68 Percent of the Universe May Not Actually Exist


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
Not that I really want to contemplate physics on a Saturday, but we have a new claim that dark energy does not exist. According to my Google-fu, this is an unknown energy that takes up a large percentage of the universe and is responsible for expanding it. Great, but all I can think about is how BioWare should have stuck with the dark energy storyline for Mass Effect 3.

According to the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (Lambda-CDM) model, which is the current accepted standard for how the universe began and evolved, the ordinary matter we encounter every day only makes up around five percent of the universe's density, with dark matter comprising 27 percent, and the remaining 68 percent made up of dark energy, a so-far theoretical force driving the expansion of the universe. But a new study has questioned whether dark energy exists at all, citing computer simulations that found that by accounting for the changing structure of the cosmos, the gap in the theory, which dark energy was proposed to fill, vanishes.
yet I'm suppose to let other people run my life on other unproven theories.
I think its extremely likely that dark energy is the modern day aether. Hopefully it doesn't take us another 2500 years to figure out a better explanation.
DARK MATTER EXISTS ! i just proved it , with 6 Milwaukee best beers . and half a bag of dark chocolate Hershey kisses, and eating at taco bell for Lunch

think i may have actually levitated and broke gravity .... when i pooped .. :confused:
Well if it's not a joke it's certainly interesting. I find it odd that there has to be stuff in the emptiness to begin with. Can't space just be space?

But who knows really...what with all the crazy shit we're finding all the time our current understanding of the universe could, in theory, be completely backwards. It's truly bizarre.
DARK MATTER EXISTS ! i just proved it , with 6 Milwaukee best beers . and half a bag of dark chocolate Hershey kisses, and eating at taco bell for Lunch

think i may have actually levitated and broke gravity .... when i pooped .. :confused:

I just hope the 6 beasts were an april fools too. Yuck
I think its extremely likely that dark energy is the modern day aether. Hopefully it doesn't take us another 2500 years to figure out a better explanation.
The strongest theory right now is that it is mostly vacuum energy. When you create a total (or near-total vacuum), lots of particle and an anti-particle pair will spontaneously come into existence in it. Math shows that this does not violate the laws of conservation because the two will find an annihilate each other in a time too short to allow for observation (except near a black hole's event horizon, where one of the particles can get captured... but that's another tale for another time). And that's why the more distant galaxies expand away from us faster, the farther they are, because there is more vacuum between us.
I think its extremely likely that dark energy is the modern day aether. Hopefully it doesn't take us another 2500 years to figure out a better explanation.

It will be interesting to see where science goes in the future.

People need to remember, though, that both Dark Matter and Dark Energy are literally placeholders. They represent observational data which have no provable source - Dark Matter filling in for the extra gravity that's observed in galaxies and Dark Energy filling in for how the Universe is expanding faster over time. Dark Matter and Dark Energy are not theories in and of themselves - the can be used in theories though, again, as placeholders.

When a scientist says Dark Matter or Dark Energy exist they are simply using the placeholders for simplicity. For example if someone says, "Dark Matter exists," what they really mean is, "There is matter which we cannot see and cannot measure other than in the speed of rotation of galaxies and the missing measured mass."

This headline is misleading because there's nothing to disprove. If new observations show the old ones to be incorrect then the old ones go away.

Aether is somewhat different. It was the hypothesis to explain the observations of light. Aether could be disproved and was with relativity.
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One day we are going to find out that the " universe " is just a big, spinning snow globe ( or a Dyson Sphere ) and that is why the universe is expanding.
One day we are going to find out that the " universe " is just a big, spinning snow globe ( or a Dyson Sphere ) and that is why the universe is expanding.

By definition, the Universe cannot be a dyson sphere. A dyson sphere is a megastructure which partially or fully encompasses a star to collect the star's energy.

As for how a static-sized snow globe is ever expanding, i'd like to know the reasoning behind that statement. Unless the snow globe itself is expanding at which point I'd like to know how that is happening.
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yet I'm suppose to let other people run my life on other unproven theories.

I have a feeling that in this context "unproven theory" means anything you don't agree with based on ideological grounds. Rather than having any actual specific criticism of a given scientific consensus.
I think its extremely likely that dark energy is the modern day aether. Hopefully it doesn't take us another 2500 years to figure out a better explanation.
That's what science is about. We come up with an explanation (theory) then test it. Try to disprove it. And until we can't disprove it it is accepted as accurate. But if we can disprove it one day that's even more exciting.
That's why I prefer science. It never claims to have the final answer or ultimate truth. There is always more to it.

So proving dark matter doesn't exist would be even more exciting than actually detecting and measuring it.

So proving dark matter doesn't exist would be even more exciting than actually detecting and measuring it.

