Silverlight 5, finally IE x64 really usable

I can't get IEspell to install on 64bit and I can't spell for crap and use a lot of forums.... total deal killer for me :)
Besides some technical bonuses that have been discussed to death, the real reason is it just makes you feel all tingly. And, for many, that's good enough.:)

There's some security benefits, but I don't think they apply today. (has to do with ASLR, address space layout randomization. ASLR in a 64-bit program would make it much harder to exploit, but unfortunately Windows 7 does 64-bit ASLR the same way as it does 32-bit ASLR. This might change with Windows 8 as an MS employee said ASLR was going to be modified for it, but it remains to be seen.) Then there's the reality that x64 IE will not run exploits created for 32-bit IE, so you are much safer. And yea IE9 x64 javascript is too slow, have to wait for IE10 to really use x64 IE since it has x64 JIT.
On a side, Opera now has an experimental 64bit version for Windows and Mac (there have been 64bit versions for linux and bsd for a while). Plug-ins load out-of-process with 64bit and 32bit plug-in wrappers. Plug-ins can crash without crashing Opera. This also means you can use 32bit plug-ins with 64bit Opera. And, it has a 64bit JIT. Hardware acceleration (at least via opengl, directx to come) is in this build too.