S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2: Heart of Chernobyl

I played for a few hours yesterday and made it out of Rostock as quickly as possible. The main mission is something from the malachite base.
But along the way I was running through an area that caused me to notice extreme...I want to call it ghosting when activating the head-lamp in pitch dark scenes. It's actually a really good demonstration for persistence of images in real life.
On a more directly game related note, nobody can perform the modifications that I need to use any of my current weapons and gear.
Well nobody who won't shoot me on sight if I tried to approach their base anymore.
Just started playing this and got to a bunker and now am heading out to look for an anomaly. Is this mostly exploring stuff? Thus far, I have killed one deformed pig or something. Might be too early in the game?
You're still in the "tutorial" section of the game. About half way, I'd say. It will open up after you're through it.
I haven't had a crash in awhile, the only thing I can think is that I was running at DLAA most of the time, whereas now I kicked it down to DLSS Quality for extra performance. I've still gotten crashes with DLSS Quality, but it seems far less frequent.
Game crashed as I tried to get into the Burnt Forest last night. First crash in a few days.

Died a few times last to an emission while at the chemical tanks. Could not find a way to get into the shelter building with the gas anomalies on the roof? None of the holes was large enough to drop through. Tried to run to the chemical plant but I'm still unable to get in even though the front and rear gate guards are friendly. Hopped the fence and all the interior doors are locked. Eventually the guards start shooting at you anyway. Sucks as that is the only base I have on that area of the map. Running all the way back to Zalissya to repair and unload/sell loot sucks. Looks like I'll need to stretch to Malachite eventually to get a new repair base on the West side of the zone. Does not appear to be anything in Duga or Burnt Forest.
Game crashed as I tried to get into the Burnt Forest last night. First crash in a few days.

Died a few times last to an emission while at the chemical tanks. Could not find a way to get into the shelter building with the gas anomalies on the roof? None of the holes was large enough to drop through. Tried to run to the chemical plant but I'm still unable to get in even though the front and rear gate guards are friendly. Hopped the fence and all the interior doors are locked. Eventually the guards start shooting at you anyway. Sucks as that is the only base I have on that area of the map. Running all the way back to Zalissya to repair and unload/sell loot sucks. Looks like I'll need to stretch to Malachite eventually to get a new repair base on the West side of the zone. Does not appear to be anything in Duga or Burnt Forest.

Emissions are weird, because what it detects as being a "safe" place isn't always consistent. I was "inside" a structure for one of them and died anyway.
Emissions are weird, because what it detects as being a "safe" place isn't always consistent. I was "inside" a structure for one of them and died anyway.
Ya.. it's gotta be fully enclosed to survive.. no windows. I died underground once as there was a tunnel entrance open?? Odd. Anyway just remembered you can get into the trader building and close the door outside the chemical plant to sit out an emission.

Also just found a way into the Chemical Plant jumping the fence. All the exterior doors are still locked though? Guess I'll need to go out the way I came in. But you are able to sleep, repair and trade with all inside the building. My bet is if you wander outside in the base they will eventually shoot at you. This bug really sucks to have to work around.

View: https://youtu.be/usjA5byXlnY?si=9Hy1xAwugPasUlsL
Ya.. it's gotta be fully enclosed to survive.. no windows. I died underground once as there was a tunnel entrance open?? Odd. Anyway just remembered you can get into the trader building and close the door outside the chemical plant to sit out an emission.

Also just found a way into the Chemical Plant jumping the fence. All the exterior doors are still locked though? Guess I'll need to go out the way I came in. But you are able to sleep, repair and trade with all inside the building. My bet is if you wander outside in the base they will eventually shoot at you. This bug really sucks to have to work around.
I'm doing another playthrough now and going full on Ward. I hated fast traveling to Chemical Plant and then immediately being shot at by the guards and not being able to leave again.
Ya.. it's gotta be fully enclosed to survive.. no windows. I died underground once as there was a tunnel entrance open?? Odd. Anyway just remembered you can get into the trader building and close the door outside the chemical plant to sit out an emission.

Also just found a way into the Chemical Plant jumping the fence. All the exterior doors are still locked though? Guess I'll need to go out the way I came in. But you are able to sleep, repair and trade with all inside the building. My bet is if you wander outside in the base they will eventually shoot at you. This bug really sucks to have to work around.

