
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Samurai Spirits is known in the West as Samurai Shodown and today SNK released a new trailer for the fighting game. I have my fingers crossed that this game is released on PC as I am a huge fan of the original arcade games. I found some HD screenshots of the Unreal Engine 4 game over here. IPPON!

Complete new work. Swordsmans fighting game "SAMURAI SPIRITS" Decided to be released in 2019! SAMURAI SHODOWN releases in 2019!
Not much of a "trailer". Just a bunch of moon runes, some jabbering, then a single move from one of the characters. With game "trailers" I am always wary as they usually show pre-rendered movie clips that I don't care for when all I want to see is actual game play.

This isn't a jab at you Mr. Cagey, just the games industry in general not realizing that people want to see actual gameplay of a game, not some fancy artsy fartsy intro.
Samurai Showdown IV is my personal favorite in the series. I still play it.

I hope this does come to the PC. The only thing that gives me a bit of pause, is that the new King of Fighters game kinda sucked. It's highly rated, but it's nothing compared to the newer Street Fighters or Tekken 7, or DoA 5 for that matter. The characters are kinda ugly, the animation is stiff, and the moves don't flow like the other games I mentioned. I would hope they pull out every stop with Samurai Showdown though. I guess we'll see. I'm excited, but somewhat reserved. It looks decent from the tiny bits of game play they showed.

What I would REALLY love to see is a new Last Blade game. The Last Blade 2 is among my favorite fighting games of all time.
I was horrible at the SS games, but I did still enjoy them. They were always among my favorite games to watch due to the animation and fluidity. A lot of SNK's other games seem to skimp on the animation in order to achieve certain frame data. SS never seemed to have that weird warping limb effect from Fatal Fury or World Heroes.
Is it me or is this a character addon for sf5? How could snk so blatantly copy capcom?
I want this so bad. I've been a huge fan of snk since the mid 90s and its great to see this series return


i agree.. i think i would pick it up for steam if it was release there.
Really hoping this game doesn't suck as bad as KoF14. At least the art style in this game makes it look better than ugly-ass KoF14. I'd rather these games still had pure 2D graphics. SNK shoulda kept the graphical style of KoF12 and 13 going for at least one more game. If they felt the need to jump to 3D graphics, they shoulda done things the way Arc System Works handled the Guilty Gear Xrd games.
Samurai Showdown IV is my personal favorite in the series. I still play it.

I hope this does come to the PC. The only thing that gives me a bit of pause, is that the new King of Fighters game kinda sucked. It's highly rated, but it's nothing compared to the newer Street Fighters or Tekken 7, or DoA 5 for that matter. The characters are kinda ugly, the animation is stiff, and the moves don't flow like the other games I mentioned. I would hope they pull out every stop with Samurai Showdown though. I guess we'll see. I'm excited, but somewhat reserved. It looks decent from the tiny bits of game play they showed.

What I would REALLY love to see is a new Last Blade game. The Last Blade 2 is among my favorite fighting games of all time.
Samurai Shodown/Spirits IV is also my favorite in the series, and yeah I still play it a decent amount too. For many years I used the Sega Saturn version, but a few years ago I bought the game for Neo-Geo MVS and I've been solely using that version since. A new Last Blade game would be awesome (if done right). I also own both Last Blade games on MVS. KoF14 made it to PC so I don't see why this new Samurai Shodown wouldn't. I really hope this new SS game doesn't suck as badly as KoF14. For a company that was once known for their superb animation and excellent artwork, KoF14 turned out quite the extreme opposite. What matters is gameplay though, and to me KoF14 doesn't have that either. I'd rather play any other KoF game than 14. So yeah I am cautiously reserved about this new Samurai Spirits game. Please don't suck ass. If it at least turns out better than 5 and 6, I'll be happy.
I'm rather excited for this - as others have mentioned The Last Blade and the Samurai Spirits(Showdown) series were unique fighting games from the SNK era; I would come to play the console versions in my youth and later emulate the true NeoGeo/NeoCD versions that I remembered from the arcade! Its great to hear of a new Samurai Spirits / Showdown title and while its neat to see it announced for PS4, I can only hope that - like Capcom and ArcSys have figured out - PC release is a good idea as well. I'll have to wait a bit longer and for more content before I make any decision on the graphics, but I think they have potential indeed. With luck they will bring back the complete (or nearly so) cast of characters from the entire series; I really hope they don't go the way of having an anemic cast at launch and then add back favorites one at a time.

