Question about Power Mac's and monitors


Oct 7, 2000
I have a question about Power Mac's

I was looking on the website, because I have started saving for a Power Mac G5 (Unless a G6 comes out :D )

It seems clear to me that all Apple monitors use a proprietary digital interface connector called "ADC"

It looks as if this connector, Similar in function to a DVI one, also carries a USB signal with it, (The Monitors have USB ports on them, and the DVI-ADC connector has a usb connector on it.)

Now on the page where you can customize your order, it shows two drop down boxes for primary and secondary. and the secondayr is more expensive, (for the same model,) and comes with this DVI-ADC connector.

My conjecture is that, the AGP cards made for Mac's are Dual-Head, having an ADC connector, and a DVI connector.

Question is, can I just use a standard DVI monitor, from another vendor, on the DVI port as my primary monitor? Is there an ADC-to-DVI adapter that would let me use two DVI monitors? Or has Apple simply locked all other monitor vendors out entirely?

(Maybe the answer should be posted to the FAQ as well.)
Good idea.

ADC to DVI converters are like 20 bucks from apple, if im not mistaken.

ADC cables include DVI and power... so when you've got a new powermac setup you've got three cables total. :) (4 for ethernet, obviously)....
all video cards that you get with a new PowerMac are dual head and have both DVI and ADC connections. The reason you are seeing a price differnece between the displays is you have to also get the DVI - ADC adapter as well to use it so the answer is you can use ANY DVI display out there with out having to use an adapter and it should work just fine...if you have a VGA display you can also use that but need to use the DVI - VGA adapter and you are ready to go
We run 22" CRTs on all our macs with converters. The graphics pros like them better, and they're easier to calibrate to the proofers and press.
Originally posted by NewBlackDak
We run 22" CRTs on all our macs with converters. The graphics pros like them better

With good reason!

If you're considering an LCD as your primary display for graphics/photography/othervisualstuffs, go Eizo. Hands down a better display than Apple, but they can get quite pricy. Depends on your budget I suppose. :D
Originally posted by dangfx
Actually, they're $100.

(i believe you were thinking about the DVI to VGA Display Adapter, which is 19.99)


Shopping cart links don't work after the cart times out, if at all for other IP addresses.

I suspect you linked to the DVI to ADC adapter. They are different. The DVI->ADC adapter has extra components, such as a power adapter and USB input, to combine into the ADC cable, thus its higher cost.

ADC-->DVI connectors are converters that have ADC on one end that plugs into the video card, and DVI on the other. Doesn't worry about USB or power, and are thus cheap. I cant find them on Apples website anymore, perhaps they've been discontinued or "hidden" from my view. CDW sells a variant for $30.

ahh nevermind, i found it.
In the apple store search for "ADC to DVI".
Its $40. oops. :)
maybe this ought to be in the FAQ

Do I have to use an Apple branded monitor with a new Power Mac G5


The display adapter will be dual-head, one proprietary ADC connector, (Combines a DVI interface with USB, and power so that no additional cables are needed to connect the monitor.) and one standard DVI port.

you can connect a DVI monitor, or an analog monitor, (using DVI to VGA adapter.) ADC to DVI adapters are available for dual head use with non Apple branded monitors