Question mark icons in dock of Macbook Pro, cannot delete


Jul 25, 2005
My wife's Macbook Pro school (she is Kinder teacher). Today out of nowhere question mark icons appeared in the dock for man popular apps like Safari and System Prefs. I added them back in by launching them and then dragging from R to L side of dock. But I cannot delete the invalid ? icons remaining in the dock. Tried moving to trash and moving to desktop. R click shows an options window but no options are available. Any ideas?
what os version and model? one version you have to ctrl+click to open options and remove, another you have to click+hold, drag to trash and hold it there for a couple seconds then release.
Nevermind, the school tech department pushed out a software update of some sort that caused the problem. They fixed it 2 days later. Appreciate the help effort.
Nevermind, the school tech department pushed out a software update of some sort that caused the problem. They fixed it 2 days later. Appreciate the help effort.
lol, sounds familiar....
glad its sorted.