Kinda too bad they didn't show Ukyo Tachibana (or Amakusa for that matter), but I'm sure we'll see more in the coming months...
To expand on my point earlier; A game trailer and a movie trailer are nothing alike even though games are trying to emulate movie trailers.

In a movie trailer, the clips they show are actual in movie footage. They really are showing you some of what is in the movie and in the process are being fancy or dramatic.

In game trailers that are emulating movies, they show you nothing of the actual game and instead show you some pre-rendered bullshit that has nothing to do with the actual game play itself. Leave the CGI for when I actually buy the game as I couldn't care less for how much time and effort you put into irrelevant imagery, I just want to see the game dammit!

When I see a trailer for a movie that I find interesting, I get excited to see it.

When I see a trailer for a game, I only get excited if they show actual game play and it looks fun.

I know it's a bit off the rails on a rant, but it just tilts me when I see it over and over again. :p
Is it me or is this a character addon for sf5? How could snk so blatantly copy capcom?

Well, non-fighting games aside, SNK's fighters usually were more or less that way since the original KoF, World Heroes, etc. They eventually released more original games like Samurai Showdown, Last Blade, Waku Waku, Garou, etc. but KoF was largely a Street Fighter clone. In my opinion anyway. They already started getting into the 2.5D thing with KoF 14, so it's the logical progression I guess for their other series. As long as they improve the animation and character models for SS, I think it'll be great.
To expand on my point earlier; A game trailer and a movie trailer are nothing alike even though games are trying to emulate movie trailers.

In a movie trailer, the clips they show are actual in movie footage. They really are showing you some of what is in the movie and in the process are being fancy or dramatic.

In game trailers that are emulating movies, they show you nothing of the actual game and instead show you some pre-rendered bullshit that has nothing to do with the actual game play itself. Leave the CGI for when I actually buy the game as I couldn't care less for how much time and effort you put into irrelevant imagery, I just want to see the game dammit!

I know it's a bit off the rails on a rant, but it just tilts me when I see it over and over again. :p
They showed a few clips of the characters doing their original moves from previous games in the series. I would have liked to have seen more of it, but the game isn't coming out until 2019. It is fine for now. I can wait. :)
loved this game in the local diner. With Dragonball Fighterz, I dont have time to play another fighting game lolol
This looks like total ass and a blatant copy off of SF... 5 years ago.
I don't see how it's a blatant copy. The series has been around since the early 90s. This is the latest in the series. It's the progression of just about every major fighting game to go 2.5D or 3D, so of course it's going to have similarities to all of the other ones that have done the same over the years. This is a weapon fighter too, with an entirely different control scheme. I guess if you're not up on your fighting game history this could look somewhat similar, but it couldn't be too much more different and still be a fighting game.
It's a fighting game. Literally all of them a copies of Street Fighter to varying degrees. Samurai Shodown (and most of SNK's other fighting games) have been among the ones most heavily influenced by Street Fighter. That's intentional, and those games were huge hits as a result.
It's a fighting game. Literally all of them a copies of Street Fighter to varying degrees. Samurai Shodown (and most of SNK's other fighting games) have been among the ones most heavily influenced by Street Fighter. That's intentional, and those games were huge hits as a result.

They're all copies of International Karate, Karate Champ, Yie Ar Kung Fu! ;)

Edit: Thought I better put this here too :D

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I loved Yie Ar Kung Fu when I was young. It was probably a better game than Street Fighter 1 was.

I haven't played it much since I was a kid. I've had the odd few rounds in MAME, but that's about it. When I was a kid I could get all the way to Blues, but I don't think I ever beat him.
I think you missed what I thought they were copying. I know all 2D fighting games share similarities but this feels like a re-skinned SF. Feels and looks a lot like SF but still from 5 years ago.
Love this series but I suck at fighting games. If they add a story mode like MK9 or Injustice I would bite.
I think you missed what I thought they were copying. I know all 2D fighting games share similarities but this feels like a re-skinned SF. Feels and looks a lot like SF but still from 5 years ago.

