Reverend Against Microsoft’s “Homosexual Agenda”

Well, I hope a bunch of outraged Fundamentalists buy MS stock. A good portion of my 401k is invested in it ;) (and I'm a GNU/Linux user)
We are now engaged in a religious war with fundamentalist Islam because they fail to practice perhaps the most important concept our founding father at least mentioned, if they didn’t necessarily follow it themselves.

Just what "most important concept" are you referring to? "Separation of Church and State"? I don't think our founding fathers thought there should be a separation of Church and State, from what I've read. Not that we need another issue to argue about here though :)
Really, what's it to you if they want to offer their homosexual employees benefits? I can understand not wanting your tax dollars going to a cause you don't agree with, but this is a company you can choose not to give money to.

You must have missed my post where I called his secretary and got clarification...

The man is _not_ upset that they want to offer their homosexual employees benefits.

Also, perhaps he's smart enough to realize that boycotts of companies like MS have _zero_ effect and so he's going after the real way to effect change in a public company...
You must have missed my post where I called his secretary and got clarification...

The man is _not_ upset that they want to offer their homosexual employees benefits.

Also, perhaps he's smart enough to realize that boycotts of companies like MS have _zero_ effect and so he's going after the real way to effect change in a public company...

QFT. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter good sir.
Microsoft’s “Homosexual Agenda” 2007 Pro Special Human Edition w/ Service Pack 3 :p

This is Awesome!! Hutch lives here in the Seattle area, I listen to him on the radio quite frequently, and for those of you scratching your heads and saying WTF!?, why don't your earholes where your pieholes are and listen to the guy speak.
Some of the BEST bible verses out there:

1) "Women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but should be submissive, as the law also says." (1 Corinthians 14:34)

2) "Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her as a covering." (1 Corinthians 11:13-15)

3) "If any man takes a wife, and goes in on her, and detests her, and charges her with shameful conduct, and brings a bad name on her, and says, 'I took this woman, and when I came to her I found she was not a virgin..." (Deuteronomy 22:13,14)

"But if ... evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones..." (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)

4) "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched." (Mark 9:43)

5) "One of illegitimate birth shall not enter the congregation of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 23:2)

LOL - hope you all arn't bastards and your wives are virgins...
4) "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched." (Mark 9:43)

I know this one would leave us all 1-handed. would you take your mouse hand or the other...
I find it amusing how some of you take the word Sodomy out of context. Sodomy means to enjoy the pleasures of sex without actually having it. It does not imply homosexuality but rather became a socially acceptable implication later on. Much much later on.
"gay Pope"... there already was at least a Bi-Pope, a couple of them actually way back when the Papacy was decided by one or two families.

Not something that is readily acknowledged, but the actual reports have some of them bedding any thing that moved.
Some what related to why priests have to be celibate now (inheritance-church wants it ALL)

As for this I don't know what the SEC would say, but I honestly can not see M$ changing their mind (good this time) if the don't want to.

Voting stock wise, does anyone know the percentage that is available to the public compared to that held by Bill and Co.?
Considering the fact that I'm "Catholic Light"....

Lemme get this straight.. you will go straight to hell if you have homosexual relations (Insert Clinton Voice)., but, if your a priest / bishop / whatever and you twiddle young boys, (isn't that a smidgeon homosexual?), you can do a ring-around-the-rosary, light a candle, and all will be forgiven??

Dunno.. this seems more retarded that the average Ati/nVidia or AMD/Intel debate.... but I've been proven wrong before....

In the Bible it's called "getting to know" them :p
Maybe he just bought microsoft stock and wants it to go up a bit so he can sell it and make some cash. hehehe.

Seriously, people who shove anything down your throat are horrible. I hate Christians hypocrites who tell you you're going to hell for not doing this or that, but then they turn around and do other things that will send them straight to hell, but since they're good christians, it's ok.

I also hate gay/lesbians that shove it in your face. I'm all about equal rights, but making ennemies of people who don't understand you (by pissing them off) won't help you at all.

I'm glad Canada has laws that allow for same-sex marriage, but sadly our new Prime Minister is still living in the 40s and he's trying to roll back social evolution. Very sad.

I can't wait for all the baby boomers to die off (sorry you guys...), then maybe we'll see a huge change in how societies act and what they tolerate.

