RTX 2080 Ti FE Escapes Testing by Dying After 8 Hours @ [H]

I guess nVidia was due for another FX5800 Ultra. They haven't dropped the ball with hardware for quite a few generations now.
I guess nVidia was due for another FX5800 Ultra. They haven't dropped the ball with hardware for quite a few generations now.

FX series was a different problem. That wasn't an issue with hardware dying, but that they made the wrong R&D decisions and ended up with an architecture that sucked for D3D9 / SM2.0.

If AMD offered something that was on par with the 2080ti or near it while using less power i'd agree - But that just isn't the case here. The Vega 64 is just so far off from the 2080ti, and that's the unfortunate part - There isn't anything to use from the red team instead in this case.
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Yeah good luck with a class action lawsuit. First you have to prove deceptive intent on NVIDIA's part and secondly their failure to address the problem.

I think I received a $20 check for the GTX970 3.5GB debacle. Tell me why the class action was worth it again? The lawyers sure made out. The users? Not so much.
Or just buy a non-FE with good warranty.

Not like there’s a great alternative.
You mean like buying a 1080ti as an alternative?
Warranties are good to have but my guess would be most people do not like having to use them. The cards are dying and screw having to send a card in every month or so. Then when that warranty runs out, you have a $1200 paper weight.
You mean like buying a 1080ti as an alternative?
Warranties are good to have but my guess would be most people do not like having to use them. The cards are dying and screw having to send a card in every month or so. Then when that warranty runs out, you have a $1200 paper weight.

I am not sure I’ve heard a repeated return horror story about a non-fe card yet?
Well we are waiting for Kyles 3rd card. If that burns up, you will have it. ;)

I said non-fe card. He only has FE afaik.

And the 1080ti isn’t a great alternative. My 2080ti is 45% faster than my 1080ti was since I am at 60Hz. It’s not god awful but there is a difference.
Please take the legal discussion and education discussion elsewhere. That is NOT on topic for my thread.

Keep Calm 2.png
You asked to take the photo? Just take it next time.

I have a very good relationship with the GM of that store, and won't put them at risk. I realize I could have gotten away with it, but I may have damaged a relationship with them that allows me to get ...ahem... not necessarily advertised discounts on CPU/mobo combos. Let's just suffice to say that resellers are well aware of a much higher than 1% return rate. Much much higher. Everyone is afraid to blow the lid off of it that is in a position to really do so, other than end users who buy the cards. Micro Center may have also signed that NDA in order to resell. I don't know. When I get there again and things are much calmer after the Holidays I will ask more detailed questions.
So the moral of this story is Nvidia has a large issue with their FE cards and we should not buy them...
So the moral of this story is Nvidia has a large issue with their FE cards and we should not buy them...

I think it's more then just the FE model.

Also evga took forever to release there ftw3 2080ti. Delaying it for like a month for reasons unknown.. Jacob "product manager" was telling people a few days earlier that they would be shipping and then delay delay delay. Did they catch something last minute?

Anyways theres plenty of dead 2080ti threads on evga forums as well.
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I think it's more then just the FE model.

Also evga took forever to release there ftw3 2080ti. Delaying it for like a month for reasons unknown.. Jacob "product manager" was telling people a few days earlier that they would be shipping and then delay delay delay. Did they catch something last minute?

Anyways theres plenty of dead 2080ti threads on evga forums as well.

Are there any issues with the Asus ROG Strix 2080 TI OC suffering the same fate? I have had one on order forever and hope its not bad out-of-the box. If it isn't RAM overheating on these cards, what is causing the high failure rates?
Are there any issues with the Asus ROG Strix 2080 TI OC suffering the same fate? I have had one on order forever and hope its not bad out-of-the box. If it isn't RAM overheating on these cards, what is causing the high failure rates?

Lisa Su's voodoo curse. (or is it a 3dx voodoo curse?)
Wow.. just... wow. That acceptable failure rate is looking like unacceptable bullshit at this point.

Just wow....

Yeah, when I first heard of the issues, I immediately assumed it was people whining about very low failure rates because they randomly happened to them. After all, this is usually what happens. Boy was I wrong.

I'm glad I was never able to find a 2080ti FE in stock, because I was planning on buying one.
Yeah, when I first heard of the issues, I immediately assumed it was people whining about very low failure rates because they randomly happened to them. After all, this is usually what happens. Boy was I wrong.

I'm glad I was never able to find a 2080ti FE in stock, because I was planning on buying one.