View: https://youtu.be/usjA5byXlnY?si=9Hy1xAwugPasUlsL

You can also wait until an emission or lure mutants/enemies to draw away the guard standing in the way of the southern entrance. But you're too early to be doing anything there. That's why the doors are locked and some Ward soldiers shoot at you. I don't think the devs intended you to be inside the walls until a certain point in the main story.
Pushed up to malachite tonight. Should be nice to have 2 bases nearby so I can explore Duga, Burnt Forest and the rest of the Chemical Plant area.

Found a SSP-100 Discovery suit in a stash in Chemical Plant area and a Rhino pistol in the Burnt Forest. Upgraded the suit to max out slots.. I need to get the blueprint to bump up the physical damage protection. It's a downgrade for max carry.. I was at like 144, now 129. We'll see how that works out. Might rotate between this suit and the old one depending on what I'm up to. Going to stick with the beginner pistol for now.

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Still crashing, there seems to be no real rhyme or reason to it. It'll happen when I'm in a populated area or just out in the middle of nowhere. I've tried changing all kinds of settings and nothing seems to fix it. I've just gotten used to hitting F5 after every encounter/long run/etc.
Still crashing, there seems to be no real rhyme or reason to it. It'll happen when I'm in a populated area or just out in the middle of nowhere. I've tried changing all kinds of settings and nothing seems to fix it. I've just gotten used to hitting F5 after every encounter/long run/etc.
You oc'd in any way? I've got about 120 hours in the game and had maybe 4-5 crashes. Restarts due to mem leak and various bug encounters however..
You oc'd in any way? I've got about 120 hours in the game and had maybe 4-5 crashes. Restarts due to mem leak and various bug encounters however..
No, I don't even have any OC software installed. I also got rid of the nVidia app so that's not doing anything, either.

I've tried HAGS off, HAGS on, all combinations of DLSS, removing any Engine.ini tweaks....nothing seems to make any difference. Very frustrating. I don't experience crashes in any other games.
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Still crashing, there seems to be no real rhyme or reason to it. It'll happen when I'm in a populated area or just out in the middle of nowhere. I've tried changing all kinds of settings and nothing seems to fix it. I've just gotten used to hitting F5 after every encounter/long run/etc.
It's interesting...played 60ish hours and not had one crash while playing. BUT...about 50% of the time the shaders compile fails when starting the game and I have to back out and close it from the Task Manager
Tried to get into Duga from Malachite last night. Took a few deaths to figure out you have to get in all the way down at the Southern end.. and even after you get in you cannot gain access to the Northern part. Apparently there is another mission to open it up. If you put on your best Mario and jump the fence and make it into a building, you will get deadded by a sniper through said building... ask me how I know. So that was a total waste of time.

Malachite seems to be where bloodsuckers breed. Get to a building.. two bloodsuckers.. enter a building.. two bloodsuckers.. exit a building.. two bloodsuckers.. travel to next building.. I think you get where I'm going. Musta killed 25 of them before I crossed back into Burnt Forest. First time in game I nearly ran out of shottie shells on a run. Going to need to adjust my kit.

Ran into Psi-doggies and the armored elk on my way back to the lesser zone. Did not get the kill on the elk, It absorbed quite a few sniper and shottie rounds then got stuck in a helo wreck (clipped) where I was unable to finish it. I'll circle back to that one.

Main mission seems to want me to go East re: Wild Island and surrounding areas. Since I'm still locked out of Chemical Plant and Northern Duga I think I'll do that next. Exploring areas early has been fun. Had quite a few "feet don't fail me now" moments.. lol. Not sure if I'm wrekin the main mission with my activity yet.

Game crashed just once last night while I was loitering organizing my stash box in Zalissya. Being in your inventory in a base seems to be a trigger for crashes for me. Which sucks as the game shuffles my loot in a manner I really don't care for. Have not bothered with Rostok for days. Hopefully I can continue without having to go back or they get a patch soon.
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Does this game compile shaders every single time? wtf?
I launched it thrice and everytime it takes 2-3 mins to compile shaders.

