Should I, Or Not buy the BFG 6800GT OC?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 8, 2003
Upgrading from a 5900Ultra, to the BFG 6800GT OC, Will I notice the difference in UT2004? Will the game actually play better, with more FPS? Or should I just be patient, and get the 6800 Ultra.
the 5900ultra is already a decent card. there will be a performance increase but i dont know if it's worth the $400 atm.

i love my gt though <3 :D
I doubt your max fps will go up at all. A 5900 is pretty much overkill for 640x480 w/ lowest detail settings. NV's had more time to tweak the NV3x drivers, so it might even be faster on the 5900 w/ those settings. Stranger things happen all the time. The 6800(whatever) will let you run much higher res & settings w/ the same FPS though. I don't think a 6800 is *needed* for UT2k4 at all. It runs quite nicely & looks good on my dual Athlon 2600+ w/ a 5900nu board. Far Cry also works quite acceptably. That's not stopping me from getting a 6800GT and wishing I had room in my rig for an Ultra though.
If you want an Ultra & have the cash, I'd say you might as well hold out till you can get one. It's not like you're hurting for performance w/ that card.
Well, your cpu could certainly take advantage of the Ultra. It's up to you really, the GT can OC to Ultra speeds and costs less.
ThisMonsterLives said:
Well, your cpu could certainly take advantage of the Ultra. It's up to you really, the GT can OC to Ultra speeds and costs less.

I understand that the GT can overclock to ultra speeds, but not much more on air cooling. Does going OVER ultra speeds benifit that much more? If not, I go buy me A BFG GT OC @ bestbuy tomorrow.
I just upgraded from 5900U to 6800GT, and I can tell you it was worth it. With my current (soon to be upgraded) Barton 2500 running at 2.4, Farcry is just about the only game that I cant run at 1600x1200 max detail, 4x/8x. Definitely worth the 400.
In fact, screw Best Buy. Get the GT from Its exactly the same chip, you just have to OC it manually, and you get a free copy of FarCry in the deal.
I upgraded from a 5900XT to the 6800GT OC.
It's a little bit faster in UT2K4, but that game seems to be more dependent on the CPU.
I used to average about 50fps, and now it's about 80. The game itself looks exactly the same.
Most are doubling their 3dMark03 score, mine went from 5500 to 11200.
I'd say you wait for D3 to come out in a week and then make your decision based on benchmarks. You already have a great card.
Doesn't the BFG have some resolution problems that isn't present in the other manufactures GT's? I would look at the eVGA to be safe.
R1ckCa1n said:
Doesn't the BFG have some resolution problems that isn't present in the other manufactures GT's? I would look at the eVGA to be safe.

No, that is a myth. All Nvidia cards have a driver glitch that prevents the videocard from operating under 60hz - some LCD monitors use 52hz at high resolutions. The first user to discover this just simply happened to be a BFG user, so many drew incorrect conclusions from that.

This problem will be fixed in a future driver release for all cards according to Nvidia.
newls1 said:
Upgrading from a 5900Ultra, to the BFG 6800GT OC, Will I notice the difference in UT2004? Will the game actually play better, with more FPS? Or should I just be patient, and get the 6800 Ultra.

Go with the 6800GT, its the best bang per buck. BFG is the best manuf of 6800 cards atm, with eVGA coming in a close 2nd, so you made a wise choice in terms of brand.