From the poll, you have a four out of five chance of being happy once you get one. The chances you get multiple bad cards with a four in five chance are still pretty rare. (But unlike the 1% flawed card quote, which would mean getting 3 bad cards in a row are near impossible, if it was a 20% chance, that certainly is still in the realm of possibility that you could get 4 or even 5 bad cards if very unlucky).
From the poll, you have a four out of five chance of being happy once you get one. The chances you get multiple bad cards with a four in five chance are still pretty rare. (But unlike the 1% flawed card quote, which would mean getting 3 bad cards in a row are near impossible, if it was a 20% chance, that certainly is still in the realm of possibility that you could get 4 or even 5 bad cards if very unlucky).

Yeah, but that 20% chance is too high for me, especially since the first thing I'd be doing is to pull off the heatsink and install a waterblock.

I don't need any RMA drama because I watercool.
Yeah, but that 20% chance is too high for me, especially since the first thing I'd be doing is to pull off the heatsink and install a waterblock.

I don't need any RMA drama because I watercool.

Wont happen at evga. There cool with that. Dont care if ya change the paste on the card either. Just dont damage the card doing so.

Though if I got a 2080ti I'd wait a month before slapping on a water block just to make sure the card might be fine hehe.
RATM Burn, burn, yes, you're gonna burn! :whistle: RTX is in it's early access fire hazard phase...atm the way it's meant to be sold to consumers!? It's going about as smoothly as Fallout 76...
Wont happen at evga. There cool with that. Dont care if ya change the paste on the card either. Just dont damage the card doing so.

Though if I got a 2080ti I'd wait a month before slapping on a water block just to make sure the card might be fine hehe.

Yeah, the plan was to go with a FE, as the prevailing wisdom is that Nvidia bins the best GPU's for themselves, and that would likely be the best overclocker on water, but who knows...
Yeah, the plan was to go with a FE, as the prevailing wisdom is that Nvidia bins the best GPU's for themselves, and that would likely be the best overclocker on water, but who knows...
The FE's overclock great - Even with the constrained stock cooler.

It's just that if it fails you'll have to re-assemble.

But some guy in another thread from a month ago asked nvidia if they would warranty a card that had been modded for a water block and they said yes - although I assume you'd have to put the stock cooler back on.
The FE's overclock great - Even with the constrained stock cooler.

It's just that if it fails you'll have to re-assemble.

But some guy in another thread from a month ago asked nvidia if they would warranty a card that had been modded for a water block and they said yes - although I assume you'd have to put the stock cooler back on.

I know this is their and just about every other video card manufacturers policy. There is some question of if they even can legally invalidate warranty because of something like this. That said, I don't want to risk having the fight where they claim it was caused by me damaging it when removing the cooler, but it was actually part of the existing failures they are having. I'll take that risk when failure rates are low, not when they are high like this.
Are there any issues with the Asus ROG Strix 2080 TI OC suffering the same fate? I have had one on order forever and hope its not bad out-of-the box. If it isn't RAM overheating on these cards, what is causing the high failure rates?
I took a chance on the Strix. Should get it in a day or so. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but also ready to RMA if need be.

I've been asking the same question in numerous threads and haven't really heard of any directly. I did spend some time checking the Asus and NV forums and found one posting that was a bit vague. They didn't specify OG or AG model and also listed all the symptoms as opposed to just space invaders or failed post so I don't consider it credible at this point.
this thread keeps on givin', man.

i wanted to like+quote the mj popcorn gif post, but i couldn't find it.

Well FU** ME.

I received my Evga 2080TI from B&H today a day early. Put it in the system AND EVERYTHING WAS GREAT! Upgraded to the newest Nvidia driver that just came out. ALL issues from my previous 2080TIs were NOT occurring. Played Shadow of the Tomb Raider without problem for a few hours. Great!

I've been using this thing all day and here we are at 4AM. About four hours ago, I turned the computer on and what do you FU**ING KNOW? A BLACK SCREEN. Power cycle. BLACK SCREEN. Power cycle, WINDOWS DESKTOP. COOL! Restart to see what happens. BLACK SCREEN. Restart again. SPACE INVADERS.

THIS IS MY FOURTH CARD. It's fu**ed in less than 24 hours of use. The first three were 2080TI FEs.

At this point, I would be telling myself "THIS IS SOMETHING YOU ARE DOING WRONG BRO! It's the PSU/MOBO/something else". Well fu** me, my first cards were on a Thermaltake 850W, Maximus X Hero, and 8700K. I sold those and bought an EVGA 1000W T2, Maximus XI, and 9900K. I told myself I would buy it as an excuse to upgrade and JUST INCASE there was something wrong with them. THERE IS NO WAY AT THIS POINT THIS IS ANYTHING BUT THE DAMN CARDS. All other hardware has been replaced at this point.

With the card out, running intel UHD graphics, the system is 100% rock solid with NO issues.

