Show off your OSX desktop

Geektool Howto (since I keep seeing it asked)

Download here,

I use 3.0 RC5, but there are some minor quirks here and there, you can use either version.

Once installed, just drag the icons onto your desktop to make an object such as shell, file, or picture.

My scripts (all of them are SHELL objects),

curl --silent "" | grep -E '(Current Conditions:|F<BR)' | sed -e 's/Current Conditions://' -e 's/<br \/>//' -e 's/<b>//' -e 's/<\/b>//' -e 's/<BR \/>//' -e 's/<description>//' -e 's/<\/description>//' | tail -n1

Weather Image (insert your user name and location where you want to save the weather image to be displayed using the GeekTool Picture object. Also, in the forecast URL, replace my numbers with your cities corresponding code, just look it up in yahoo)
curl --silent "" | grep "forecast-icon" | sed "s/.*background\:url(\'\(.*\)\')\;\ _background.*/\1/" | xargs curl --silent -o /Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/bin/geektool/weather.png

External IP
echo IP: `curl -s | sed 's/[a-zA-Z<>/ :]//g'`

Date (each seperate shell objects)
date +%A

date +%d

date +%B

iCal (requires iCal buddy)
echo To-Do

/usr/local/bin/icalBuddy -nc uncompletedTasks | sed -e "s/*/--/" | sed -e "s/!/!!/"

IP Addresses
bash /Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/bin/geektool/ipaddresses.bash
Corresponding script file
#! /bin/bash

myen0=`ifconfig en0 | grep "inet " | grep -v | awk '{print $2}'`

if [ "$myen0" != "" ]
    echo "Ethernet : $myen0"
    echo "Ethernet : INACTIVE"

myen1=`ifconfig en1 | grep "inet " | grep -v | awk '{print $2}'`

if [ "myen1" != "" ]
    echo "AirPort  : $myen1"
    echo "Airport  : INACTIVE"

ITunes (Script is made by someone else, I found it while googling)

osascript /Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/bin/geektool/itunes.scpt

tell application "System Events"
	set powerCheck to ((application processes whose (name is equal to "iTunes")) count)
	if powerCheck = 0 then
		return ""
	end if
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
		set playerstate to (get player state)
	end try
	if playerstate = paused then
		set trackPaused to " (paused)"
		set trackPaused to ""
	end if
	if playerstate = stopped then
		return "Stopped"
	end if
	set trackID to the current track
	set trackName to the name of trackID
	set artistName to the artist of trackID
	set albumName to the album of trackID
	set totalData to "Track  : " & trackName & trackPaused & "
Artist : " & artistName & "
Album  : " & albumName
	return totalData
end tell

Picture of it all together
Awesome, thanks. I know I'm not the one that asked, but I've been looking for something like this for a long time, and this Snowtunes is perfect. I just got it, and I'm using the 'Noir' package right now. I like how it only changes the menubar black, and not everything in the OS, like the windows and such.

where did you get your icons?
thanks i was looking all over deviant art for it and i couldnt find the ones with that color
btw what program do you use to change your icons?
No problem. I use CandyBar. There are some others out there as well, but I forget what they are.
can't find a wallpaper i like to go with my dock yet

I changed my icons by copy and pasting in get info, anyone know how to change the icons back to default icons? I want to know just incase
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I changed my icons by copy and pasting in get info, anyone know how to change the icons back to default icons? I want to know just incase

Open up info, click on the icon, and press delete (on your keyboard)

You're just sick... Running non Apple browser on non Apple hardware. Sick, I tell you!

J/k. I plan on converting my desktop over soon enough. Just a little bit jealous.
I guess I should update mine.

My laptop, late 2007 MacBook Pro (sig).
pretty much my main computer anymore. Windows desktop has been relegated to gaming lately and I don't have as much time for that as I used to.

My Quicksilver Powermac G4.
Serves mostly as a NAS, wireless extender through its airport card, and an always on PC for quickly checking things on the web.
Just curious how's that PowerPC run? Is the OS and Safari smooth?
Just curious how's that PowerPC run? Is the OS and Safari smooth?

Very nicely. It even does full flash and image heavy pages just fine. About the only time you might notice that you are on a computer from early 2002 is starting up a Hulu video on the high quality option. It will be choppy for the first 2-3 seconds before it smoothes out. It has really stood the test of time well. Dual processors seems to make all the difference as far as the OS being snappy while mutlitasing.
I guess I should update mine.

My laptop, late 2007 MacBook Pro (sig).
pretty much my main computer anymore. Windows desktop has been relegated to gaming lately and I don't have as much time for that as I used to.

Link to wallaper of your mbp? thanks...
Thought I would bump this thread up with my latest desktop. Why is this still not a sticky?