Its because of people like you that this world is becoming what it is, you damn liberals are so open minded that your brains have fallen out of your heads. Social evolution isnt always a good thing. Dammit im sick of liberals and Im sick of them trying to change the world, you have to have boundaries, believe it or not whatever makes you feel good isnt always the best thing. And Im not a baby boomer, but thank god for them, if it wasnt for them there would be no discipline in this damned world anymore. If ms is really pushing gay rights I hope the rev does take them down, how thats going to happen I dont know, but it would be nice to put the gays back in the closet with the boogie man where they belong.
Its because of people like you that this world is becoming what it is, you damn liberals are so open minded that your brains have fallen out of your heads. Social evolution isnt always a good thing. Dammit im sick of liberals and Im sick of them trying to change the world, you have to have boundaries, believe it or not whatever makes you feel good isnt always the best thing. And Im not a baby boomer, but thank god for them, if it wasnt for them there would be no discipline in this damned world anymore. If ms is really pushing gay rights I hope the rev does take them down, how thats going to happen I dont know, but it would be nice to put the gays back in the closet with the boogie man where they belong.

Just what "most important concept" are you referring to? "Separation of Church and State"? I don't think our founding fathers thought there should be a separation of Church and State, from what I've read. Not that we need another issue to argue about here though :)

First Amendment of the US Constituion:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Some where in this amendment, the founders were obviously thinking that politics and religion do not mix. Where in the gospel does Christ become involved in the politics of his time? He simply doesn't.

Look at all of the trouble that is caused in the world when people impose their faith on others by force. It simply does not work. Matters of faith are personal, and that's why people must be free to choose and organize to communicate.

When faith gets into politics and begins to spread a particular doctrine of beliefs and practices, things become sticky at best. Especially in a free country such as the US, that's increasingly represented by people from all over the world from all walks of life and all different faiths.
Strange that some god can't handle this "homo" problem by himself. Relying on fundie nuts doesn't seem to be the best or easiest way to solve it.
Some of the BEST bible verses out there:

1) "Women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but should be submissive, as the law also says." (1 Corinthians 14:34)

2) "Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her as a covering." (1 Corinthians 11:13-15)

3) "If any man takes a wife, and goes in on her, and detests her, and charges her with shameful conduct, and brings a bad name on her, and says, 'I took this woman, and when I came to her I found she was not a virgin..." (Deuteronomy 22:13,14)

"But if ... evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones..." (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)

4) "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched." (Mark 9:43)

5) "One of illegitimate birth shall not enter the congregation of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 23:2)

LOL - hope you all arn't bastards and your wives are virgins...

All I'm going to say is WOW. Organized religion is fucked up.
Its because of people like you that this world is becoming what it is, you damn liberals are so open minded that your brains have fallen out of your heads. Social evolution isnt always a good thing. Dammit im sick of liberals and Im sick of them trying to change the world, you have to have boundaries, believe it or not whatever makes you feel good isnt always the best thing. And Im not a baby boomer, but thank god for them, if it wasnt for them there would be no discipline in this damned world anymore. If ms is really pushing gay rights I hope the rev does take them down, how thats going to happen I dont know, but it would be nice to put the gays back in the closet with the boogie man where they belong.

The rant of an illiterate person. Religions are not to be taken at face value, mindlessly droning around is not what they want. Tolerance for each other and loving humanity is what it's for.

The world needs to tolerate every single person, or we are all screwed. Like it or not we are all on the same rock together.
Its because of people like you that this world is becoming what it is, you damn liberals are so open minded that your brains have fallen out of your heads. Social evolution isnt always a good thing. Dammit im sick of liberals and Im sick of them trying to change the world, you have to have boundaries, believe it or not whatever makes you feel good isnt always the best thing. And Im not a baby boomer, but thank god for them, if it wasnt for them there would be no discipline in this damned world anymore. If ms is really pushing gay rights I hope the rev does take them down, how thats going to happen I dont know, but it would be nice to put the gays back in the closet with the boogie man where they belong.

Its because of people like you that this world is becoming what it is, you damn liberals are so open minded that your brains have fallen out of your heads. Social evolution isnt always a good thing. Dammit im sick of liberals and Im sick of them trying to change the world, you have to have boundaries, believe it or not whatever makes you feel good isnt always the best thing. And Im not a baby boomer, but thank god for them, if it wasnt for them there would be no discipline in this damned world anymore. If ms is really pushing gay rights I hope the rev does take them down, how thats going to happen I dont know, but it would be nice to put the gays back in the closet with the boogie man where they belong.