The card worked fine, then went completely to hell. SO IT DID WORK FOR A PERIOD OF HOURS TODAY 100% SOLID.

I'm out at this point. Returning this thing and I am not buying another until there is some kind of official confirmation whatever the hell is wrong with these cards is fixed. I sold my previous pascal card, and I am not going to go back and buy another. I just won't have a video card for now. It's not that serious. But fu**, I've been buying video cards since the Voodoo3.... NEVER have I had something like this happen.

I figured there was no way in hell this one would be defective. I mean, four in a row should be a statistical impossibility. WTF is going on?
Wow, just wow.
Get a 590 at least milk 3 free games?
Even at 50% failure rate its hard to see 4 in a row.. when its all said and done is failure rate going to be 100% in less than a year at this point? Don't remember reading stuff like this.. ever.
Its must be some serious production issue of the chip itself, the shrink and the new tech and all that ain't jiving.
At this point, I would be telling myself "THIS IS SOMETHING YOU ARE DOING WRONG BRO! It's the PSU/MOBO/something else"

About all I would say at this point is maybe power issues from the wall, surge protector or the UPS if you're running it through one. Highly unlikely though given everything you've stated. My sympathies, don't think I could let that 9900k go to waste with just igpu for months but I see your point.
I'm trying to find a manufacture date on this card to see if maybe this was produced when the cards were released, but I can't see one anywhere. All I see is a label saying it was manufactured "after August 2005". (Yes, it clearly says after 2005... it must be some Chinese manufacturing regulation or something.)

All of my 2080TI FE cards were 0323 serial numbers, which means they were all from early production. I really doubt this EVGA one is from early production, but who knows. There is no actual manufacture date on it.

I actually was so pissed that I considered getting an AMD card for a minute, but this whole experience has sucked so bad I'm just not even going to get another video card for a good while. Probably will check to see if this situation was fixed in a few months and think about it then.
Manufacturing date might be part of the serial number or some such .. may require some decoding though.
Well FU** ME.

I received my Evga 2080TI from B&H today a day early. Put it in the system AND EVERYTHING WAS GREAT! Upgraded to the newest Nvidia driver that just came out. ALL issues from my previous 2080TIs were NOT occurring. Played Shadow of the Tomb Raider without problem for a few hours. Great!

I've been using this thing all day and here we are at 4AM. About four hours ago, I turned the computer on and what do you FU**ING KNOW? A BLACK SCREEN. Power cycle. BLACK SCREEN. Power cycle, WINDOWS DESKTOP. COOL! Restart to see what happens. BLACK SCREEN. Restart again. SPACE INVADERS.

THIS IS MY FOURTH CARD. It's fu**ed in less than 24 hours of use. The first three were 2080TI FEs.

At this point, I would be telling myself "THIS IS SOMETHING YOU ARE DOING WRONG BRO! It's the PSU/MOBO/something else". Well fu** me, my first cards were on a Thermaltake 850W, Maximus X Hero, and 8700K. I sold those and bought an EVGA 1000W T2, Maximus XI, and 9900K. I told myself I would buy it as an excuse to upgrade and JUST INCASE there was something wrong with them. THERE IS NO WAY AT THIS POINT THIS IS ANYTHING BUT THE DAMN CARDS. All other hardware has been replaced at this point.

With the card out, running intel UHD graphics, the system is 100% rock solid with NO issues.

The card worked fine, then went completely to hell. SO IT DID WORK FOR A PERIOD OF HOURS TODAY 100% SOLID.

I'm out at this point. Returning this thing and I am not buying another until there is some kind of official confirmation whatever the hell is wrong with these cards is fixed. I sold my previous pascal card, and I am not going to go back and buy another. I just won't have a video card for now. It's not that serious. But fu**, I've been buying video cards since the Voodoo3.... NEVER have I had something like this happen.

I figured there was no way in hell this one would be defective. I mean, four in a row should be a statistical impossibility. WTF is going on?

You you! The RMA rate is really low on these apparently, let alone that liar posting about a mountain of returns and a 25%+ failure rate according to staff in a local best buy.

I feel really sorry for you though, what an utter nightmare and hassle. I don't blame you for going onboard at this rate.
If you get bored, Vegas are cheap ;)
Coincidentally enough my card's delivery was updated to the same day.
That's something, right? You saved me on the early adoption tax... However, EVGA notified me last night about the non FE Black Edition 2080Ti being in stock and I immediately switched to impulse buy mode.

If I'm going to actually contribute here I had better actually have one of these cards. I will keep you posted on it's stability when it arrives. I should know in short order, ordered it next day air. That should have it delivering Wednesday ;)
Well FU** ME.

