(RUMOR) Konami is set to revive Metal Gear (confirmed), Castlevania (still waiting) and Silent Hill (confirmed)


Extremely [H]
Jan 28, 2014
After restructuring its game division earlier this year, anonymous insiders reporting to Video Games Chronicle revealed that Konami is working to revive it's most well-known franchises. Castlevania is supposedly already being worked on internally, while Metal Gear has been outsourced to Virtuos. Virtuos is the largest independent game development house in the world, headquartered in Singapore, and has their fingers in a lot of titles. Silent Hill was supposedly to be revealed at this year's E3, but Konami ran into a "timing" issue.

It died when Kojima left. Did you not see Metal Gear Survive? I don't have a problem if someone new headed up development but who does Konami have now?
Haven't played any since 5, last I played was 3 iirc.
No just no. Konami needs to just sell off the IPs. I don't trust anything coming out of them.

Despite being over rated and a bit wacky, I did like MGSV. I'd like to see a remake of Metal Gear 1 and 2. But it sounds like the first game will be centered around MGS 3. Not sure if that means a new game or a remake of it. They also talk about remasters of the original games, which would be fairly underwhelming. I'd hope they would modernize them from the ground up. Think RE2 Remake.

But farming out these games to various studios? Might work, but might flop. Doesn't instill the most confidence.
Despite being over rated and a bit wacky, I did like MGSV. I'd like to see a remake of Metal Gear 1 and 2. But it sounds like the first game will be centered around MGS 3. Not sure if that means a new game or a remake of it. They also talk about remasters of the original games, which would be fairly underwhelming. I'd hope they would modernize them from the ground up. Think RE2 Remake.

But farming out these games to various studios? Might work, but might flop. Doesn't instill the most confidence.
Would be interesting to see how a remake of top down view games would look today. Everything would have to be remade from the botttom up and wonder if they would still be 2d in a remake or if they would try to transfer them to the same style as MGS1 and onwards. Personally I would like to see MGS1 remade with more modern controls. While the game is one of my all time favorites, the controls have not aged well which becomes painfully obvious whenever I do open the game.
Would be interesting to see how a remake of top down view games would look today. Everything would have to be remade from the botttom up and wonder if they would still be 2d in a remake or if they would try to transfer them to the same style as MGS1 and onwards.

I'd assume it would be a fully 3D game, not a top down thing. That is why a remake is worthwhile though. It would actually be different, and I am sure a lot of MGS fans would play it for the story which will likely be expanded as well. Being able to experience the first games in the series without feeling extremely out of date would be nice. I never played the original MGS games, but I assume a remake would play like a mix between Splinter Cell and MGSV.
I'd assume it would be a fully 3D game, not a top down thing. That is why a remake is worthwhile though. It would actually be different, and I am sure a lot of MGS fans would play it for the story which will likely be expanded as well. Being able to experience the first games in the series without feeling extremely out of date would be nice. I never played the original MGS games, but I assume a remake would play like a mix between Splinter Cell and MGSV.
Not sure how I would feel about MG1 and MG2 being re-made in 3d as they would be a completely different games, basically a reboot. MGS1 would be nice though as it is in 3d, but could would be nice with a more "modern" version of it with regards to controls, graphics and similar.
Would be interesting to see how a remake of top down view games would look today. Everything would have to be remade from the botttom up and wonder if they would still be 2d in a remake or if they would try to transfer them to the same style as MGS1 and onwards. Personally I would like to see MGS1 remade with more modern controls. While the game is one of my all time favorites, the controls have not aged well which becomes painfully obvious whenever I do open the game.
It's actually still okay. I just did a replay of it. A bit of tweaking...will solve that. However, it doesn't need a huge overall for the kind of game it was. Remember they did a straight up "remake" for Twin Snakes, and most agree that it isn't very good. The main issue is that the game wasn't made for the new "modern control scheme" thus broke the game as the AI did not know how to react to the MGS2 style move set.
Not sure how I would feel about MG1 and MG2 being re-made in 3d as they would be a completely different games, basically a reboot. MGS1 would be nice though as it is in 3d, but could would be nice with a more "modern" version of it with regards to controls, graphics and similar.
I think the concept of MG1 and MG2 being remade is the best case for a remake of any of the games. Especially, if they just did it as one title. Though, I'd prefer the games to be made more in line with MGS. However, the MG1 and MG2 ports on the MGS3 Subsistence is the best way to play them. Even emulated it's hard to get that control scheme they used.