This would be a much more useful post if there were specifics. Other than that:

lawl x3
I find it amusing how some of you take the word Sodomy out of context. Sodomy means to enjoy the pleasures of sex without actually having it. It does not imply homosexuality but rather became a socially acceptable implication later on. Much much later on.

Uh... :confused: ... wow, that's certainly a new one for me. Is that a modern-day definition, the origin of the word, or is that where the city Sodom got its name from?

Oh yeah, and can I have some of that cookie too?

Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Deuteronomy 23:17
Romans 1:26
1 Corinthians 6:9
1 Timothy 1:10
Jude 1:7

Here's the thing. Sinning is deliberately doing something that you know is wrong. And before somebody says, "Who is to say what is right and what is wrong?", my view of the the ultimate-definition of "wrong" is something that is damaging to one's self/family/community/society/species. The Bible has an astonishingly good track record for telling what is good for you and what is wrong for you. Having sex with your mom is wrong, murdering your neighbor is wrong, not keeping a grudge is good, helping the poor is good, etc.

Back to sin. We are supposed to do our best to not sin. And when we do sin, we are supposed to try our best to repent, and not repeat it. The Bible clearly and continually says that heterosexual sex outside of marriage is a sin, and you should not do it - just take a look at the consequences of rampant promiscuity around the world, and you just might think the Bible is on the right track here. The kind of misery and suffering because two people don't have the self control to keep their loins apart, is constantly washed over in Hollywood, news, popular media, and leftist political speeches. They're all saying its OK to fuck indiscriminately, but there are drastic negatives results to this! Sex outside of marriage is bad for you, and it is ridiculous to say it isn't. That is why it is wrong. That is why it is a sin.

The Bible also says that homosexual sin is wrong. For all the same reasons. I've just given a huge list (cookies please) for you to look up and see what the Bible says. Homosexuality is a sin. And, again, it is extremely wrong for people to try to shove the idea that it is not a sin down our throats.

Here's a phrase some of you may have heard before, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." That is a particular favorite among the pro-gay crowd, as they smugly try to call Christians and anti-gay people hypocrites. But as usual, they are deceptive, and only give half the story. This verse is from the gospel of John chapter 8, where a crowd has captured a woman caught in the act of adultery, they want to stone her to death (as the Mosaic law says to do), Jesus says, "He who is without sin cast the first stone," nobody dares to throw, they all go away, then Jesus looks at the woman and says, "Does no one condemn you?" "No one, Lord," "Neither do I. Go and SIN NO MORE." The woman was sinning. He told her to stop. He did not say, "Then go live it up, baby, 'cause it's all good." Although that is what the pro-gay crowd would have us believe.
Strange that some god can't handle this "homo" problem by himself. Relying on fundie nuts doesn't seem to be the best or easiest way to solve it.

Perhaps you would prefer that we were all puppets on a string. Or that if we did not do exactly as ordered we would instantly be struck by lightning.

I will choose free will!
Some of the BEST bible verses out there:

1) "Women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but should be submissive, as the law also says." (1 Corinthians 14:34)

..... Good lord, please don't let my fiance see that, For I will never get laid again... Amen.

4) "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched." (Mark 9:43)

Sigh, the social implications of having only one hand.. and my vision is getting worse by the day.. Maybe I can borrow that talking / driving microphone of Steven Hawking.. Ohhh that sexy voice......
soapbox: last I heard the Boston Tea Party was thrown by people who believed in freedom from religious oppression?
This verse is from the gospel of John chapter 8, where a crowd has captured a woman caught in the act of adultery, they want to stone her to death (as the Mosaic law says to do), Jesus says, "He who is without sin cast the first stone," nobody dares to throw, they all go away, then Jesus looks at the woman and says, "Does no one condemn you?" "No one, Lord," "Neither do I. Go and SIN NO MORE." The woman was sinning. He told her to stop. He did not say, "Then go live it up, baby, 'cause it's all good." Although that is what the pro-gay crowd would have us believe.

