S-IPS less input lag than P-MVA?

Dec 1, 2006
Just a simple question I haven't seen directly addressed, does S-IPS have less input lag then P-MVA?

It would seem from all I've read now that for gaming and high color value S-IPS would be the way to go(which the new Samsung 226CW is going to be right?).

Anyone correct me if I'm wrong, just trying to clarify before I make my next build. Looking forward to clearing 50 lbs of wasted desk room out and replacing with a sweet LCD.
I haven't seen anything that suggests the panel technology makes a difference.

Anyone else know different?
I haven't seen anything that suggests the panel technology makes a difference.

Anyone else know different?

Hmm, I was under the impression that S-IPS, TN, and P-MVA all had seperate varying levels of input lag!

I got that idea perusing past articles filled with arguments over which monitor is wisest purchase for gaming.

Is this not the case?
I didn't think input lag was consistent across displays with the same panel type. I thought it was more down to the underlying electronics the display used. I don't think anyone knows for sure though.

It's still a pretty murky area (at least to me xD).
assuming the eletronics are kept the same then yes.
Be aware LUT's and 10/12/14/16-bit additions to the display add significant lag.
Input lag refers to any latency that occurs in addition to the response time of the LCD (e.g. due to scaling, video enhancement, etc). Input lag varies by model, not by panel. Two monitors can have the exact same panel and have different amounts of input lag. I too have often heard, though, that *VA panels have worse lag than TN or IPS, but I've yet to see a convincing reason for why. Is it just a coincidence, or is there something about the electronics that need to be there for these types of panels that make them slower?
Input lag refers to any latency that occurs in addition to the response time of the LCD (e.g. due to scaling, video enhancement, etc). Input lag varies by model, not by panel. Two monitors can have the exact same panel and have different amounts of input lag. I too have often heard, though, that *VA panels have worse lag than TN or IPS, but I've yet to see a convincing reason for why. Is it just a coincidence, or is there something about the electronics that need to be there for these types of panels that make them slower?

I'm reading through the anandtech forums trying to learn enough to understand this.
generally speaking, no.
but the samsung 20''+ (higher resolution, more calculation) pva monitors where the first to incorporate a very laggy overdrive system, making people take notice (look up the 214T). It wasn't the PVA causing the lag but the slower PVA responsetime needing a laggy overdrive.
There might also be a general problem with samsung PVA electronics, the 305T seems to lag slightly for no apparent reason.
IPS used to be faster without extra help so overdrive wasn't needed and was never added to the 23'' monitors = no lag.
But the extra IPS NEC 2690 electronics seem to be adding enough lag to rival the PVA 2407wfp.
MVA is almost identical to PVA but there doesn't seem to be a general problem with the used electronics. (lagfree LG 24'' for example)
btw the 226CW seems to use a TN panel.. ^^;


Greatly informative thank you.

Man deciding on a monitor these days is a Gas! As far as I can tell the only good option is the freakin 500 dollar NEC for gaming.


I might just have to sit on my CRT for a while longer. :(
S-PVA and P-MVA Panels should not inherently have more input lag than S-IPS. As someone else stated in this thread, input lag is caused by processing the image before it is displayed, it is caused by the scaler and display circuitry not the Panel itself. The reason why S-PVA and P-MVA panels generally have more input lag, is because they use overdrive to improve pixel response times and reduce ghosting. Overdrive requires a display buffer, it is this buffer that is the culprit for lag.

S-IPS monitors generally don't use overdrive.
S-PVA and P-MVA Panels should not inherently have more input lag than S-IPS. As someone else stated in this thread, input lag is caused by processing the image before it is displayed, it is caused by the scaler and display circuitry not the Panel itself. The reason why S-PVA and P-MVA panels generally have more input lag, is because they use overdrive to improve pixel response times and reduce ghosting. Overdrive requires a display buffer, it is this buffer that is the culprit for lag.

S-IPS monitors generally don't use overdrive.

THanks that makes sense... so now the real question is, which P/Mva panels exist for us that don't have overdrive problems, or cost over 300 bucks?


Man, I never knew how much there was to learn about monitors CRT's are so simple. I'm starting to get the hang of it though thanks guys. I really appreciate it.

I feel much more confident in my ability to be pleased about where I toss my money.

I think it's boiled down to the Acer Pmva or the Dell 2007wfp s-ips.

Question is just how much moneys I'm willing to save vs possibility of dealing with input lag. I think 100 extra bucks is worth negating that risk.