Played a bit but it is really random lol. Things coming out of nowhere killing you, a bull running you over, people shooting each other feeling like they are not your enemies and then poof shooting you instead. Pigs coming at you from nowhere. wtf. I died already 5 times and just hit zasso whatever, I don’t even know wtf I am doing and why.
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Does this game compile shaders every single time? wtf?
I launched it thrice and everytime it takes 2-3 mins to compile shaders.

Played a bit but it is really random lol. Things coming out of nowhere killing you, a bull running you over, people shooting each other feeling like they are not your enemies and then poof shooting you instead. Pigs coming at you from nowhere. wtf. I died already 5 times and just hit zasso whatever, I don’t even know wtf I am doing and why.
Yes, shaders every time. Unless it fails.. then it skips it next time you load the game. But it should not take minutes, mine gets through it in 15-20 seconds.

Yup.. that's the zone. rando stuff wants to kill you all the time. As for rando's trying to kill you.. or it seems that way. I usually wait till they attack in earnest to zero them out. I've accidently killed friendlies early on in the game and it likely cost me some rep. IMHO worth it to take a few rounds to ensure they are hostiles.

Weight issues.. all us loot whores hate it. But it's part of the game. Luckily the stash boxes are universal and you don't have to run from one to the next to move or get access to your stuff. If I grab a lot of loot near a place I'm not on good rep with I just store it until I get to a friendly base to pawn it off. You get more credits for your loot in friendly bases, the trader symbol on the map will be green.

I've pared my equipment weight to the nub when setting off from a base. My main long gun and sidearm now use .45ACP and I don't carry a sniper rifle any more. By backup is a 12GA shottie so now instead of carrying 4 different types of ammo I'm down to 2. You can also use stashes to escrow loot until you make your way back to a location on a second loot run. Just takes a bit more time. Make good use of the Nonstop energy drinks so you can sprint more when fully loaded down. Walking back to bases while encumbered sux.

Stick with it.. with all the bugs and stuff I'm still having a h00t!
So I *think* I figured out the crashing, and it turns out it might have been due to an overclock...that I had no idea existed.

Before I got rid of the Nvidia App, I must have had it run that "automatic overclock" thing, which I guess set it to +70 on GPU and +200 on VRAM. Worked fine in every other game, I guess. I assumed that when I uninstalled the Nvidia App, it would have reverted clocks to stock. Apparently not. When I reinstalled it, it was still showing as being enabled and having the same overclock. I manually turned it off and *knock on wood* haven't had a crash since.

So I guess, if you're going to uninstall the Nvidia App, make sure you revert that setting back or you may be stuck with an OC you can't control anymore. :sour:
Ok I must be dumb as nails. Can someone tell me a few things as I am not finding the motivation to search for them online or read poorly written tutorials.

- How do I trade. I pressed the trade button and tried to move items to the "sell box" but they don't stick there. Wtf
- How do I upgrade. I open the menu and it says click on the dot to continue. I continue and click the upgrade I want but nothing happens. Wtf
- How do I repair. I can't find any info about repairing crap anywhere. Wtf

I have never played a Stalker game but this can't be that hard. Also, the randomness of the game is really killing my motivation to continue. 90% of the time I can't see shit or where the dog or camo monster came from. Other 10% I am fighting with my gun to work. I tried killing a dog with a melee weapon (knife) and it was a disaster. Also I keep walking into anomalies because I can't see the blur around them in time. There is something really janky af about this game.

I will continue for a bit but need the above 3 questions answered. It has good atmosphere and decent intrigue factor for now but everything from gameplay/gunplay to actual enjoyment of the game is missing for now. Maybe things get better later on.

Never mind. Trader needs to be green.
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Pushed up to malachite tonight. Should be nice to have 2 bases nearby so I can explore Duga, Burnt Forest and the rest of the Chemical Plant area.

Found a SSP-100 Discovery suit in a stash in Chemical Plant area and a Rhino pistol in the Burnt Forest. Upgraded the suit to max out slots.. I need to get the blueprint to bump up the physical damage protection. It's a downgrade for max carry.. I was at like 144, now 129. We'll see how that works out. Might rotate between this suit and the old one depending on what I'm up to. Going to stick with the beginner pistol for now.