The biggest hurdle would be if they'd do justice to the VA or not. I would hate for Keither Sutherland to be used again.
I think the concept of MG1 and MG2 being remade is the best case for a remake of any of the games. Especially, if they just did it as one title. Though, I'd prefer the games to be made more in line with MGS. However, the MG1 and MG2 ports on the MGS3 Subsistence is the best way to play them. Even emulated it's hard to get that control scheme they used.

The biggest hurdle would be if they'd do justice to the VA or not. I would hate for Keither Sutherland to be used again.
Using Keifer was likely a one-off. Hideo Kojima is a big fan and has dreamt of working with movie stars. Being able to cast Jack Bauer as Snake, was likely a big dream of his. Enough to totally snub David Hayter---the voice of Snake in all MGS games prior. They didn't even tell David that they were making MGS5.

Anyway, I would enjoy seeing a new game with a new director. But keep most of the development and art team, the same. I don't think Kojima is actually needed anymore and I would love a fresh take on the writing and flavor of the characters.

I would also enjoy a PS4/5 port of Snake Eater. I do still have a working PS3. But it would be nice to have that game on a modern platform. And IIRC, the PS3 port is 720p internal res.
Metal Gear was never good even if you had the Amazon Prime box over your head for disguise. NES version was ok everything after that was big budget box office stuff.
I also could never get into the Metal Gear Solid series. Slow paced (stealth game, I get it. But it's just slow and boring gameplay), uninspired, generic but also confusing story. For having a generic world they did have interesting ideas and art. But it was still all very C- to me. I didn't play the PS3 era and beyond games but what I heard of MGS5 or revengeance wasn't favorable either .

Maybe a new author *would* be able to use the assets and world but breathe fresh air into it
Silent Hill news. Images have leaked of a Silent Hill game that is or was in development. Bloober Team might be developing a remake of Silent Hill 2, as this could be linked to the tweet over a year ago that they were working on an existing horror IP from a very famous gaming publisher. Silent Hill composer did one better by teasing that his next game project is, "the one you've been hoping to hear about."






Hope so! SH was great. MGS could be tough, I remember spending a lot of time on Snake eater trying to 100% it but going back it was nearly unplayable for me now. MGSV was entertaining but very different.

Hasn't Konami devolved to primarily casino game development now?
Hope so! SH was great. MGS could be tough, I remember spending a lot of time on Snake eater trying to 100% it but going back it was nearly unplayable for me now. MGSV was entertaining but very different.

Hasn't Konami devolved to primarily casino game development now?
Konami restructured a year ago and is putting a renewed focus on "traditional" video games. I guess investors discovered that they make more money from those products compared to pachinko machines despite the long-term ROI.

I just wish great classics like the original Silent Hill series and many others were kept available to the masses and modernized. I'm not really a huge fan of remakes. Just keep your great old games available and easily playable on modern systems. Make sure they have things like widescreen support, etc. Just really basic stuff. Too many amazing games have become abandonware or are just generally treated like shit. What Nightdive has done with Quake lately is more of what I want to see done with a lot of other great old games.
Hope so! SH was great. MGS could be tough, I remember spending a lot of time on Snake eater trying to 100% it but going back it was nearly unplayable for me now. MGSV was entertaining but very different.

Hasn't Konami devolved to primarily casino game development now?

Konami went mobile and then went to pachinko games which are massive money makers in Japan and other parts of Asia.

Not all of this is primarily their fault. A lot of their franchises that kept them afloat (Castlevania, Contra, Gradius) just didn't translate to 3D well. And there was a long period of "3D or bust" push from consumers and console/pc companies. Castlevania lived on due to SoTN being a sleeper hit but that was well after release and it ended up on the DS anyways for the follow ups, the 3D ones didn't do very well. Then you had the fact that their two "god game creators" (Kojima and Iga) were massive drama queens. And some of their franchises greatest follow ups (Hard Corps Uprising on the PS3 and 360 is a true Contra) weren't even done by them. Top it off with the cratering of their arcade business and it was over.

I'm not saying they don't deserve blame and some of my fondest gaming memories are Konami games. They weren't just Contra, Castlevania, Gradius, Metal Gear in the classic age... they were also the Turtles and X-men arcade games. But they got hit hard by 3D and had to flee to portables for some major titles and the writing was on the wall for a while. Everyone knew they had people like Kojima they couldn't control and when Arc Systems published the next Contra it was obvious they were done.

