Should I buy a PlayStation 4?


Aug 25, 2010
The Last of Us Remastered has me really intrigued. I haven't played the original The Last of Us so the PlayStation 4 version seems very attractive. I already have quite a beast PC so I'll only play worthwhile exclusives on the PlayStation 4. Do you think it is worth it?
Right now you're only looking at TLoU: Remastered and Infamous Second Son (and First Light). However by the end of the year you'll have Destiny, Driveclub and a select few others.

In 2015 it's going to start looking much more practical and you'll have more variety.

For me it's worth it for TLoU: Remastered alone because if you have not played the game before and play it first on PS4 it's a treat.

I'm currently playing with my Sony Gold Wireless headset at 60fps and it's awesome. TLoU was my game of the generation last gen.
Any other exclusives you'd like to play? If you do, then I would say yes.

Actually, right now, not really.

I would never buy a console for one game as the chance for buyer's remorse is immense. If there were more exclusives you were interested in (currently released or in the near future) then I'd say go for it, otherwise I'd wait.
I'd wait to see what the free PSN games are for next month if they're good you can get a brand new PS4 for at its new unofficial price of $359. Next year will be a much better year for exclusive titles on the PS4.
Thanks for the replies.

Any idea when the rev. 2 of the PlayStation 4 might be available? If so, what changes are expected?
Thanks for the replies.

Any idea when the rev. 2 of the PlayStation 4 might be available? If so, what changes are expected?

No hints on a Rev 2 yet.

Also some of the Rev 2 Playsations in the past have been worse than the initial releases, so I wouldn't get too excited about waiting for a "better" PS4 :)
Thanks for the replies.

Any idea when the rev. 2 of the PlayStation 4 might be available? If so, what changes are expected?

I would count on something coming Holiday 2015. The revisions usually include better cooling and larger HDD
PS3 got worse cooling when it was revised :(

You must be the only one who thinks that. The cooler on the FAT PS3 was awful.

It was loud and sucked in lots of dust over a few months, did you miss all the reports about overheating issues?
You must be the only one who thinks that. The cooler on the FAT PS3 was awful.

It was loud and sucked in lots of dust over a few months, did you miss all the reports about overheating issues?

My PS3 slim was much louder :( Though it did replace a PS3 fat that YLOD'd...
Yep, when the PS4 can steam\play my PS3 games for a reasonable price (free would be ideal) I'll buy one as well.

To be fair, I have 15-20 games that are just collecting dust that I promised myself I'd finish 1st. Oh the crappy part of getting older and having no time. :(
I believe there should be several factors in your decision. Here are what I think some of those should be:

1. Budget

If you have some cash to spend and you're passionate about gaming, then go for it. If not, it can probably wait.

2. Games

Yes, TLoU looks pretty sick and will be the next game I get after I beat Wolfenstein. That being said, there are several upcoming games that look amazing. Some of these include:

Shadow of Mordor (10/7/14)
The Order (2/20/15)

3. Time Gaming

If it's once a month, then I'd pass. If it's every day and you want a new system to mix it up, then see no. 1. :)

Good luck and hope this helps.
The Last of Us Remastered has me really intrigued. I haven't played the original The Last of Us so the PlayStation 4 version seems very attractive. I already have quite a beast PC so I'll only play worthwhile exclusives on the PlayStation 4. Do you think it is worth it?

So you would like to spend ~$500 to play a game that you don't even know if it's going to be good or not... I'm pretty sure EA would love to have you as a customer. :p

If anything I'd just see if you can find a cheap PS3 and an original copy. Both are probably 720p and it isn't going to be a deal breaker if the graphics are a bit worse. I certainly wouldn't be buying a console on the assumption that something good will come out eventually to play on it.
You must be the only one who thinks that. The cooler on the FAT PS3 was awful.

It was loud and sucked in lots of dust over a few months, did you miss all the reports about overheating issues?

A reason for a revision would be to fix some issues, but don't ever loose sight of a manf would also want to cut costs of production to be more profitable by using cheaper parts and or cutting things out.
Destiny bundle, OP.
But if you never played TLOU, that is starting to feel like a good reason as I continue my first play through... The game is really hooking me. Still getting used to the controls, though....I like it. A lot.
I ordered one yesterday. I've never played the last of us, so that's first. Probably infamous second son as well. Then I'm really looking forward to shadow of Mordor. I'll also grab evolve then, and the order, bloodborne, and witcher 3 all look great.
I would never buy a console for one game as the chance for buyer's remorse is immense. If there were more exclusives you were interested in (currently released or in the near future) then I'd say go for it, otherwise I'd wait.

You can always do what I did when GT4 came out. Buy for one game, finish it (twice) and then sell the whole bundle.
You can always do what I did when GT4 came out. Buy for one game, finish it (twice) and then sell the whole bundle.

You bought a PS2 only for GT4? That's the worst GT game to date.....
buy it for Bloodborne I was going to say Destiny but that game fell kinda short on my expectation list but I didn't reach endgame or play a Deathmatch in the Beta.
buy it for Bloodborne I was going to say Destiny but that game fell kinda short on my expectation list but I didn't reach endgame or play a Deathmatch in the Beta.

Why would you buy a PS4 for a game that is on previous gen consoles as well? Destiny on PS4 and Xbox One will have a lower amount of users than either previous gen console more than likely
Why would you buy a PS4 for a game that is on previous gen consoles as well? Destiny on PS4 and Xbox One will have a lower amount of users than either previous gen console more than likely

Should reread what he said (Bloodborne), but with Destiny I am fairly confident the PS4 will have the most users and overall both nextgen systems should have more over the course of expansions and what not. Bungie is not going to support PS3/360 for another 8-10 years.