View attachment 703784
Your loadout is giving me hope. I'm rocking the same suit and weapons but with about 100x less cash on hand... Need to figure out where to farm some good artifacts so I can fix all my red gear before I do the Red Forest side quest.
- How do I trade. I pressed the trade button and tried to move items to the "sell box" but they don't stick there. Wtf
You can only sell certain items to certain vendors. There are typically four different types of vendors at a base: a medic, a gear trader, a gear technician, and a general trader.

The medic won't take guns and ammo but will generally accept everything else. Don't recall on artifacts though?

The gear trader will take all but the red icon (i.e. heavily worn) gear you find as well as ammo.

The gear technician will only repair and upgrade the gear you have. They don't actually trade gear or items.

The general trader will pretty much take anything, but at a reduced value compared to the other two. I consider them the artifact trader because they sometimes hand our quests to find artifacts.

Not all bases have all three four vendors.
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Ok I must be dumb as nails. Can someone tell me a few things as I am not finding the motivation to search for them online or read poorly written tutorials.

- How do I trade. I pressed the trade button and tried to move items to the "sell box" but they don't stick there. Wtf
- How do I upgrade. I open the menu and it says click on the dot to continue. I continue and click the upgrade I want but nothing happens. Wtf
- How do I repair. I can't find any info about repairing crap anywhere. Wtf

I have never played a Stalker game but this can't be that hard. Also, the randomness of the game is really killing my motivation to continue. 90% of the time I can't see shit or where the dog or camo monster came from. Other 10% I am fighting with my gun to work. I tried killing a dog with a melee weapon (knife) and it was a disaster. Also I keep walking into anomalies because I can't see the blur around them in time. There is something really janky af about this game.

I will continue for a bit but need the above 3 questions answered. It has good atmosphere and decent intrigue factor for now but everything from gameplay/gunplay to actual enjoyment of the game is missing for now. Maybe things get better later on.

Never mind. Trader needs to be green.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX7wy-7p8uA

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug-xvxhtUj8
90% of the time I can't see shit or where the dog or camo monster came from. Other 10% I am fighting with my gun to work. I tried killing a dog with a melee weapon (knife) and it was a disaster.
Most of the time there's no benefit to fighting mutants, so running away is the best way to deal with them. If you really have to fight, use your ears. For bloodsuckers (the invisible ones) you don't have any other choice but to listen for them, since by the time you can see them it's too late to react. Also, use a shotgun vs. mutants.

Also I keep walking into anomalies because I can't see the blur around them in time.
You're not supposed to be able to see them easily. Listen for the beeping from your detector, move slowly, and throw bolts.
Ok I must be dumb as nails. Can someone tell me a few things as I am not finding the motivation to search for them online or read poorly written tutorials.

- How do I trade. I pressed the trade button and tried to move items to the "sell box" but they don't stick there. Wtf
- How do I upgrade. I open the menu and it says click on the dot to continue. I continue and click the upgrade I want but nothing happens. Wtf
- How do I repair. I can't find any info about repairing crap anywhere. Wtf

Trading: You move items to the upper sections on either your side (selling) or their side (buying), and then there's a button down near the bottom middle that engages the trade.

Upgrade: Some upgrades can't be done by some technicians. If you click on an upgrade rectangle and there's no price listed, they can't do it (or there's a pre-requisite upgrade that it will say). It'll also say something like "Cannot be done by this technician" but that's up with the other description text and less obvious. I think if the dot itself is greyed, it means you haven't found the right blueprint for the upgrade yet.

Repair: Select the item and hit R when you're at a technician. It'll say down below the item picture how much it'll cost to repair.

Hope that helps. The UI is not great and overall retains some of the jank of the original games.
Your loadout is giving me hope. I'm rocking the same suit and weapons but with about 100x less cash on hand... Need to figure out where to farm some good artifacts so I can fix all my red gear before I do the Red Forest side quest.
I'm an admitted l00t whore. I have so much junk in my trunk right now waiting to be sold it's not funny.. lol. And my credit balance is sitting about $200k. Maybe a bit less as I just bought a PSI suit I collected parts for at $40k. Sell price is probably less than half that but I put in the work dammit!