I agree the art styles are somewhat similar. However, if you're going for the more or less hand-drawn look that's still in 2.5D there will in fact be similarities. They still want it to look like the rest of the series to some degree. The only other route to take would be to try and make it "realistic" like MK or something, but that usually looks pretty ugly IMO.
I don't see how it's a blatant copy. The series has been around since the early 90s. This is the latest in the series. It's the progression of just about every major fighting game to go 2.5D or 3D, so of course it's going to have similarities to all of the other ones that have done the same over the years. This is a weapon fighter too, with an entirely different control scheme. I guess if you're not up on your fighting game history this could look somewhat similar, but it couldn't be too much more different and still be a fighting game.
The art style is copied.
This looks like total ass and a blatant copy off of SF... 5 years ago.

IMO the original samurai shodown arcade game (released in 1993) was waaaay more fun than SF2. Owning the original arcade game cartridge (Neo Geo MVS), I got to appreciate that it was way ahead of its time. The music was composed of a combination of real instrument samples combined with midi instruments, and graphically speaking the original Neo Geo hardware handled several times as many sprites as other arcade hardware. That's why the Neo Geo systems and games lasted so long.

I don't know what generation of gamer you are, and to a degree I agree with you that it would look like a knock off of SF4/SF5, but the Samurai Shodown/Samurai Spirits series was very original in its own right. As a young teen playing the first one the big deal was the huge spray of blood you'd get from finishing off an enemy end of match. Also, the fighting mechanics were amazing... Beyond fighting, this game had the use of pets and animals fighting along the characters. (Nakoruru had an eagle, Galford had a wolf) They covered various types of sword fighting, Samurai, Ninja, Sabre (fencing). Every character was fun to play too, no trash tier ones.

The art style is copied.

I mean most of the Japanese style fighting games that've been remade into 3D games have this cellshaded art style now. It's true that it does look like SF4/SF5.
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Well, I suppose if all stylized anime characters are considered copied then so be it. That's pretty close to me saying that all live action movies are copied though because they have human characters. If the subtleties of the artwork are lost on you, then you can continue believing that they are copied. Doesn't hurt me any.

I don't know that many ways that 3D, lit, cell shaded, anime-style cartoon humanoid characters can be distinguished other than their costumes, weapons, expressions, fighting styles, etc. Might as well say Akira is a copy of Ghost in the Shell.

Side note, I agree that the music was very good in these. The Neo Geo used a YM2610 which is an FM (phase modulation) synthesizer on a chip. (Phase Modulation and other FM types are among my favorite synthesis methods) That's where the synthesized channels are generated. It's then run into a DAC. The Neo Geo could also play back sampled audio (the real instruments, voices, etc.) It also I believe had some form of PSG type thing for playing pulse waves or noise. The Z80 on the board was to control this. I do think the music was better in SS4 and Last Blade 2 though.
Samurai Showdown IV is my personal favorite in the series. I still play it.

I hope this does come to the PC. The only thing that gives me a bit of pause, is that the new King of Fighters game kinda sucked. It's highly rated, but it's nothing compared to the newer Street Fighters or Tekken 7, or DoA 5 for that matter. The characters are kinda ugly, the animation is stiff, and the moves don't flow like the other games I mentioned. I would hope they pull out every stop with Samurai Showdown though. I guess we'll see. I'm excited, but somewhat reserved. It looks decent from the tiny bits of game play they showed.

What I would REALLY love to see is a new Last Blade game. The Last Blade 2 is among my favorite fighting games of all time.

2 was mine. It still felt so classic. I bought it new on neo geo cartridge though, so maybe it's nostalgia.
I wish they remade fighting force. You know a fighting game with no rules and a seamless stream of fighting bad guys. Or Golden Axe, or something like that, please!
It feels like most of the modern era beat 'em up remakes haven't had much soul to them. Apparently there's a new Streets of Rage on the way so I'm hopeful it will break the mold. I always felt Streets 2 and 3 were probably the best games of that genre.

With Capcom porting so many Final Fight characters to the Street Fighter universe I don't get why they haven't made a new Final Fight game. Not some hokey retro version, but a modern one with 3D graphics/movement.
I wish they remade fighting force. You know a fighting game with no rules and a seamless stream of fighting bad guys. Or Golden Axe, or something like that, please!

Well, then you have to move to the "Beat 'em up" category. For me though, it doesn't really get better in that category than Final Fight.