Rosewill Quark-550 550W Power Supply Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Rosewill Quark-550 550W Power Supply Review - Rosewill was a Newegg "house brand" that has broken out to other retailers and you might have seen its name on all types of products. Today we are seeing what Rosewill accomplishes when it brands a 550 watt "Platinum" PSU. The 550W PSU market is crammed with competition...good competition at good prices.
I was very surprised when I read "Enhance" as the OEM, I was expecting this to be, as you say a "dumpster fire". The price is way too high, but a competent power supply is more than I generally expect from Rosewill.
I was very surprised when I read "Enhance" as the OEM, I was expecting this to be, as you say a "dumpster fire". The price is way too high, but a competent power supply is more than I generally expect from Rosewill.

In the past Rosewill has used reputable OEMs like Superflower for their original Capstone line.