When bandit's attack.. I see $$$. Most cost effective way I've found to take care of human type enemies is close fast and mow them down with a shottie. Trying to flank and use cover or ranged attack does not work well unless you are wayyyy off and in an elevated position with very clear LOS. They hit you through cover and are hyper accurate even at range and with no LOS (mostly with red condition weapons at that!). I get shot through solid earth quite frequently out in the wild. Loot them, unload and drop all the red weapons & beverages. Beverages are not worth their weight to carry unless you are on your way back and close to base anyway. Same rules apply for red condition weapons that can only be sold in Rostok. Clear all loot stashes on the map in an area and completely loot all buildings. Only sell to traders you have good reputation with (green icon on map) to maximize your loot farming. If you must to sell to repair.. sell just enough to cover cost. Repair BEFORE your kit goes red! Repair prices go up a LOT for red items. I repair on nearly every return to base. Use that personal stash box!!. Make several trips to locations to completely loot them if necessary. Energy drinks are your friend when coming back from loot runs at max weight. I usually leave base with at least 10 and don't use any on the way to the spot.

Have not done a lot of artifact farming other than the ones I really wanted for my wear kit. I whip out the detector if I run across an anomaly field.

As stated above.. fighting mutants is a losing proposition financially. If you have the endurance.. run out of range. Those bouncy rats are an ammo sink.

The main story line is a side mission to me unless some of it is required to gain access to locations. I do the side missions in an area and get stashes first. I have not painted myself into a corner yet as far as I can tell on the main mission by killing required NPC's before a quest.

On a side note.. I wish the UI had a section for overall protection not just that of the suit you are wearing.
I added several QoL mods to this game - lower repair cost, better stashes, lower weight for consumables, etc. Makes the game way more enjoyable. There's still a ton of just running around in mostly empty areas, though (I added a lowered-cost fast travel mod to help with the tedium). Even with A-Life "mods" the world still feels pretty empty. Sometimes I come across some Stalkers fighting each other, but I rarely see any mutants roaming around in the wild. Hopefully they keep patching and making A-Life better.
Just looted a RPM-74 Machine gun (red, cost 15k to repair!!)and a rifle called the Clusterfuck in Zaton.. lol. Going to take some time off the main storyline to acquire the upgrades and attachments.
Thanks all for the tips. I will continue playing today and see what’s up.
Keep at it... think I'm up over 80 hours and still having fun.

Took some time to cash in some of my stash loot, over 300k credits now and I still have a bucket of artifacts and other stuff to sell eventually. Good thing too.. Zone inflation is for real. 26k just to repair the rpg launcher.

Got the extended mag for the RPM-74. Going to hold off upgrading it, dunno if I'll actually use it.

Got the clusterfuck fully updated. It being an AR416 base the ammo is relatively easy to get. Fully modded with a sniper scope, silencer, 50 round drum mag and a under barrel nade launcher it's really effective. Might become my new main with the SAGIA shottie as the secondary.
So I *think* I figured out the crashing, and it turns out it might have been due to an overclock...that I had no idea existed.

Before I got rid of the Nvidia App, I must have had it run that "automatic overclock" thing, which I guess set it to +70 on GPU and +200 on VRAM. Worked fine in every other game, I guess. I assumed that when I uninstalled the Nvidia App, it would have reverted clocks to stock. Apparently not. When I reinstalled it, it was still showing as being enabled and having the same overclock. I manually turned it off and *knock on wood* haven't had a crash since.

So I guess, if you're going to uninstall the Nvidia App, make sure you revert that setting back or you may be stuck with an OC you can't control anymore. :sour:

Called iiit
So I think I am getting the hang of the game. I am now looking for a Colonel and crossed a bridge to another zone which seems same as the previous zone. The randomness has subsided a bit but everytime there are dogs or those big pig type mutants it pisses me off to no end. I am siding with the wards and that allowed for some easy access it seems.

Game is not bad but is really janky. Like bugs galore. I tried to save a guy and he was floating on a bed. Sometimes the enemies get stuck or sometimes have precise aim from very far distances. I am really strapped for cash though. If I repair stuff it ends up just finishing up all my cash in seconds. I am still on my debut suit and have an icon saying I am encumbered. I am not sure but it seems there are no level up in this game. You just upgrade and repair stuff and am assuming you will get better loot soon?

Distances are huge and traveling around is dreadful. It does have a unique feel but not sure I really like it as much. Hate the nights so usually end up sleeping most of the nights. Overall, I think if this was made by a proper dev it could’ve been a great game.