And if you need any sort of justification or information about why I say the PS4 will lead the console platforms just look at every major 3'rd party title released since they have been out. It leads in 8 out of the top 10 and with the Destiny / PlayStation advertising campaign it will be a hell of a lot bigger than Titanfall was imo.
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What was the break down of MGS Ground Zeros sales per platform?
Destiny is going to look like that. Like 35-40% PS4. There is no way its going to sell more on previous gen consoles.
What was the break down of MGS Ground Zeros sales per platform?
Destiny is going to look like that. Like 35-40% PS4. There is no way its going to sell more on previous gen consoles.

That's not a good enough example. MGS Ground Zero isn't even a full game. There are 75mil+ ps3 consoles owned by people and not even a fraction of the amount of PS4s. PS3 has a bigger userbase
That's not a good enough example. MGS Ground Zero isn't even a full game. There are 75mil+ ps3 consoles owned by people and not even a fraction of the amount of PS4s. PS3 has a bigger userbase

MGS: GZ if a full game to me. I guess you mean full $60 release? Then AC: Black Flag would be a better example.
MGS: GZ if a full game to me. I guess you mean full $60 release? Then AC: Black Flag would be a better example.

Almost any game is an example regardless. Just look at the last 6 month NPD for top 10 games released on multiple platforms (cross gen). It's not across the board but it's the vast majority of them.
That's not a good enough example. MGS Ground Zero isn't even a full game. There are 75mil+ ps3 consoles owned by people and not even a fraction of the amount of PS4s. PS3 has a bigger userbase

Flawed excuse, but alright I'll humor you. Something more current, and not having an advertisement bias to any specific platform (Destiny is obviously getting that Sony push/money).

Other bits from the May 2014 NPD:

Wolfenstein: The New Order platform breakdown: 41% PlayStation 4, 38% Xbox One, 13% Xbox 360, 8% PlayStation 3
Flawed excuse, but alright I'll humor you. Something more current, and not having an advertisement bias to any specific platform (Destiny is obviously getting that Sony push/money).

So lets ignore games like fifa 14 that has 2 mil more on XBox 360 and 3 mil more sales on PS3 than users than ps4? Yeah ok you can select 1 title that meets that criteria all you want but it is not a universal stat
There are 75mil+ ps3 consoles owned by people and not even a fraction of the amount of PS4s. PS3 has a bigger userbase

Here's the thing:

As far as the bean counters are concerned, I "own" 3 PS3's. I only own one PS4. Three is because I sold the first one, the second one broke, and in a moment of sheer randomness instead of trying to fix it I bought a new one.

Since I bought the PS4 I have not plugged in the PS3. In fact, it doesn't even have a hard drive in it. (I had installed a SSD into the PS3 because Dark Souls 2 loads a little faster with one, but now that I'm done with that game I popped that drive into my PC and am using it to type this message. :p)

I'm not saying everyone is like that...but the PS3 "userbase" is not as large as some think it is.
So lets ignore games like fifa 14 that has 2 mil more on XBox 360 and 3 mil more sales on PS3 than users than ps4? Yeah ok you can select 1 title that meets that criteria all you want but it is not a universal stat

Really dude? FIFA?
FIFA has stupid long legs into the previous gen, because its always sold more outside the US and to countries that have not seen the new gen consoles even released. I.E. previous gen and lower income countries. Did you know they made FIFA 14 for PS2? PLAYSTATION fucking 2!

The 2 examples I gave are games specifically made for the new gen and ported to the previous gen. FIFA has never been about pushing a new gen, its about selling to the biggest market for futbol, which is lower income countries that actually play futbol.

The market is clearly moving to new gen, and a game being pimped for new gen is definitely going to sell more on the new consoles. The thirst is real.
Really dude? FIFA?
FIFA has stupid long legs into the previous gen, because its always sold more outside the US and to countries that have not seen the new gen consoles even released. I.E. previous gen and lower income countries. Did you know they made FIFA 14 for PS2? PLAYSTATION fucking 2!

The 2 examples I gave are games specifically made for the new gen and ported to the previous gen. FIFA has never been about pushing a new gen, its about selling to the biggest market for futbol, which is lower income countries that actually play futbol.

The market is clearly moving to new gen, and a game being pimped for new gen is definitely going to sell more on the new consoles. The thirst is real.

Selective statistics lmfao tells me all I need to know about your "analysis" you have a career in marketing with that kind of crap.
Bungie has themselves said there will be MINIMAL differences between all versions including previous Gen consoles. Which means there is absolutely no reason to buy a console for a single game that only has minimal changes between last gen
Selective statistics lmfao tells me all I need to know about your "analysis" you have a career in marketing with that kind of crap.
Bungie has themselves said there will be MINIMAL differences between all versions including previous Gen consoles. Which means there is absolutely no reason to buy a console for a single game that only has minimal changes between last gen

Pls Vlad. Selective? You're the one that brought up FIFA, which is probably the worst example anyone has mentioned in this thread. And why? To justify your "bigger user base" point, which is clearing turning irrelevant as people upgrade to the new consoles.
Obviously people will continue buying on the old consoles(PS2, haha), but the real buyers are upgrading and buying games for the new consoles. Destiny will sell more on the new consoles. You are the only one who thinks otherwise.
Is this shit necessary in every thread?

Op if you want a PS4 buy one but I wouldn't take advice from this lot damn.