Do you really think that Jesus expected her to commit no more sins? Being human sin is a part of our fallen nature, we do it. Does that mean we are going to hell? No, Grace is a wonderful thing. We are incapable of living without sin. Knowing Christ we strive for sinlessness, but we fail. The question is "Is love a sin?" Is that possible? I don't think so. If two people regardless of gender have the same feelings for each other that I have for my wife and she has for me, how can that be sin. Find me a passage where Jesus points out that loving another person is a sin.
Here's a phrase some of you may have heard before, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." That is a particular favorite among the pro-gay crowd, as they smugly try to call Christians and anti-gay people hypocrites. But as usual, they are deceptive, and only give half the story. This verse is from the gospel of John chapter 8, where a crowd has captured a woman caught in the act of adultery, they want to stone her to death (as the Mosaic law says to do), Jesus says, "He who is without sin cast the first stone," nobody dares to throw, they all go away, then Jesus looks at the woman and says, "Does no one condemn you?" "No one, Lord," "Neither do I. Go and SIN NO MORE." The woman was sinning. He told her to stop. He did not say, "Then go live it up, baby, 'cause it's all good." Although that is what the pro-gay crowd would have us believe.

What you're missing, and doing so intentionally is that Christ instructed those around her that if and only if they themselves were without sin should they cast a stone. What that means is that if you are not yourself without sin then you have no place whatsoever criticizing that which you perceive to be sin in another.

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

While we're at it, can you please point out where CHRIST ever said anything regarding homosexuality?

If you wish to look at Leviticus for your guidance in whether or not homosexuality is an "abomination" I hope you don't eat shellfish. I also hope you've never worn a blended fabric item of clothing. If you ever disrespected your parents, you are in truly deep doo-doo.

Did you send your wife/girlfriend/sister/mother away during her last menstrual cycle?

Or to quote an oft circulated list from the internet:

* When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev. 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. How should I deal with this?

* I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as it suggests in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

* I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev. 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

* Lev. 25:44 states that I may buy slaves from the nations that are around us. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans but not Canadians. Can you clarify?

* I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

* A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination (Lev. 10:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

* Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

Now to those saying that if you're going to take the Bible, you have to take the whole thing, I certainly hope you've never eaten a shrimp cocktail.
I never post anymore, but I read this and it pissed me off.

First off, 'geeks' are not more educated than others. This is the beginnings of holier than thou.

Secondly, if you hook something up to someone's dong, they might get aroused by the unusual thing. I don't dispute that there is some suppression amongst the violently anti-homosexual, but to say that anyone who has an issue with gayness is actually gay is silly.

And lastly, you said "I didn't choose to be this way". I don't have a problem with this statement per se, but it's just a poor way to put it. Because people don't consciously choose everything. In a way, we're all machines of causality, right? But that doesn't somehow exonerate people from moral culpability. This is a foolish ground to refute anti-homosexual preachers on. In Western civilization, your cognition of the law and your ability to avoid breaking it are not things that erase your guilt.

Refute that it's wrong. Refute that it's sinful. Refute that it's anyone else's business. But do not freaking whine that it's not fair to judge you because you didn't want to be that way. None of us are made the way we want to be. It doesn't make you special.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has come out (no pun intended) against this. It shows that Geeks:) are more educated than others. I live in Kalamazoo, MI now and a Professor at Western Michigan University did a study that showed that most men that are against gays are really bisexual or gay themselves. He showed porn videos to guys that identified as being gay, bisexual, and straight. He used a device that measured growth of the penis. The most anti-gay (what to go and beat them up types) were the most likely to become aroused by the gay videos. He said that those who identified as straight, but had nothing negative to say about gays were not even aroused by the bisexual and gay videos.

I say this, if you are HELL bent on getting rid of us, you need to see a psychatrist. You have issues that need to be dealt with.

I didn't choose to be this way. Who in their right mind would want to be hated that much? I have been in the same relationship for the past 11 years.

We can't get married, which I am against, but when we argue, it is about tiny things and than it is settled. Tell me of a male and female partnership that can say that?

Please excuse the spelling. I couldn't get the spell checker plugin to work!
Now to those saying that if you're going to take the Bible, you have to take the whole thing, I certainly hope you've never eaten a shrimp cocktail.

if you took the time to study the bible with people who knew what the bible really taught, you'd know a whole lot more deeper truths that would "set you free".

we're no longer under the Mosaic law (found in exodus and leviticus). true christians can eat pork if they want and work on friday evening if they please (yea, sabbath was actually friday night to saturday morning). the 10 commandments for example, an excellent set of laws to live by, but technically not under our (as christian gentiles, even if we weren't) obligation. There are new ideas that oftentimes coincide with the law, as far as marriage, sexual orientation, etc... if you actually read the bible in its entirety and didn't hold on to the twisted views held by many these days, you'd see its beauty AND continuity.
also, servant of shodan failed to mention that the first part of john 8 has been questioned as to its authenticity and place in the bible cannon

doing research is great :p
hey look! more proof that religious people are freaking nuts :rolleyes:
Regardless of who's view is what and which book says what and where, what you're all missing is the open letter already in the mail...

