
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
The anti-cheat solution that game developer Bluehole implemented into the battle royale game PUBG has been issuing false flags for AMD video card users running the 18.9.1 driver. This led to a ban wave and 24 page discussion thread on the Steam forums yesterday. Some community members say that they hadn't played the game in a month and were still banned. Eventually Bluehole rescinded the bans and issued a statement a few hours ago.

Our anti-cheat team investigated these recent reports of false bans and found a specific set of conditions which lead to a number of players being banned incorrectly. This issue has now been resolved. All of the players affected by this issue have now had their bans removed. My sincerest apologies to all players who were impacted by this.
Wow: anti-cheat software that whacks people not cheating yet doesn't always whack those legit cheating. :meh:
Some of the ones who got falsely banned were probably cheating anyway :p
i dont quite understand how something like this goes on for a month before it gets fixed and after that they just go "oops sorry my bad" and walk off it like nothing happened.

i gotta be missing a part somewhere
"Some community members say that they hadn't played the game in a month and were still banned."
Ok, so ... explain please. To me, it sounds like Steam is doing scans of your system on behalf of companies for the purpose of DRM.
It's good to see AMD is still capable of channeling the ghost of ATI after all these years.
"Some community members say that they hadn't played the game in a month and were still banned."
Ok, so ... explain please. To me, it sounds like Steam is doing scans of your system on behalf of companies for the purpose of DRM.
Probably PUBE G scanning your system files and saving information about strange processes. Whenever the anti cheat security team determines that something is a hack, they go back and ban everyone who used those same resources over time. In this case they more than likely false flagged an AMD process as a hack and then went back and banned everyone using AMD 18.9.1 driver software.
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who use uncompetitive hardwares to play competitive game anyways...must be cheaters