Show logged in users in NT4 domain?


Oct 22, 2000
Is there an easy way to show all users that have logged in? Not necessarily have connections to the server, just users that are currently logged into the domain. Maybe Im just an idiot and am just overlooking something here but I see no straightforward way to do that. Thanks.
I know has some ps tools, think one was called psloggedon.exe that would search and show this
Originally posted by dbwillis
I know has some ps tools, think one was called psloggedon.exe that would search and show this

That seems to only show people who are logged into to that particular machine, accessing files or something. It does show users logged in to the domain. Thanks though
Well it's been a long time since i've used an NT 4 server, but doesn't the User Manager for Domains tell you who is logged onto the domain?

- Qualm
I dont' think there is a way unless it's some type of 3rd party tool. I use the current sessions view in my proxy to check if i need to since every box hit's it when a user logs in and doesn't close the connection until they log off.