I stick with Seasonic or rebadged Seasonic for all my power supply needs because of their consistent quality and focus on silence. I still have an S12-330 and an s12-500 going strong after 7 years of 24/7 duty. They usually cost more than other brands, but the price is well worth it to me. Gotta thank SPCR for bringing the Seasonic brand to my attention way back when.
I like Seasonic because of their commitment to quality at all pricing levels. Even a lower end model for $60 is going to be reliable, well made and backed with Seasonic's commitment to their customers.
Seasonic makes some of the best power suppies in the world. Not only are they quiet, but some of the most reliable power supplies in the world. Spending money on a Seasonic Power Supply would be one of the best investments for your computer. Keep in mind that most PC failures are related to Hard Drives and Power Supplies. Buying a Seasonic unit eliminates 1/2 of that risk. Chose wisely Grasshopper!!!
Seasonic is one of only 2 power supply manufacturers I trust these days; providing excellent quality power consistently. Offering 80+ Gold and now even Platinum certification, Japanese hardware (fans, capacities) known for great reliability, full-modular designs, excellently powerful rails, long warranties, and all for affordable prices, Seasonic hasn't let me down yet.