Show off your OSX desktop

Monitor 1:

Monitor 2:

Yes, I am running three versions of Firefox (3.7a1, 3.6b2pre and 3.5). ;) I alpha/beta test it, and helped get the fix for OSX java pushed back into the 3.6 build tree...
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Where did you get the dock?

Sorry, I don't remember. Someone else in this thread had this dock and I asked him (not through the forum) and he linked me, but I didn't bookmark it or anything
updated my dock.


Ninja Santa is defending your Christmas.

(Can we get this thread stickied already?)
Snowtunes with the HUD menubar option.

Awesome, thanks. I know I'm not the one that asked, but I've been looking for something like this for a long time, and this Snowtunes is perfect. I just got it, and I'm using the 'Noir' package right now. I like how it only changes the menubar black, and not everything in the OS, like the windows and such.

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I like how it only changes the menubar black, and not everything in the OS, like the windows and such.

Actually, it does. The purpose of Snowtunes is to apply the iTunes 9 graphical style to the rest of OS X. Though I suppose you can uncheck pretty much everything in the installer except for the menu bar. I went with the full install. The brighter gradient really does look good outside of iTunes.

Awesome theme. How do you get the weather, time, date, cpu, ram on your desktop?

He's probably using Geektool.
Actually, it does. The purpose of Snowtunes is to apply the iTunes 9 graphical style to the rest of OS X. Though I suppose you can uncheck pretty much everything in the installer except for the menu bar. I went with the full install. The brighter gradient really does look good outside of iTunes.

Oh, yeah, I know it changes everything. What I was saying was that it doesn't change everything to black. Only the menubar. Most black OS X themes change the windows and such to black as well. Like this for example.

Awesome theme. How do you get the weather, time, date, cpu, ram on your desktop?

Like Terpfen said, I'm using GeekTool.
For you Snowtunes fans, 1.2.1 is out now. Fixes a graphical glitch that appears when you used Snowtunes with Graphite.
What application is that on the top left?

Probably Adium. With some extras installed of course. THE best IM client on the Mac, period. Highly customizable, free, feature rich, and consistently updated.

I just got my first mac about 4 days ago (MBP 15") and this is my work so far:

Where did you get those drive icons? Also, and forgive me if this has already been answered, but how did you get the date/uptime/etc. displayed all awesome-like up there? And my final question, do you have a link to that wallpaper? :D Sorry but it's not my fault your setup is kick ass. Thank you in advance.
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Probably Adium. With some extras installed of course. THE best IM client on the Mac, period. Highly customizable, free, feature rich, and consistently updated.

Where did you get those drive icons? Also, and forgive me if this has already been answered, but how did you get the date/uptime/etc. displayed all awesome-like up there? And my final question, do you have a link to that wallpaper? :D Sorry but it's not my fault your setup is kick ass. Thank you in advance.

the drives are Slick drives and can be found here
The time and date are done with Geektool as some one has said already.
I don't have the wallpaper link unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it came from deviantart but I
got it a while back and transferred it over from my PC. If you want to pm me your email I can send it do you.