Rising Conflicts 1.208 Released!


Nov 22, 2003

Change Log

- first generation bots now available on outskirts of Jerusalem and Suez Canal
- saboted rounds switched to key 1 for tanks, leaving the per-vehicle specific rounds as secondary selections.- apc damages nerfed by 75% 
- suv materials fixed
- eryx/predator damages brought down. brought down further vs helos. and v22 hitpoints upped.
- error with the exploding tanks matids has been fixed
- mi40 gun clipping error has been fixed.
- osprey collision has been optimized
- treaded vehicle climbing ability amped.- ctd with a suicide vehicle has been fixed.
- stalker missile system adjustment
- al-fahd sereies floaters fix
- al-fahd grenade/minelayer firing positions fixed
- fixed namera wreck bounce
- undermount bounce issues fixed
- various wall hacks resolved.
- second ship added to blockade
- runways fixed
- blockade now runs as objective mode
- animation fixes, including the aa12, and a-91m
- Removed Fire on the mountain for rework
- Road to Jalalabad port added
- tv guided cross hairs
- airframe and land frame handling adjustments
- Many other minor tweaks and touch ups.

Download Links

Torrent [url]http://www.mininova.org/tor/476946[/url]  [url]http://www.mininova.org/get/476946[/url]

[COLOR=Red]More client and server mirrors to come[/COLOR]

Ticket System

As always we are interested in feedback. The community ultimately 
makes mods what they are and we want to hear from you. Please report any bugs, 
feedback, or suggestions at [url]http://www.risingconflicts.com/ticketrc/[/url] . 
This allows us to fix any bugs and be made aware of suggestions as 
soon as possible.

Original Thread