RTX 2080 Ti FE Escapes Testing by Dying After 8 Hours @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997

Add: I really hope someone outside nVidia can get to the bottom of the failure, we deserve an answer that isn't 'test escapes'. Not sure if that is possible, but if anyone can do it, its [H] & Co.
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OMG... And to think I damn near ordered one today... I'm going to have to hold off. For the cost of these cards ... The failure rate is looking pretty unacceptable. Newegg is filled with reviews (of every card, of every manufacturer) of failing cards. Test escapes my ass.

Update Nov 29... I had my 2080Ti EVGA Black Ed show up yesterday. You guys may want to stop liking this post FYI... I totally sold out! :eek:
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There's an RTX on / RTX off meme in this somewhere; I can feel it.

Space Invaders is how you know the RTX is working. :p

Sucks for everyone, I feel for everyone having these issues, especially the people who relied on this as their only card.
Have you tried making sure the card is plugged in? Turning it off, waiting ten seconds, and then turning it back on again? What about making sure only the latest drivers and firmware are installed? <insert other garbage, pointless frontline technical support representative questions here.>
With all these RMAs, would anyone be the wiser if Nvidia or the AiB's pried the GPUs off of the bad cards, plugged them into new cards, and sold them as new?
Kyle's not the only [H] with a failed 2080ti. Mine bit the dust earlier this week. Slated for an RMA. Haven't heard back from Green Team on shipping yet. :( Hopefully they hold off on shipping mine until they can figure out what the flying f*** is wrong with their product.
Wonder if EVGA 2080ti XC cards are using a different PCB than the Nvidia FE cards?
I am so glad I did not buy one. Even after they fix the issue, I'm reluctant to support them, considering this issue should never have passed QC and secondly, the higher cost of the product should mean a better product.

I wonder if the delayed launch was because they discovered an issue then decided to sell the product anyways. We’ll never know but it sure feels that way.

I sure hope the AIBs aren’t as affected... it seems true but hard to gauge.
This is a real shame because I was really wanting to spend $1200 on a video card so I could really stress my 1080p 60hz projector on games with the eye candy on max :D
I continue to game for long sessions with out a fan curve at default speeds to run the card toasty. It peeks at 81c but hovers around 76c. I've OC and run benchmarks for several hours looking for any sign of potential failure. A month in and still no issues. But damn what the hell is the root cause. As it seems memory is now out of the argument since both Micron and Samsung failed.

Any ideas on what else I should be testing besides games and 3dmark benchies. Maybe I will run heaven for an overnight session. I haven't done that yet.
I was considering grabbing the $999 EVGA 2080 Ti and putting my Titan XP in my theater PC for some 4K gaming.... guess I'll scrap those plans.
This is so sad... Nvidia has really been on not a fall from grace but a plummet from grace this generation. 1st there's the stupid shit they pulled with their vendors that they were busted on. Then the stupid shit with the NDA. THEN the testing and numbers around the RTX line of cards, THEN the abysmal performance of the cards in any resolution above 1080p with RTX, and NOW they can't even keep the cards working in the wild for their 'HALO' product cards. The cream of the crop, the best of the best.

Someone mentioned in another thread and I'm sorry but the name/thread escapes me, that as these cards and densities get higher you need a specific range of transistors to not have traffic/use while others nearby are in use. That designers know this and should be designing cards to not have a specific range of neighboring transistors be active and any one point in time.

My 20+ years in the IT arena makes my gut say this is part of our problem. I think we are killing off transistors on these higher clocked cards because they are running in parallel physically and this is creating a condition where the transistors actually fail. Sometimes rather spectacularly.
just WOW so glad i voted not to sign the NDA and glad i did not buy a 2XXX series card .. i had the cash on hand too ..guess i'll get a GTX 1080 ti when i can find a new one in stock at my local microcenter , and get a new PSU and my i 7 7700 k .. i was looking at the rtx 2080 tho not the ti cards ..but screw it .... i may wait and go AMD now for my next GPU was so tempted to snag a vega 64 for $399 the other day on newegg..but i feel that's a side grade and won't help that much .. i'll wait for AMD's next card now

but even with my current Nvidia GPU they keep screwing up the drivers .. hell on my GTX 1060 i'm still using 388.71 drivers to keep my gigabyte GTX 1060 6 gig card stable ..with no overclock ..in some games

sorry for your loss ..and Nvidia better send you another GPU to replace the failing card you got ..sorry Nvidia just looks bad now .
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Just to add my .02 cents. I bought two 2080ti FE cards from Nvidia on October 22nd. Both cards died last Saturday and Sunday (11/14 and 11/15) One with space invaders and one with Black screen lockup. I have been approved for an advanced RMA but the replacement cards have not shipped yet. Both cards were not overclocked and were running on stock cooling.

Based on Kyle’s experience, I don’t have a lot of confidence that the replacement cards will have a long life.

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Just to add my .02 cents. I bought two 2080ti FE cards from Nvidia on October 22nd. Both cards died last Saturday and Sunday (11/14 and 11/15) One with space invaders and one with Black screen lockup. I have been approved for an advanced RMA but the replacement cards shave not shipped yet. Both cards were not overclocked and were running on stock cooling.

Based on Kyle’s experience, I don’t have a lot of confidence that the replacement cards will have a long life.

so sorry to hear of your loss .. hope they send you also WORKING CARDS ..that do not blow up
Maybe it's all part of Nvidia's master plan to blow out that overstock of older cards....."oh noes we're having issues with the new ones...but these older cards are working great at a newer higher base price!" - lol.
Sorry to hear that Mr Bennett. I will continue checking our market for any develoments. So far only 1 2080ti has being RMA. so far Zotax and MSI still going strong. Of course these afect sales. (I am not a store) but until now, I can se another issues that is not memory. Some say is the dye losing contact with PCD (cold solder) but We have 1 computer with WC in NVLINK and are hot the 2 360 rads are holding up! I will check again during the week and report back.

What a news!!! these is not good.