Run Multiple Instances.


Oct 28, 2004
Did a quick search on the forums but maybe I wasn't searching the right keywords :-\

Does anyone know how to run multiple instances of any given program? If you try to load the same program twice it will throw you into the currently running app. I do not want this for what I am trying to do. So, is there some way to get two seperate instances of the same program?
This is an application specific behavior. Windows doesn't do this. To accomplish this, when an application loads, typically, the app examines all running processes looking for a a process with the same name (or some other method of determining if another process is running), and if it finds one, it switches the focus to that app (using an API call), and exits.

Some Apps may not be able to run multiple instances due to design issues. There may be a switch for your app that allow it though. Try running the app with a /? switch, that typically is the switch that describes all switches for MS apps.

Also, this may be accessable though the app's settings.