Russia Passes Bill Banning Proxies, Tor, and VPNs


May 13, 2013
Russia's two legislative bodies have passed a bill that bans the use of Tor, proxies, and VPNs, and is now on the desk of President Putin to get signed into law. Under the new bill Russian ISPs will have to implement the blocks that prevent users from using these services.

We covered this back in April when the bill was initially considered. At that time it was only going to punish those that allowed access to blocked websites. It seems now to have evolved to be an overall block of the services. Internet freedom seems to be going away faster and faster in places around the world. We may be soon approaching the "Splinternet" where the Internet won't be world wide, but instead a national service.

If signed into law, Russia will become the first country where officials ban proxies, Tor, and VPNs. Despite popular opinion, China does not block these tools. Instead, China requires VPN providers to register with state authorities.
Russia's two legislative bodies have passed a bill that bans the use of Tor, proxies, and VPNs, and is now on the desk of President Putin to get signed into law. Under the new bill Russian ISPs will have to implement the blocks that prevent users from using these services.

We covered this back in April when the bill was initially considered. At that time it was only going to punish those that allowed access to blocked websites. It seems now to have evolved to be an overall block of the services. Internet freedom seems to be going away faster and faster in places around the world. We may be soon approaching the "Splinternet" where the Internet won't be world wide, but instead a national service.

If signed into law, Russia will become the first country where officials ban proxies, Tor, and VPNs. Despite popular opinion, China does not block these tools. Instead, China requires VPN providers to register with state authorities.

This has long been a goal of Kaspersky which has enormous pull in the Russian government.

Their viewpoint is essentially, from what I can tell and have read anyway, that citizens should have their internet restricted and controlled and you should have a sort of "internet passport" that you use when you are on the internet. This passport should be used in all online commerce and such as well as used to allow or block access to sites outside of the country.
I find it funny that anyone expected anything different. The statists would never allow such a threat to their power. I also find it funny that it has been allowed to go on this long. The statists must have just not understood what the Internet meant. Every country is going to have restrictions on internet access within the next 15-20 years, with the US near the last of them. A totally free network could never be sustained any more than a totally free country. It is the nature of the less intelligent human beings to want to be ruled.
Businesses will be absolutely crippled by this. Russia will fall by the wayside in everything technology-wise.
There goes pretty much any idea of corporate security or secrecy,

That reminds me, it's about to mail another set of check to the EFF and the ACLU. Hell, rule 41 is still on the books here in the US.
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So no more hackers from Russia? Other than the state sponsored kind.

Businesses will be absolutely crippled by this. Russia will fall by the wayside in everything technology-wise.
Yeah, can't imagine investors liking this either
this i s so sh!t for all those people. how long till our government bans vpn? hell pretty sure @ this point they aren't worried about tor because it is a government funded/run project from the start. part of MKultra. that's why they let it slide. now that GD50 is over they are cracking down.
Australia, the UK, the USA, Canada, and New Zealand have been holding talks discussing this subject.

I don't think this will happen in most of the West, though, as privacy is a human right, and a positive tool for many forms of communication and business.
How do you block a VPN service? It's just some bits flowing from one host to another using TLS... it's like you should just ban encryption and be done with it. How do you block Tor it's just some bits flowing from one host to another using TLS, wait again encryption is the crux here. The splinter-net isn't upcoming it just got solidified. Go Team Red! Fascist scum. And the big kicker, all these "freedom" loving companies in the US will continue to do business with Russia and China. No one gives two shits about human rights they just want to get paid. "Oh but it's corporate suicide to stop working with Russia/China!" Yeah you choose freedom or dollars but not both. I say we nuke the world and get it over with.
How do you block a VPN service? It's just some bits flowing from one host to another using TLS... it's like you should just ban encryption and be done with it. How do you block Tor it's just some bits flowing from one host to another using TLS, wait again encryption is the crux here. The splinter-net isn't upcoming it just got solidified. Go Team Red! Fascist scum. And the big kicker, all these "freedom" loving companies in the US will continue to do business with Russia and China. No one gives two shits about human rights they just want to get paid. "Oh but it's corporate suicide to stop working with Russia/China!" Yeah you choose freedom or dollars but not both. I say we nuke the world and get it over with.

Why are you singling out Russia? The UK government has been talking about doing similar for the previous 2 years - and Australia is adamant about doing it. It could be that this never would've become a thing in Russia had the police-state of the UK not put the idea out into the public and talked about doing it for so long.
Why are you singling out Russia? The UK government has been talking about doing similar for the previous 2 years - and Australia is adamant about doing it. It could be that this never would've become a thing in Russia had the police-state of the UK not put the idea out into the public and talked about doing it for so long.
Was just trying to stay on topic but screw the UK to and their hypocritical human rights bullshit while we are bashing them. Seems like a good chunk of Europe has out right banned free speech while simultaneously trying to protect freedom of stupid religions. They hate humanity so much and want to destroy it from the inside all while saying they are doing it to make people feel better. Talk about irony.
So china,russia, if india does it, well that eliminates what, 2/3-3/4 of the internet population?
This feels like a inevitability at his point, wouldn't surprise me if most of Europe follows suit. Our last two US presidents dreamed of that kind of power.
How do you block a VPN service? It's just some bits flowing from one host to another using TLS... it's like you should just ban encryption and be done with it. How do you block Tor it's just some bits flowing from one host to another using TLS, wait again encryption is the crux here. The splinter-net isn't upcoming it just got solidified. Go Team Red! Fascist scum. And the big kicker, all these "freedom" loving companies in the US will continue to do business with Russia and China. No one gives two shits about human rights they just want to get paid. "Oh but it's corporate suicide to stop working with Russia/China!" Yeah you choose freedom or dollars but not both. I say we nuke the world and get it over with.

They have unique IP Packet headers and destinations. That is how you know.
And our Dictator-in-Chief follows in 3..2..1
Was just trying to stay on topic but screw the UK to and their hypocritical human rights bullshit while we are bashing them. Seems like a good chunk of Europe has out right banned free speech while simultaneously trying to protect freedom of stupid religions. They hate humanity so much and want to destroy it from the inside all while saying they are doing it to make people feel better. Talk about irony.

All religions are stupid... People should be allowed to practice whichever variety of stupid they want....

With china starting, and russia really going for the goal, I am worried about how soon this comes to the US. Our corporate leaders, who don't give a shit about their constituents anymore since they've gerrymandered the shit out of the states to make it impossible to remove them. They only care about the money from corporations, who also don't give a shit about our privacy. Look at the lovely bill the republicans passed allowing ISPs to sell our data... Plus they are all technologically incompetent, so they have no idea what they are banning. Just like their super smart idea to force backdoors in all encryption, because it's so easy, what could go wrong?
This has long been a goal of Kaspersky which has enormous pull in the Russian government.

Their viewpoint is essentially, from what I can tell and have read anyway, that citizens should have their internet restricted and controlled and you should have a sort of "internet passport" that you use when you are on the internet. This passport should be used in all online commerce and such as well as used to allow or block access to sites outside of the country.
Kaspersky includes a VPN service.

They call it "Secure Connection" :)

Thing is that as soon as these countries outlaw these things, there are many bright enterprising young souls out there itching to come up with alternatives that are even harder to block. And it won't take them long.
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