Saitek X52 Not Detected (Windows 8.1 x64)


Limp Gawd
Apr 16, 2002
So I picked up a Craigslist Special of a Saitek X52 (yeah, I know, not the wisest move).

Anyway, I get it home and connect it, and it lights up -- but Windows doesn't detect that anything is plugged in. I tried the Saitek drivers -- still doesn't detect it. Multiple USB ports have been tried -- same thing.

What's confusing to me is that if it was a hardware problem, I would think that the X52 wouldn't light up at all.

What I haven't tried, that I'm going to: Checking Safe Mode for ghost drivers and possibly trying a powered hub -- but again, if it was a power issue I don't think it'd light up properly.

You guys have any ideas?

Thanks, but not the issue at all. The issue I have is Windows doesn't even detect I plugged anything in. After talking to someone today, it sounds like the USB protocol on it may be fried ( a chip or something).
yeah, sounds like bad USB (probably FTDI) in the stick, or bad cable
depends, certainly try the software suggestions above first, if they don't pan out open it up and check continuity between the board and the USB plug for all 4 conductors

report back
What's confusing to me is that if it was a hardware problem, I would think that the X52 wouldn't light up at all.

I'd try it on a different computer and OS before ruling it dead.

Otherwise, it can still light up and be dead. The internal USB wire that powers the lights can be good and the others bad or possibly the controller itself is bad. A good example is a thumb drive that has failed. It is still detected and lights up but you cannot access the file system.
I'd try it on a different computer and OS before ruling it dead.

Otherwise, it can still light up and be dead. The internal USB wire that powers the lights can be good and the others bad or possibly the controller itself is bad. A good example is a thumb drive that has failed. It is still detected and lights up but you cannot access the file system.

exactly, the LED probably runs straight off the +5 line, one of the data lines could be bad, the USB to whatever chip could be bad and the light would still come on

I also agree to try another computer and exhaust software possibilities first
So it was definitely a bad throttle. I got another throttle off eBay for $40 and it works fine -- now it looks like the joystick ALSO was bad. *sigh*

Flickering lights and the buttons don't always respond. Tried another PS/2 cable, same thing. I should have just bought a new X52.
My windows 8.1 pc has been randomly bluescreening when unplugging my x52 pro, but not every time... That's new.
Probably sell 'em for parts. I don't have the knowledge to futz around with the insides.

Right now I'm debating picking up a used joystick off eBay, or just buying a new unit.
I would try contacting Saitek and see if they are still under warranty or something.

Back in the day, I received a used x36 set that was the older gameport version. It wouldn't work on the OS I had... probably was Vista, don't really remember.

They told me to send it in and they would send me out the newer USB version.

So it cost me a total of $8 shipping to get the set replaced.

I like the x36 over the x45 and from looking at the x52 in stores, the x36 still seems like a better made setup to me.

And that setup was used to replace my old Thrustmaster HOTAS setup... which I wish I would have kept for my retro system... grrrr.
I don't have my receipt, so I have to pick up another joystick on eBay or Amazon or something.
If that's the case, is it fixable, or do I have a brick?

I've opened these up. I'd test mine on Win8.1 just to see if I can reproduce the problem, but it's in pieces. Do you want pictures?

They're pretty simple devices.

*Edit*Give me a few and I'll take a pic of where you'll want to check the soldering. The reason mine is apart is that I had to repair the plug to the throttle (it came out).


This is within the throttle. You'll see those lovely capacitors. But generally, the Saitek USB goes into the throttle. If the screen comes on, then it is getting power. You'll want to check the green and white connections in the second pic (near where the USB cable enters). Those are the data. Usually when a USB device doesn't show in the system, it's going to be those.

Btw, just out curiousity, you verified that there's nothing in Device Manager with an exclamation mark? Sometimes you have to manually load the driver on Win8.1 using the "update driver" dialog. It also never hurts to try an externally powered hub if you have one laying around, although I'd expect it to show up and then drop out if that was the case.
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Right, I've already replaced the throttle, and the new throttle is fine. It's the joystick that's dead also that I'm more concerned about.