Shanghai Consumer Council Demands Apple's Explanation Over Slow-Down


May 13, 2013
Xinhua, a state run Chinese news agency has stated that the Shanghai Consumer Council has sent an inquiry letter to Apple over the slow-down of older iPhones after an iOS update, demanding a reply before Friday. Apple is currently facing over 40 lawsuits from around the world over the slowdown caused after updating to iOS 10.2.1.

I don't know what the council expects to hear from Apple other than the same excuse they gave when the story first broke. It is nice to see a consumer agency with some teeth though, that 3 days to respond is better than "Here's 6 months to come up with a great story and PR pieces" I'm accustomed to seeing.

The council demanded the cause of the performance and remedy measures as well as complete information regarding the interests of consumers. The council said it received 2,615 complaints on Apple products and services in 2017, compared with 964 complaints in 2015.
Well, when the world knows you have over 250 billion cash, in the bank, then you set yourself up for all manner of litigation if you make one mistake of any kind. Or do something that can be construed as a mistake.

Should be entertaining to watch all this unfold.
"...Recalculating.. To get to Windows 10, do a U-turn now."

Nope. Nope. Nope.
I fail to see what they are going to "demand" when the devices are out of warranty anyway. Aside from the fact the device is still functional and fit for purpose.
I fail to see what they are going to "demand" when the devices are out of warranty anyway. Aside from the fact the device is still functional and fit for purpose.
Well planned obsolescence is one thing, but this is another entirely. This isnt a device that was designed from the beginning to expire, apple systematically went in to your device, repeatedly, every year, and sabotaged it making it a little bit worse on purpose time and time again. If I buy a Honda and they made sure all the hoses and belts and rings would rot away after 5 years forcing me to come in for service and/or upgrade it's a douche move, but if I bring my car in for service and they deliberately damage my existing hoses and belts and rings to guarantee I'll have to upgrade then that needs to be examined.
Well planned obsolescence is one thing, but this is another entirely. This isnt a device that was designed from the beginning to expire, apple systematically went in to your device, repeatedly, every year, and sabotaged it making it a little bit worse on purpose time and time again. If I buy a Honda and they made sure all the hoses and belts and rings would rot away after 5 years forcing me to come in for service and/or upgrade it's a douche move, but if I bring my car in for service and they deliberately damage my existing hoses and belts and rings to guarantee I'll have to upgrade then that needs to be examined.

I'm not sure your analogy is fully correct but anyway. Apple does provide updates for a while when devices are well past warranty and no longer sold, in fact much longer than even Google. And that's coming from a person who hates Apple and I will never buy their product. Same damn thing happened when I updated my Samsung Galaxy from Andoid 5.x to 6.x and performance went to shit. I wonder how much of it is planned though or rather lack of care where they just slop something together taking into consideration much faster hardware in newer devices. With Google though, I know it's purely Samsung fault with all the shit they bake into the ROM, I've on many occasions installed homebrew and they were flying in comparison. At least with Android you can install homebrew. for me though, last of micro SD card slot is a no buy.