One thing though DLSS Quality really is shit. I turned all DLSS features off and am now running TAA which looks miles better at 4K. Is there a better option than that? Guess I really need a 5090 to enjoy these games and hoping the new DLSS really cleans shit up nicely.
So I think I am getting the hang of the game. I am now looking for a Colonel and crossed a bridge to another zone which seems same as the previous zone. The randomness has subsided a bit but everytime there are dogs or those big pig type mutants it pisses me off to no end. I am siding with the wards and that allowed for some easy access it seems.

Game is not bad but is really janky. Like bugs galore. I tried to save a guy and he was floating on a bed. Sometimes the enemies get stuck or sometimes have precise aim from very far distances. I am really strapped for cash though. If I repair stuff it ends up just finishing up all my cash in seconds. I am still on my debut suit and have an icon saying I am encumbered. I am not sure but it seems there are no level up in this game. You just upgrade and repair stuff and am assuming you will get better loot soon?

Distances are huge and traveling around is dreadful. It does have a unique feel but not sure I really like it as much. Hate the nights so usually end up sleeping most of the nights. Overall, I think if this was made by a proper dev it could’ve been a great game.

One thing though DLSS Quality really is shit. I turned all DLSS features off and am now running TAA which looks miles better at 4K. Is there a better option than that? Guess I really need a 5090 to enjoy these games and hoping the new DLSS really cleans shit up nicely.
Sounds like you are rucking too much shit soldier. Drop all the stuff you are not using into your stash at your base. Running around encumbered sucks. I make plans for a return to base as soon as I start to get heavy.

Early on you should be using whatever you can lay hands on cheaply. Get an AK, a shottie and use Skif's pistol. All 3 are easy to get ammo for and repair. Use whatever armor and mask you find.. there is some not bad stuff in the early zones. Farm some artifacts and use them in your armor slots.. every lil bit helps. Do all the side quests.

The game really does hammer the GPU. I play all my other games at 7680x1440 across three 32" monitors. Even cutting the quality settings to the nub I could not get the game to feel smooth at that rez. I'm down to one monitor on high settings. Oh.. and this game chews through system RAM like it's rock candy. I frequently see usage above 30GB! I was not going to upgrade my rig this cycle but this game has me reconsidering. Having 2 blank monitors as I play really sux.
I haven't played this in about 2 weeks. I decided to hold off so I could finish it with a 5090. I'm not real impressed with the 5090 in terms of game performance but I'll be buying one anyway for content creation. I've got about 141 hours in so far. I still have a few zones left to explore but I'm getting into the upper portion of the map and feel like I'm in the last leg of the story. My game still runs great and I havn't had any problems with the shader cache. Mine loads up in 16 seconds. I haven't had any crashes since the first patch released and I'm generally happy but the monster spawns still need to be pushed much further off into the distance in my opinion. I'm looking forward to playing the game with difficulty mods and quest mods in the future because I think the economy is too easy. I've sold so many custom weapons and armor sets in perfect condition but I don't have alot of reason to hold on to them. My main gear that I typically use is below.


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I didn’t have any crashes in the little time I played. Also performance is fine. Except I am back to TAA as there were too many artifacts using DLSS.
I didn’t have any crashes in the little time I played. Also performance is fine. Except I am back to TAA as there were too many artifacts using DLSS.
Have you tried using DLAA? One other thing you could check is the blur option. I usually turn all blur effects off but digital foundry made the comment that the blur quality effects image quality in general and that they increased the blur quality in the .ini instead of turning it off. The blur actually blurs the ailiased eges to make them look better. You could try turning up the blur and blur quality and then enabling DLDSR in the Nvidia control panel and setting the smoothness slider to 10-15. It might not be to your liking but it's something you could try.
I think the artifacts happen when there are subtitles and also on edges of foliage. They are quite apparent. I will try DLAA as I forgot about it.
I didn’t have any crashes in the little time I played. Also performance is fine. Except I am back to TAA as there were too many artifacts using DLSS.
You weren't kidding, DLSS Quality looks really bad. TAA isn't great either but it at least only has the blur and not the artifacts.

DLAA is decent but performance isn't good enough for me to use it.
Just finished clearing the swamps of all storyline missions and stashes.

Seriously.. fuck that place.. fuck that place every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

That is all...