PS3 Outsells Wii in Japan, finally...


[H]F Junkie
Sep 14, 2004
Apparently on Merit of game quality, not price drops.

PS3 sold 183,217 units, Wii sold 159,193.

"The strong sales of the PlayStation 3 are attributed to this month's releases of Konami's soccer title Winning Eleven 2008 (PS2, PS3, X360) and Omega Force's slash 'em up Dynasty Warriors 6 (PS3)"
wow truely nobody cares about positive ps3 news. You should add PS3 sucks and is a failure to the title then you'll get some response.

Go Ps3 more sales in Japan means more JRPG's for me.
because it's fairly accurate.

the anti-PS3 bandwagon is overflowing these days.
wow truely nobody cares about positive ps3 news. You should add PS3 sucks and is a failure to the title then you'll get some response.

Go Ps3 more sales in Japan means more JRPG's for me.

Yeah if this had been DragonMaster*nintendofanboy*Alex posting his monthly Wii outsells PS3 articles, it woulda been at 2 pages already.
Yeah if this had been DragonMaster*nintendofanboy*Alex posting his monthly Wii outsells PS3 articles, it woulda been at 2 pages already.


Sony could very well take the lead for good if they release a PS3 slim with MGS or FFXIII, people love slimmed down versions of hardware. Hell PSP and NDS were close in sales untill the DS light came out and people though it was an Ipod and bought it.
there is no chance in hell of the ps3 getting smaller for a number of years. waaay to much of a space heater.

Sony could very well take the lead for good if they release a PS3 slim with MGS or FFXIII, people love slimmed down versions of hardware. Hell PSP and NDS were close in sales untill the DS light came out and people though it was an Ipod and bought it.

The PS3 isn't going to slim down anytime soon. Maybe towards the end of its life but not within the next 2 or 3 years. First, it has a hard drive which only slims down so much. The PS3 would have to go to more expensive 1.8" drives, use a slim blu-ray drive, and find a more efficient way to push all that heat out. The big factor though is cost. You definitly won't see a PS3 slim until the cost of the components is cheap enough to at least break even on a new design. As it is, they want to break even on the hardware design they have now. The PS2 slim came out 4 years after the original PS2 and the PS2 wasn't as much of a multi-media machine as the PS3. If you want a PS3 Slim, start looking at 2010 at the earliest.
Hell it might take 2 or 3 years to see FFXIII in the US so it is possible to have a slim out by then, also in 2 or 3 year Solid State drives will be rather common if they slam one of them in there they could save a ton of space and would be cool as balls.

Anyways I think all three systems are going to continually have good sales some better than others(looking at wii) but between the 360 and the ps3 who ever comes out with a slim model first will probably be the weiner in the end, and if they make it look Ipod/Appleish it wouldn't hurt.

360 might even win the hearts of Japan if it poped out a slim model.
I still stand by my prediction I made before the Wii and PS3 came out that when all is said and done the PS3 will come out on top, Wii in 2nd place and 360 in last. It won't be a huge lead for the PS3 though like the PS2 had...

I may have underestimated the price point of the Wii and its mass-market appeal but I'm going to stick with my guns on this one.

BTW my PS3 will be sitting under the Christmas tree in a few days. :cool:
I still stand by my prediction I made before the Wii and PS3 came out that when all is said and done the PS3 will come out on top, Wii in 2nd place and 360 in last. It won't be a huge lead for the PS3 though like the PS2 had...
In the US? Not a chance. Worldwide? Possibly yeah.
Hell it might take 2 or 3 years to see FFXIII in the US so it is possible to have a slim out by then, also in 2 or 3 year Solid State drives will be rather common if they slam one of them in there they could save a ton of space and would be cool as balls.

Anyways I think all three systems are going to continually have good sales some better than others(looking at wii) but between the 360 and the ps3 who ever comes out with a slim model first will probably be the weiner in the end, and if they make it look Ipod/Appleish it wouldn't hurt.

360 might even win the hearts of Japan if it poped out a slim model.

Solid state drives are a long way from being an economic solution to a standard drive. 32GB SSDs start at a higher price than the PS3 right now. Don't expect them to dive down to even the $2/GB range for several years yet. Really, you are dreaming. Seriously, it is going to be 3 more years at the earliest. It will most likely be 4 more years, if at all.
I still stand by my prediction I made before the Wii and PS3 came out that when all is said and done the PS3 will come out on top, Wii in 2nd place and 360 in last. It won't be a huge lead for the PS3 though like the PS2 had...

I may have underestimated the price point of the Wii and its mass-market appeal but I'm going to stick with my guns on this one.

BTW my PS3 will be sitting under the Christmas tree in a few days. :cool:

Seriously, not a chance. The Wii is going to stay on top. It passed the 360 after only being out one year. The PS3's sales would have to continue to stay at the level they were at in November for a long time, which they wont. The PS3's sales are going to drop back down after the holiday rush. I don't even see the PS3 touching the 360. One other thing to think about, which looms large in the minds of developers, is the "Blu-Ray" only factor. PS3 software sales are still not great. In many countries, the PS3 is BY FAR the cheapest Blu-Ray player. That skews the sales numbers of the system in repect to games. If a PS3 is only used as a Blu-Ray player, does it really count towards the success of the console?

