Scarlett Johansson Can't Stop the Internet from Pasting Her Face on Porn

It's not porn, but we've already seen her fully nude.

It's a bit difficult to try and compare actors of today to someone who's been dead for over 58 years....

well, it is a very subjective thing ... same as with music. I think Tom Petty summed it up best when he said, "People think the music of their time is the best; but mine really is."
it's not acting, it's bit playing. Wow, $40M a year for bit playing; I wonder what she had to do to get the part. There are no more real actors or actresses in Hollywood today. Don't believe that? OK, name ONE actor of today that can be compared to Clark Gable? Like I told you, there are no real actors or actresses in Hollywood today. As Consumers we settle for crapola and call it wonderful ... small wonder quality has all but vanished, food quality is pathetic, etc

Daniel Day Lewis.