Rebel Galaxy


Dec 29, 2005
Anyone else looking forward to this one? It's from the creators of Torchlight and is a space exploration sandbox/RPG. The devs call it a space western and is cross between Freelancer/Privateer + AC:Black Flag + Sid Meier's Pirates! + Star Control 2 with a healthy dose of Firefly.

Due for release on 20th October.

IGN Review

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Wait, wait, wait. Torchlight... IN SPACE?


I want it!
I am looking forward to it and plan on picking it up on Tuesday, but I will say from watching some recent streams and Youtube videos it seems like it might get quite repetitive.
I had no idea about this! Put on my favorites and plan to pick this up and give it a go!
I just found out about this game independently 30 minutes ago....

I went to youtube this morning with, unusually for me, no actual purpose or intent other than to find a good video to watch while playing adventure capitalist, which give you a lot of time to watch stuff between needing to do thing. The very first video on my subscriptions list was a Rebel Galaxy Lets Play by SplatterCatGaming. I started watching and I was hooked almost immediately.

While watching the first video I came here to see what people were saying about it and the very top thread in the entire gaming section when I got here was this one.. Kismet or something.

Definitely looks like a lot of fun. I like the 2D aspect of it. It seems kind of like Freespace (or any other open-world space sim) mixed with Sid Meier's Pirates!
Been watching some press release let's plays on YT for a bit now. This does look like it will be pretty awesome.
I gotta admit, after watching a whole bunch of preview vids on this one I'm really looking forward to it. It seems most of the reviewers were very positive about the variety of missions the game has to offer. Even after many hours with the game they didn't feel it was overly repetitive. Considering this is an indie dev and the price point, it looks to be excellent bang for buck.
Huh, interesting looking game, stuffed it on my wishlist to grab later. I've already got another game that launched today that i'm looking forward to. (The latest Overlord game)
Eurogamer wasn't that very excited about the game. but IMO, it will be more fun than Elite... Will see in 3 hours.
what a horrible review, it was so hard to tell the actual game play.. its like the game is going and he isjust talking, and whats on screen isn't really relating to what he's talking about

looks like a great game, but that reviewer needs to work on his presentation
I would love to buy it, but steam doesn't seem to want to let me buy anything today. Anybody else having that issue?
So apparently their marketing strategy was to NOT market it, WTF. Looks pretty good form the snippets I was able to catch on crappy hotel wifi.
what a horrible review, it was so hard to tell the actual game play.. its like the game is going and he isjust talking, and whats on screen isn't really relating to what he's talking about

Exactly my thoughts. He's just spouting random bullshit while the game plays in the background, it's a disjointed mess, not a review. Hell it's bad even for a let's play.
I added the IGN review to the OP.

Just bought the game and lookin forward to trying it out after work.
Why all these fun looking game exist!

thanks for the head up OP!
Finally managed to pick it up, guess steam figured out what the issues were. Only got to play about 20 minutes though as I have to finish a paper I'm procrastinating. Fun so far, combat is interesting has kind of a starfleet command thing going for it (bit more interactive though). I've been playing it with an xbox controller and it handles that pretty well.

Also the music is fantastic, I really love the western/firefly vibe I get.
Quality game. Unsure of its depth but yeah. Well done. Nothing like Elite. Easy to pick up and play.
I've played a bit and generally, I think it is a game worth your money. Have to see how it holds up in the long run but it is a fun concept. I like the naval combat mixed with future ships style, because I enjoy games where you get to play ships, but I get tired of everything being set in the age of exploration. This is a nice variation.

Visuals are quite nice, not stellar high end OMGraphics but well done and pretty nice looking. Uses the OGRE3D engine. Sound is good, if a bit loud by default. It actually supports true 7.1 output, one of the few games that does. So not only can you get surround from all 7 speakers, but it makes dedicated use of the sub. Speaking of that, it does like the bass... a lot. Game rumbles and hits pretty hard.

Tons of customization in terms of graphics options, when you run it you get a launcher with control over basically everything. You can also remap buttons for keyboard and gamepad (it tells you to play it with a gamepad). One nice feature is you can check a box to use PS4 button art if you are using a PS4 controller instead of an Xbox 360 controller. Pretty much however you wanna set it up, it'll let you do it which is nice.

The music is something I'm very split on. It is extremely well done... I just hate it. It is sort of a country hard-rock style that I just despise. Fortunately, you can set custom music and do so to a very high degree of flexibility. You set paths to folders with music for various purposes: combat, idle, menus, etc and it picks and chooses songs from that based on what is happening. So even if you don't end up liking the in-game music, you can customize it and get something that makes you happy. If you do like the music, it is just stored in OGG format in the game directory, so you can play it in your favourite music player no problems.