"Dear shareholder:

Thank you for your support of Microsoft. Please sell your shares to someone else as you are really annoying when we're looking at pie charts in the shareholder meetings and you start yelling about something completely unrelated. Do us all a favour and switch to Ubuntu. Oh wait, that's part of that nambi-pambi hippy free software movement. Man, maybe MacOS is more your speed ... no, don't want to remind you of that designer stereotype... dang, dude; you're surrounded. May as well give up on life; procreation is doomed.

rainbows and kisses, MS."
Refute that it's wrong. Refute that it's sinful. Refute that it's anyone else's business. But do not freaking whine that it's not fair to judge you because you didn't want to be that way. None of us are made the way we want to be. It doesn't make you special.

He never claimed it made him special. In fact, his point was most likely that he's no different than anyone else.

You choosing to read into it that he's saying he's "special" is your own blindness.
if you took the time to study the bible with people who knew what the bible really taught, you'd know a whole lot more deeper truths that would "set you free".

we're no longer under the Mosaic law (found in exodus and leviticus). true christians can eat pork if they want and work on friday evening if they please (yea, sabbath was actually friday night to saturday morning). the 10 commandments for example, an excellent set of laws to live by, but technically not under our (as christian gentiles, even if we weren't) obligation. There are new ideas that oftentimes coincide with the law, as far as marriage, sexual orientation, etc... if you actually read the bible in its entirety and didn't hold on to the twisted views held by many these days, you'd see its beauty AND continuity.

Which deeper truth would that be? That it's all a bunch of disjointed preaching that's united only in the minds of the counsel of Nicea who only concluded that Christ was "divine" 300 years after he died? That truth?

Or the truth that only the scripture that fit the dogmatic structure of the church was allowed to be part of the approved Bible and that many books were excluded simply because they did not fit the desired canonical teachings of the church at the time?

Or how about the deeper truth that most holidays that Christians celebrate have their roots in pagan rituals, yes even Christmas and Easter (Hell, Easter has it's roots in rituals associated with Eostre, a goddess with her roots in Germanic regions, she was a goddess of fertility, which is why to this day eggs are associated with Easter and her name is also the source of words like estrogen).

Did you know that stories of supposedly divine entities being executed and returning to life predate Christianity by centuries? Ever heard of Horus? You should check into it. Born of a virgin, performed miracles, birth was announced by angels, witnessed by shepherds, baptised by someone who was later beheaded, tempted on a high mountain by Set (aka Satan), walked on water, restored site to the blind, was killed on a crucifix, resurrected after three days, etc. etc. etc. . . . all thousands of years before the first century CE.

Is that the deeper truth you were referring to?
As a Christian myself, this guy is going far from what God has intended. We are not supposed to judge people, that is for God to do. We are to love one another and accept people for who they are. You may not have to like what people do or how they act, but you are still supposed to love them.

This guy comes off as righteous, self-serving, and a biggot.
Which deeper truth would that be? That it's all a bunch of disjointed preaching that's united only in the minds of the counsel of Nicea who only concluded that Christ was "divine" 300 years after he died? That truth?

Or the truth that only the scripture that fit the dogmatic structure of the church was allowed to be part of the approved Bible and that many books were excluded simply because they did not fit the desired canonical teachings of the church at the time?

Or how about the deeper truth that most holidays that Christians celebrate have their roots in pagan rituals, yes even Christmas and Easter (Hell, Easter has it's roots in rituals associated with Eostre, a goddess with her roots in Germanic regions, she was a goddess of fertility, which is why to this day eggs are associated with Easter and her name is also the source of words like estrogen).

Did you know that stories of supposedly divine entities being executed and returning to life predate Christianity by centuries? Ever heard of Horus? You should check into it. Born of a virgin, performed miracles, birth was announced by angels, witnessed by shepherds, baptised by someone who was later beheaded, tempted on a high mountain by Set (aka Satan), walked on water, restored site to the blind, was killed on a crucifix, resurrected after three days, etc. etc. etc. . . . all thousands of years before the first century CE.

Is that the deeper truth you were referring to?
It's a sad thing you feel the need to attack this person rather than accept their opinion.
It's a sad thing you feel the need to attack this person rather than accept their opinion.

Hmmm, I see no attacks in anything I posted, merely a listing of historical facts.

If facts=attacks, someone has a pretty skewed sense of reality.