Quake Live Fps Drop

May 26, 2007
I've been noticing a fps drop in Quake Live after the beta closed. On some of the more open maps I can drop to 80 fps. My pc should be able to handle this game at 125 fps. Has anyone else experienced this and is the a fix?
By Finland frs +++:
- Any plans to fix fps drops

By QuakeLive SyncError ++++| - Reply to #21

- Honestly just need time to evaluate why. Following the launch of the recent update we of course went straight into QuakeCon setup and just got back today. We'll have to look at reports from users who are experiencing issues to determine the issue. My first guess would be that those were systems barely obtaining 125fps and perhaps the rendering of the in-game ads are just enough to cause them drops. If so we'll have to see what we can do. Could be something entirely unrelated though.
