Robots are Still Going to Kill Us All....Again


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
This is a tremendously long read over a Vanity Fair, which I would not call a usual source of a good science read, but today it is. While the focus of this article is that Elon Musk is hedging his bets to colonize space in order to get away from rouge AI killing us all here on Earth, it casts a very wide net on talking about anyone and anybody when it comes to opinions on AI and how it is going to kill us all. Just when you thought your Monday was looking up, we find out that we will not even get to see the Terminator in action when we are taken out. I am voting for the hot Terminator please.

“If you want a picture of A.I. gone wrong, don’t imagine marching humanoid robots with glowing red eyes. Imagine tiny invisible synthetic bacteria made of diamond, with tiny onboard computers, hiding inside your bloodstream and everyone else’s. And then, simultaneously, they release one microgram of botulinum toxin. Everyone just falls over dead.
Rouge AI.


I love you Kyle. Nohomo.
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All I got from this thread is now I know that Kyle reads Vanity Fair. Now my mental image of Kyle is not only of him driving a lawn tractor in suspenders chewing on a long piece of straw; He now has a copy of 'Vanity Fair' tucked under his arm.
Robots making Mcdonalds Grand Macs as fast as people can eat them for 15.00 a month in oil changes.
All I got from this thread is now I know that Kyle reads Vanity Fair. Now my mental image of Kyle is not only of him driving a lawn tractor in suspenders chewing on a long piece of straw; He now has a copy of 'Vanity Fair' tucked under his arm.

"Ray Kurzweil, the eccentric futurist who has predicted that we are only 28 years away from the Rapture-like “Singularity”—the moment when the spiraling capabilities of self-improving artificial super-intelligence will far exceed human intelligence, and human beings will merge with A.I. to create the “god-like” hybrid beings of the future."

Pretty neat stuff. Long article good read.
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I find it strange that the people creating the world ending technology are the first ones preparing exit routes (for themselves of course). Anyway, just don't create the AI, or just create the killer AI and get the populicide over with.
i don't really get it. Nano bots with AI embedded in them that apparently either can manufacture toxins or has a storage of them (for what reason?).

Kind of a silly speculation. If i have nano bots in me, i'd prefer if they were all dumb and took orders from some centralized system. That way they couldn't think for themselves what the best course of action is.
I'd also prefer if they didn't contain toxins or had the ability to create toxins. I'd also want tons of redundancy and tons of security making sure that they only do what they're supposed to.

Rogue AI only becomes a problem if someone thinks it'll be cool to connect tons of networks together and let AI learn by itself with total freedom.
AI will just wait till we all have self driving cars, then go Carmageddon. Fighting back against evil killer pickup trucks and ill tempered Prius cars will be our end of days.