I hope they come back but they are a shattered crippled shell of themselves. And a lot of their franchises were outright taken by past devs under new names (see Iga and bloodstained) or are now redone by new teams (see turtles, shredders revenge) or indie teams are cranking out (see blazing chrome vs contra). Even if they do crawl back they've stumbled. One of the oddest things was their fuck ups. See how Contra and Super C on the NES were better than their arcade counter parts which handled like ass (the arcade versions are beyond pathetic) yet Gradius worked on both, Castlevania arcade was a fucking fiasco and their PC versions and C64 among others were a "WTF". Then you had stuff like Turtles where the arcade version was god but the NES version was a hot mess. You had versions of Metal Gear where you couldn't beat the game because the boss couldn't be killed because of a bug! But not all carts/floppies were the same!

They weren't alone in cratering but the other 3rd party dev of that era at that same level was Capcom. Who despite also having drama queens and series that didn't work well in 3d (looking at you Street Fighter and Mega Man) managed to pull it off and survive. Konami's problems were of their own making and I'm not sure they learned from it.
I just wish great classics like the original Silent Hill series and many others were kept available to the masses and modernized. I'm not really a huge fan of remakes. Just keep your great old games available and easily playable on modern systems. Make sure they have things like widescreen support, etc. Just really basic stuff. Too many amazing games have become abandonware or are just generally treated like shit. What Nightdive has done with Quake lately is more of what I want to see done with a lot of other great old games.

They are old enough Silent Hill doesn't even qualify as a classic for them. And they have been releasing them. They have an arcade, two castlevania, and contra packages on steam right now!
They are old enough Silent Hill doesn't even qualify as a classic for them. And they have been releasing them. They have an arcade, two castlevania, and contra packages on steam right now!
You're right I guess. I was speaking more generally and not just in regards to Konami, though their handling of the SH franchise is a good example of what I don't like to see in the game industry -- and there are many like it unfortunately.

It's crazy to me that og SH1-3 aren't available on any digital store. The only thing they seem to be selling still is the poorly received hd collection (SH2/3) :yuck: on the xbox store for xb360 and SH4 on GOG. It's getting tougher and tougher to acquire the first three SH games, let alone get them to run properly on PC, and I think that's a shame. I own phys copies of SH3 for PC and SH1-3 for PSX/2, and they are some of my favorite games in my collection.
Konami restructured a year ago and is putting a renewed focus on "traditional" video games. I guess investors discovered that they make more money from those products compared to pachinko machines despite the long-term ROI.


Still sounds out of touch. Something good can come from it, but they should sell the Metal Gear to Sony or Kojima Productions. They can do a remake of Metal Gear 1/2 and maybe MGS. Kojima Productions is apparently working on two products currently though.
Konami went mobile and then went to pachinko games which are massive money makers in Japan and other parts of Asia.

Not all of this is primarily their fault. A lot of their franchises that kept them afloat (Castlevania, Contra, Gradius) just didn't translate to 3D well. And there was a long period of "3D or bust" push from consumers and console/pc companies. Castlevania lived on due to SoTN being a sleeper hit but that was well after release and it ended up on the DS anyways for the follow ups, the 3D ones didn't do very well. Then you had the fact that their two "god game creators" (Kojima and Iga) were massive drama queens. And some of their franchises greatest follow ups (Hard Corps Uprising on the PS3 and 360 is a true Contra) weren't even done by them. Top it off with the cratering of their arcade business and it was over.

I'm not saying they don't deserve blame and some of my fondest gaming memories are Konami games. They weren't just Contra, Castlevania, Gradius, Metal Gear in the classic age... they were also the Turtles and X-men arcade games. But they got hit hard by 3D and had to flee to portables for some major titles and the writing was on the wall for a while. Everyone knew they had people like Kojima they couldn't control and when Arc Systems published the next Contra it was obvious they were done.

