Red Dead Redemption 2 Rakes in $725 Million Worldwide in Three Days


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
The Red Dead Redemption 2 launch has achieved the biggest opening weekend in entertainment history. The highly anticipated video game title generated over $725 million worldwide retail sell-through within its first 3 days. It is the second-highest grossing entertainment launch of all time next to Grand Theft Auto V which achieved $1 billion retail sell-through in 3 days. Sony Interactive Entertainment confirmed that Red Dead Redemption 2 set new records for pre-orders, highest day one sales and highest sales for the first 3 days on market on the PlayStation Network.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will also include access to Red Dead Online. Red Dead Online is the evolution of the classic multiplayer experience in the original Red Dead Redemption, blending narrative with competitive and cooperative gameplay in fun new ways. Red Dead Online is planned for launch in November 2018, initially as a public beta, with more news to come soon.
Is this a lesson for other developers - take your time and make something good, not pump out reskins with lootboxes? - or is this just Rockstar being THAT good at what they do?

I'm enjoying it on the PS4, if it comes out on PC I'll get it on that as well.
Don't you worry, the multiplayer with microtransactions is coming.
Wouldn't mind that too much, though the opinion is biased because I don't touch MP.

No Micros in SP campaign is still a good thing, pity about all the digital deluxe edition and the SP content gated behind them
PC release would rake more cash.

I myself will be boycotting this bs. it should of been released to PC on day 1.

You guys arn't going [H]ard. Go buy a ps4 or xbox and play the game and if you want to go really [H]ard smash both when you're done and link the video on the forum to show just how much you hate consoles and games that are not released day 1 on pc.
They would be making a ton more money if they release this on the PC. They would be dumb not to at least.
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You guys arn't going [H]ard. Go buy a ps4 or xbox and play the game and if you want to go really [H]ard smash both when you're done and link the video on the forum to show just how much you hate consoles and games that are not released day 1 on pc.
I'll go [H]arder and wait for a PS4 emulator or just wait for a PC release.
Game is great. Looks fantastic on the oled and the one x. Voice acting best I've heard in a game. Immersive although maybe a little slow paced, but a nice change from the crack twitch games we all are accustomed too.

Shame the PC gamers likely have to wait for if they ever port it and will complain endlessly when rockstar obviously knows its business model.

Buy a nice tv and ps4 or xbox or hope that the rumors are true. The game is legitimately one of the best media experiences made to date. Y'all have multi thousand computers, if you cant hold ur breath and wait buy the alternative. But the complaining is getting silly. Sorry.
They would be making a ton more money if they release this on the PC. They would be dumb not to at least.

It's coming to PC.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Companion App Files Hint at PC Version

Red Dead Redemption 2 coming to PC in 2019, according to retailer

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC is in Development, According to Rockstar Dev

You PC players need to get the fuck over it. Buy a PS4 or don't buy. Stop fucking crying already. You are the ones limiting yourself. Game looks and runs great on a PS4 Pro.
Same old dilemmas with consoles, one might have the better hardware while the other has games I like. For me Sony has the better exclusives. Pro is a given but strong rumors 5 will be out by spring/summer. Xbox is a better 4k experience plus it has free-sync enabled but not nearly as many games I want to play and I'd need to obtain a freesync/hdr display to enjoy it's fullest potential. I've read performance reviews for this game on both and both are good but the Xbox is said to be on another level. Other overall rumor is that Rockstar is merely waiting for as much as console sales as possible before releasing the PC version. Makes sense but sucks waiting.
Same old dilemmas with consoles, one might have the better hardware while the other has games I like. For me Sony has the better exclusives. Pro is a given but strong rumors 5 will be out by spring/summer. Xbox is a better 4k experience plus it has free-sync enabled but not nearly as many games I want to play and I'd need to obtain a freesync/hdr display to enjoy it's fullest potential. I've read performance reviews for this game on both and both are good but the Xbox is said to be on another level. Other overall rumor is that Rockstar is merely waiting for as much as console sales as possible before releasing the PC version. Makes sense but sucks waiting.
The base PS4 still better then the base xbone. Like you said the hardware doesn't matter if there is no go exclusive games for it. There is no reason to own a Xbone if you have a decent gaming PC.
You PC players need to get the fuck over it. Buy a PS4 or don't buy. Stop fucking crying already. You are the ones limiting yourself. Game looks and runs great on a PS4 Pro.
Buy a PS4 for one game? I'll wait for the PC release. Haven't used a console since the PS1.
Man this is good news. As much as I enjoy Fortnite, I was terrified developers would glom onto that business model and all we'd see for the next several years would be clones while the AAA titles fell by the wayside.

Having this game raking in the dough like this shows there's still a very large segment of gamers willing to shell out cash for a quality single player game.

Now about that PC release.... :D
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I tend to borrow console games and buy the PC versions. RDR1 never came to PC, but I still got to play through it in 2011 by borrowing it for X360 (I did the same thing for GTA V 2 or 3 years before the PC version came out, then I got the PC version and played through it again). If RDR2 never makes it to PC that'd be retarded as all fuck, especially after how well GTA V turned out on PC, but I wouldn't put it past Rockstar. Still it won't bother me too much. I've played through plenty of PS4 games this generation despite not owning a PS4 yet (waiting for hella price drop on PS4 Pro), so I'm sure I'll get a chance to play RDR2 even if it doesn't come to PC. Although it'd be nice if I could borrow an XBX to play the game on. I'm in no rush, I got plenty of games to play. I'll get to RDR2 when I get to it. If a PC version happens to come out before then, all the better.
EDIT: With all the money that Rockstar is making on RDR2, I don't suppose they could give a decent amount of it to those slaves -er I mean employees that they basically murdered and tortured to make this game.
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Aww, how cute. So many borderline retarded console Gamers all getting together over lowest common denominator titles designed for people of their intellect.

They can keep this third person garbage. I don't want it.
Aww, how cute. So many borderline retarded console Gamers all getting together over lowest common denominator titles designed for people of their intellect.

They can keep this third person garbage. I don't want it.

I feel the need to correct you here. The scripts and voice acting of the Rockstar Games titles has been truly above the standard established by most every other game maker out there. The stories are good and fit within the timeline/genre that they are targeting. IF this game is on par with others it will feel like a true gritty western. That is what they are going for.

Again I fail to see how calling one of the better productions in gaming historically something targeting the lowest common denominator because... it's 3rd person? Really?

Go back to your CS-GO please. Some of us have moved past the need to play twitch games.
Aww, how cute. So many borderline retarded console Gamers all getting together over lowest common denominator titles designed for people of their intellect.

They can keep this third person garbage. I don't want it.

This 100% but wait I bought the game, oh no you found out my true identity and I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.

For real though you can play this game first person with the UI turned off if you want a real experience. With the atmosphere in the game it really does feel nice.
To be fair, there hasn't been a good PC exclusive game in a long time. If you don't own at least one console you're just limiting your exposure to good games. Does it suck? Yes but that's business.
And work 100 hours a week.

I understand the contention, as I've been in that situation for a few years myself when I was younger, however I feel it is overblown. No one is holding a gun to their heads, anyone can walk away and find something else. Happens everywhere, every day.
You were saying?

I own a PS4 PRO, and I'm still not touching it with a 10 mile pole until it comes to pc.

Dam you ousted me too. I got nothing above the shoulders.

If you like waiting that is fine, You are going harder than most. You have the console but want to wait anyway. To each his own.
There is no way Hollywood is not going to take notice.

Black Ops 4 is doing excellent as well.

Billion dollar games.

This is going to be awesome for us PC gamers.

Would love to play a Spielberg directed game