I received my Evga 2080TI from B&H today a day early. Put it in the system AND EVERYTHING WAS GREAT! Upgraded to the newest Nvidia driver that just came out. ALL issues from my previous 2080TIs were NOT occurring. Played Shadow of the Tomb Raider without problem for a few hours. Great!

I've been using this thing all day and here we are at 4AM. About four hours ago, I turned the computer on and what do you FU**ING KNOW? A BLACK SCREEN. Power cycle. BLACK SCREEN. Power cycle, WINDOWS DESKTOP. COOL! Restart to see what happens. BLACK SCREEN. Restart again. SPACE INVADERS.

THIS IS MY FOURTH CARD. It's fu**ed in less than 24 hours of use. The first three were 2080TI FEs.

At this point, I would be telling myself "THIS IS SOMETHING YOU ARE DOING WRONG BRO! It's the PSU/MOBO/something else". Well fu** me, my first cards were on a Thermaltake 850W, Maximus X Hero, and 8700K. I sold those and bought an EVGA 1000W T2, Maximus XI, and 9900K. I told myself I would buy it as an excuse to upgrade and JUST INCASE there was something wrong with them. THERE IS NO WAY AT THIS POINT THIS IS ANYTHING BUT THE DAMN CARDS. All other hardware has been replaced at this point.

With the card out, running intel UHD graphics, the system is 100% rock solid with NO issues.

The card worked fine, then went completely to hell. SO IT DID WORK FOR A PERIOD OF HOURS TODAY 100% SOLID.

I'm out at this point. Returning this thing and I am not buying another until there is some kind of official confirmation whatever the hell is wrong with these cards is fixed. I sold my previous pascal card, and I am not going to go back and buy another. I just won't have a video card for now. It's not that serious. But fu**, I've been buying video cards since the Voodoo3.... NEVER have I had something like this happen.

I figured there was no way in hell this one would be defective. I mean, four in a row should be a statistical impossibility. WTF is going on?

Sorry, no offence, but I really don't believe you. If you really have the Evga 2080Ti, post up a picture of it with your name on a piece of paper on top of it and also include the best buy receipt in the same picture, covering over the private details of course. Then post up a second picture with your name on a piece of paper stuck to the monitor showing the space invaders.

Reason I don't believe you is simple, you talked crap about these cards before they were released, so why buy one at all? In fact, after you reported your first 2080Ti failing you said that you were going to get a refund and not purchase another one until they were fixed. You even posted up a rant saying Nvidia were playing us all for fools and that this forum lacked any critical thinkers, calling the whole process a debacle. And yet you want to us believe you bought a second 2080ti card after your first failing?

I might believe you bought one card and strong emphasis on "might" but, no way did you buy anymore.
Well FU** ME.

I received my Evga 2080TI from B&H today a day early. Put it in the system AND EVERYTHING WAS GREAT! Upgraded to the newest Nvidia driver that just came out. ALL issues from my previous 2080TIs were NOT occurring. Played Shadow of the Tomb Raider without problem for a few hours. Great!

I've been using this thing all day and here we are at 4AM. About four hours ago, I turned the computer on and what do you FU**ING KNOW? A BLACK SCREEN. Power cycle. BLACK SCREEN. Power cycle, WINDOWS DESKTOP. COOL! Restart to see what happens. BLACK SCREEN. Restart again. SPACE INVADERS.

THIS IS MY FOURTH CARD. It's fu**ed in less than 24 hours of use. The first three were 2080TI FEs.

At this point, I would be telling myself "THIS IS SOMETHING YOU ARE DOING WRONG BRO! It's the PSU/MOBO/something else". Well fu** me, my first cards were on a Thermaltake 850W, Maximus X Hero, and 8700K. I sold those and bought an EVGA 1000W T2, Maximus XI, and 9900K. I told myself I would buy it as an excuse to upgrade and JUST INCASE there was something wrong with them. THERE IS NO WAY AT THIS POINT THIS IS ANYTHING BUT THE DAMN CARDS. All other hardware has been replaced at this point.

With the card out, running intel UHD graphics, the system is 100% rock solid with NO issues.

The card worked fine, then went completely to hell. SO IT DID WORK FOR A PERIOD OF HOURS TODAY 100% SOLID.

I'm out at this point. Returning this thing and I am not buying another until there is some kind of official confirmation whatever the hell is wrong with these cards is fixed. I sold my previous pascal card, and I am not going to go back and buy another. I just won't have a video card for now. It's not that serious. But fu**, I've been buying video cards since the Voodoo3.... NEVER have I had something like this happen.

I figured there was no way in hell this one would be defective. I mean, four in a row should be a statistical impossibility. WTF is going on?
That's why some people are opting for a refund. I would not want the headache.