All in all, well done. Unless it gets old real fast, which I doubt, it should justify its $20.
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its pretty fun, i spent all day in the first system. still not done running random missions to earn money, in the 389k ship atm that has 7 turrets and melting frigates with it.
Well... looks like i'll be buying Rogue Galaxy sooner than intended. So far the few reviews i've seen seem good, though this seems like one of those games that kinda squeaked under everyone's radar.

The new Overlord SUCKED, badly... they turned it into a Diablo clone that just happens to have a few minions. Already got a refund on the game so i'll be picking this up sometime in the next few days. (kinda started reading a book, want to finish that first)
I really like this game. I have to say it gives me a firefly like vibe. Kudos to the dev on the use PS4 button prompts option. It's seems like such a minor thing, but it's the first time a game dev has put it in a game it makes a big difference IMHO especially in the beginning.

Love the music customization. I like the included music, western like, and I think it's why I feel the firefly vibe from the game. I can't stop thinking "I aim to misbehave" when I start up. :) Though when the aliens start speaking, I kind of feel I got ripped out of firefly and got thrown into Star Wars and the music isn't right.

I love the commodities part of the game. The prices of what you sell are dependent on what's going on in that region and it affects how much you can sell them for. So if the status is war stuff like munitions can be sold at higher prices. None of this every vendor has the same prices. Though I think all the ships are the same prices at the shipyard as are the equipment (weapons, shields, etc...) you put on your ship.

The one thing I don't kind of like is while the game is a 3D space game, you aren't controlling a ship that moves in 3D. It moves like homeworld where you are in a 3D space but you movements are all linear on a 2D plane so you can't move up or down in the space. So you get into situations like say with mining where you can't fly above or below the asteroid and if you want to aim for a particular part you have to back away and wait for the rock to spin to aim at a precise point.

Also a couple of minor gripes. The looting is it's tedious. You have to be near it and then wait for the prompt to tractor beam it onto the ship. I get why it's done this way, but for some things like say mining, I'd rather they just auto picked up everything nearby and save me some time. Another thing that is just a bit non intuitive is the map there are 2 places for the map, one at the command menu which shows the local system map, then the one in the menu where the missions are listed, where you can show the systems, but can't access the local system map. The latter I guess will let you jump to other star systems at some point but I haven't gotten that far yet since I can't afford the jump drive yet.

Still overall I would definitely recommend the game.
I like how the launcher has an easy way to set up custom music, so you can set separate folders ambient, idle, combat, title, and station music easily.

The space cowboy music gets old kinda fast at least to me so custom music is the way to go.
That's better than spending so much time marketing it that you forget to make the game!

Marketing is so overrated....;)

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Got to admit the pricing is really nice. $18 (current sale) for a game that gives you at least 20 hours of play through. Not too shabby in a world where $50 to $60 is the norm.
Got to admit the pricing is really nice. $18 (current sale) for a game that gives you at least 20 hours of play through. Not too shabby in a world where $50 to $60 is the norm.

at least? im 16hours in and just now was told to make sure i have a jump drive so i can leave the first system when i get a chance lol
One of the things i like is they do not penalize you for buying ships or equipment and then change your mind, you get full value on trade ins so you can try out ships or weapons and if you do not like them swap them at a station store for something else, same for swapping ship hulls you can go back and forth as often as you like as long as they sell the ship you want at that location.


Just got the Vanguard Heavy Frigate, it feels like a beast with some nice 7x Beam broad side laser action that i looted, The vanguard was my goal ship before leaving the first system so now i am off to move onto bigger and better places lol..

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I don't do it often, but I'm gonna have to do an impulse buy on this. Hope it holds up to this thread's claims.
I played about 4 hours and it's immensely repetitive. Warp speed to the mission marker, blow up a few enemies (yay auto-targetting), fly to the next mission marker and repeat. Aside from a few random enemy ships floating around, I didn't find anything worthwhile on the map itself.

Fun for a few hours but I feel like it would be way too grindy to reach end-game. If the combat were more engaging, or the open world space more "alive", then maybe it would be worthwhile.
Yeah so far my 1 hour playing last night was kinda meh, I don't have a full grip of the controls as I found myself flip flopping between turrets and feeling like I wasn't doing much. So far kinda repetitive but I'll put more time in later.
Quite a few Youtube streamers have said that the mouse+keyboard is meh, you really need a controller to enjoy this a lot more. I'm planning on getting this today/tomorrow and got my "old" 360 controller handy and ready.