I hope they come back but they are a shattered crippled shell of themselves. And a lot of their franchises were outright taken by past devs under new names (see Iga and bloodstained) or are now redone by new teams (see turtles, shredders revenge) or indie teams are cranking out (see blazing chrome vs contra). Even if they do crawl back they've stumbled. One of the oddest things was their fuck ups. See how Contra and Super C on the NES were better than their arcade counter parts which handled like ass (the arcade versions are beyond pathetic) yet Gradius worked on both, Castlevania arcade was a fucking fiasco and their PC versions and C64 among others were a "WTF". Then you had stuff like Turtles where the arcade version was god but the NES version was a hot mess. You had versions of Metal Gear where you couldn't beat the game because the boss couldn't be killed because of a bug! But not all carts/floppies were the same!

They weren't alone in cratering but the other 3rd party dev of that era at that same level was Capcom. Who despite also having drama queens and series that didn't work well in 3d (looking at you Street Fighter and Mega Man) managed to pull it off and survive. Konami's problems were of their own making and I'm not sure they learned from it.

They are old enough Silent Hill doesn't even qualify as a classic for them. And they have been releasing them. They have an arcade, two castlevania, and contra packages on steam right now!
I disagree about Castlevania in 3D. CV64, Lament of Innocence, and Lord of Shadows are some of my favorite CV games. I never really got into Curse of Darkness, but I've been planning on doing another playthrough.
I hope it looks good not all Muddy and Depressing.
? It's Silent Hill. Of course it should be muddy and depressing.

I'm actually playing through SH2 for the first time on PS2. Since basically building my ideal retro gaming setup, it's been a real hoot.
? It's Silent Hill. Of course it should be muddy and depressing.

I'm actually playing through SH2 for the first time on PS2. Since basically building my ideal retro gaming setup, it's been a real hoot.
SH2 is arguably the best, so enjoy it. I wish I could go back and experience it for the first time again.
I never played Silent Hill on consoles, just always felt like "me too" chasing Capcom/Resident Evil when I had consoles - on PC I played Homecoming , and yeah.....

I could go with a new horror franchise, seeing as I wasn't a fan of Evil Within, hope for the best 🤞

They need to just partner with Kojima Studios for the next Metal Gear. I doubt it, but I'll heavily doubt any new Metal Gear if they don't. No one does batshit insanity like Kojima. 😚🤌
I never played Silent Hill on consoles, just always felt like "me too" chasing Capcom/Resident Evil when I had consoles - on PC I played Homecoming , and yeah.....

I could go with a new horror franchise, seeing as I wasn't a fan of Evil Within, hope for the best 🤞

They need to just partner with Kojima Studios for the next Metal Gear. I doubt it, but I'll heavily doubt any new Metal Gear if they don't. No one does batshit insanity like Kojima. 😚🤌
Silent Hill is more a Mystery Supernatural Thriller, whereas Resident Evil is a Puzzle SciFi Thriller. At least that's how they started. Dunno how much S.H. may have departed from that, but R.E. seems to have evolved quite a bit over the years.
Would love for them to go back and remake the original Metal Gear games. Remaking the current MGS series seems redundant.

As for Castlevania, I haven't seen a genuine Castlevania game come out in a long time. The last ones that came out were some weird hack-and-slash titles. I'd kill for a Castlevania in the vein of the original 3 games. Or even Castlevania 64, which to me is a classic. Don't even give me RPG elements. Just give me a fun romp through Dracula's castle, just one more time!
Would love for them to go back and remake the original Metal Gear games. Remaking the current MGS series seems redundant.

As for Castlevania, I haven't seen a genuine Castlevania game come out in a long time. The last ones that came out were some weird hack-and-slash titles. I'd kill for a Castlevania in the vein of the original 3 games. Or even Castlevania 64, which to me is a classic. Don't even give me RPG elements. Just give me a fun romp through Dracula's castle, just one more time!
I don't know if people have the taste for a traditional Castlevania anymore. Even though the Curse of the Moon series was basically a modern Castlevania III and was critically praised, I don't know if they sold a lot of copies. Lords of Shadow is basically a modern CV64 and is pretty decent. "Metroidvania" games are all the rage.
Honestly, they could do it more closely to Rondo and it would probably do well enough. Rondo is my favorite of the series. It's the right mix of old school with a save system. I've been playing the X68000 one on MiSTer and that's pretty nice too. It's hard as hell though. But, it's got a save system.

Word is that there is also a SH3 remake.

The fact they do this the day before Resident Evil's next showcase doesn't help with the (my) image that Konami/Silent Hill isn't just "hey look at me too!" with Capcom/Resident Evil :p