Researchers Develop Regenerative Medicine Breakthrough


Jun 22, 2008
Some really cool news in medicine tech. Researchers at Ohio State University developed new tech called Tissue Nanotransfection, TNT for short. Published in Nature Nanotechnology, TNT allows a patient's own body to repair itself by regenerating any type of cell tissue. Using mice and pigs, researchers were able to reprogram skin cells into vascular cells and save some legs. Another example includes injecting skin cells and reprogram to into nerve cells to brain-injured mice from a stroke.

Check out the science (might not be NSFW due to exposed mouse leg).

This is difficult to imagine, but it is achievable, successfully working about 98 percent of the time. With this technology, we can convert skin cells into elements of any organ with just one touch. This process only takes less than a second and is non-invasive, and then you're off. The chip does not stay with you, and the reprogramming of the cell starts. Our technology keeps the cells in the body under immune surveillance, so immune suppression is not necessary," said Sen
On any given day remarkable breakthroughs are supposedly made in the world medicine. We hear amazing stories of how they have found cures for just about everything. Then a week later they disappear and we hear nothing from them ever again.
On any given day remarkable breakthroughs are supposedly made in the world medicine. We hear amazing stories of how they have found cures for just about everything. Then a week later they disappear and we hear nothing from them ever again.
Probably due to them failing peer review.
Em drive is still being tested and it could be a large breakthrough in space propulsion
Will this fix my freakin' back. Ohhh My aching back.... All in... Hook me up. Zap me...

But in reality, this story will just be another blip in the radar that we never hear from again.

Big Pharma will have nothing to do with this. Off with her head.
This seems so much more advanced than what is now possible, that it can't be true.

we all know its gona happen some day
This seems so much more advanced than what is now possible, that it can't be true.
This is overhyped.

They reprogrammed skin cells in mice so that they regrew a blood supply/blood vessels after vascular injury was induced.

That's a far cry from reprogramming any desired cell or tissue type to repair damage or injury, as the accompanying article suggests is possible with this technique. And they only did it in mice.

But still, it is amazing research. Breakthroughs in DNA and cellular biotech seem to be getting closer and closer to human disease curing applications that would never have seemed possible before.
Kind of what I was thinking, yay! Cells that do crazy grow type shit they normally wouldn't do, kind of like cancer!

I dunno, as soon as I read TNT I thought 'I'm dynamite!'. Grew up on AC/DC and not zombies I guess.
Unfortunately, some test results will find that the technology has a 0.001% chance of increasing cancer risk, so it will never be allowed to be used on humans...
I dunno, as soon as I read TNT I thought 'I'm dynamite!'. .

i just wonder how busy the NSA and FBI will be once this reaches mass news and you get a ton of people suddenly all googling how to get their hands on some TNT

This is a great news report, I am sure military "should" support this, all things considering. Imagine, ultra High Speed GI, doing his duty with all of his skill, finally gets the big bad boo boo. Instead of going on the disbaled list, whatever that is stopping him from being all hero is regenerated, (wolverine anyone?) and he's back in action. Tell me this wouldn't be a soldiers wet dream.
On any given day remarkable breakthroughs are supposedly made in the world medicine. We hear amazing stories of how they have found cures for just about everything. Then a week later they disappear and we hear nothing from them ever again.

Only if you don't pay attention. It takes a long time for something to go from research to on the market but it happens, all the time, and medicine is further improved. Some of the big ones I can think of in recent (like last 20 years) time:

--Chicken Pox vaccine. That disease was a real bastard and some people would infect kids on purpose, since it could really harm adults. Well they finally figured out how to vaccinate against it and it is standard now.
--Laparoscopic surgery. This makes recovery times of surgeries way shorter, allows surgeries that would be dangerous in the past and is cool as hell to see in action.
--HPV vaccine. Cervical cancer kills more than a few women a year and HPV is usually the cause. It is one of those nasty things that once you get, it ever goes away. We now have a vaccine that'll prevent infection.
--Bionic limbs. I'm not talking regular limb replacement, I'm talking full on Deux Ex looking shit that works really well. These are on the market right now.
--HIV treatment cocktails. Used to be HIV was a death sentence. Get it, you had maybe 5 years to live. Now, people can live to old age with HIV. It's not a cure, not a vaccine (though Canada is working on one) but it has made the disease survivable.

This ins't all inclusive, just off the top of my head. Medicine keeps getting better and there's lots of cool shit going on with it if you pay attention. However it doesn't happen overnight, you can't expect a research announcement on Friday to be followed with a commercial product on Monday. It often takes decades of work before it is ready. But progress is made. We've solved all the easy problems in medicine, we are on to the hard ones, but we are making progress on those too.
very interesting even if it is shown to be limited in usage in the future.
say that is is only confined to localized skin cells, then we can still see many dermatological uses for it.
1. can it reverse scar tissue, stretch marks, burn marks ?
2. can it reduce pores , acne , freckles, increase/reduce hair follicles?
3. can it eliminate moles, melanoma, modify melanin?
4. can it modify skin elasticity, cellulite, collagen?

that's hundreds of Billions lost in cosmetic products sale..