People, please, don't get ahead of yourselves thinking that the PS3 outselling the Wii in one month is an indicator. We have no indication that it is a trend. It would be like saying the 360 was going to dominate the PS3 in Japan after it outsold it for a week or month or however much it was. Don't get excited until the holiday season is over and we can see what the numbers really looked like.
PS3, $100 more then the Wii, and $100 less then the 360 black.
neither the Wii or the 360 black offer up a next gen media player(360 HDDVD is extra).

bang for the buck, PS3 hands down.
PS3, $100 more then the Wii, and $100 less then the 360 black.
neither the Wii or the 360 black offer up a next gen media player(360 HDDVD is extra).

bang for the buck, PS3 hands down.

Where did you get your prices from? $150 more than the Wii and the stripped version of the PS3 is $50 less than the 360 Elite.

You guys have got to start keeping in mind that a large amount of people don't care about Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. A large number of the market don't even have HDTVs. The "bang for the buck" factor is relative.
Where did you get your prices from? $150 more than the Wii and the stripped version of the PS3 is $50 less than the 360 Elite.

You guys have got to start keeping in mind that a large amount of people don't care about Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. A large number of the market don't even have HDTVs. The "bang for the buck" factor is relative.


Wii = $269
360 Elite = $499
PS3 40GB = $399
PS3 80GB = $499

I donno, considering I am one of those people who have a HDTV and see the value of a new format, its added bonus to the PS3. I also enjoy online play. The Wii lack of HD support basically drops it for me.

I dig the 360, but to satisfy me:
360 elite $499
HDDVD $299
Xbox Live $59.99 (1 year)
total = $857.99 + tax = $978.11

Where the hell do you get your prices from?

I'm glad you see the value of a new format; I see the value of waiting before jumping on the new format bandwagon. It'll be a great thing to have (PS3) if it goes the way of the BetaMax.

People who want online console play and HDTV format with HD/Blue Ray capabilities are in the extreme minority.


And Microsoft will release another next-gen console before the rest and go bust because the industry will tell them to fuck off.

Canadian prices.

It'll be a great thing to have (PS3) if it goes the way of the BetaMax.

Not likely.

People who want online console play and HDTV format with HD/Blue Ray capabilities are in the extreme minority.

extreme minority ? Pretty much anyone wants all that stuff. Not everyone is ready to pay for it. A few years from now as the PS3 continues to lower into mass market ($200) price territory there will be more hdtv market penetration and a huge catalog of exclusive games.

And Microsoft will release another next-gen console before the rest and go bust because the industry will tell them to fuck off.

Has X360 made money yet ? I'm with you, I think MS will keep short cycling their consoles looking for any advantage possible. Look for the Xbox3000 in 2010.
Seriously, not a chance. The Wii is going to stay on top. It passed the 360 after only being out one year. The PS3's sales would have to continue to stay at the level they were at in November for a long time, which they wont. The PS3's sales are going to drop back down after the holiday rush. I don't even see the PS3 touching the 360. One other thing to think about, which looms large in the minds of developers, is the "Blu-Ray" only factor. PS3 software sales are still not great. In many countries, the PS3 is BY FAR the cheapest Blu-Ray player. That skews the sales numbers of the system in repect to games. If a PS3 is only used as a Blu-Ray player, does it really count towards the success of the console?

People, please, don't get ahead of yourselves thinking that the PS3 outselling the Wii in one month is an indicator. We have no indication that it is a trend. It would be like saying the 360 was going to dominate the PS3 in Japan after it outsold it for a week or month or however much it was. Don't get excited until the holiday season is over and we can see what the numbers really looked like.

I agree with most of that. The only real question mark i see is the Wii's staying power, until the next gen. Its already very dated hardware, and in 3-5 years when prices of PS3s and 360s are more econimical, i would think they would start being the consoles of choice over the Wii. We all know that games should continue to look better and better on the 360/PS3 over the next few years, but we also know that the Wii is pretty much pushing its limits already. Just a thought.

Wii = $269
360 Elite = $499
PS3 40GB = $399
PS3 80GB = $499

I donno, considering I am one of those people who have a HDTV and see the value of a new format, its added bonus to the PS3. I also enjoy online play. The Wii lack of HD support basically drops it for me.

I dig the 360, but to satisfy me:
360 elite $499
HDDVD $299
Xbox Live $59.99 (1 year)
total = $857.99 + tax = $978.11

Ah, you are in Canada, which would have been useful to state that earlier if you want to start talking prices.

Well, there you go, you are one of the people that has an HDTV and actually wants to invest in an HD movie format. Good for you. I have an HDTV too and I'm fine with upscaled DVDs. I have a PS3 and I don't even look at buying Blu-Ray movies. Part of that being that I don't like to wear out my console's drive on movies. I've seen it happen too many times in the past.

So it is a deciding factor for you. As I said earlier, for many people it is not. Don't apply your case to the rest of the world. The PS3 is a bigger value to some than it is to others. In fact, for some people, it only has value as a Blu-Ray player. Especially those countries where the cheapest BR player is at least 25% more than the PS3. On these forums I've always told people if you want BR and a game system, the PS3 is a great value considering the prices of standalone players.
Has X360 made money yet ? I'm with you, I think MS will keep short cycling their consoles looking for any advantage possible. Look for the Xbox3000 in 2010.
The last quarter was profitable for MS. I don't think you're going to see them cut this cycle short simply because the main reason why they did it last time was because they were still selling the xbox at a loss. The reason for that is that they didn't own the IP for the internals so couldn't cost reduce it themselves and nvidia / intel wanted a tasty slice of the pie. This time they own everything in the box and have already shown that they can cost reduce it (processor now, then gpu, then both on same chip).

There's just as big a risk of Sony cutting their supposed 10 year lifespan because of the massive costs they've incurred on the PS3 thus far. Neither seems particularly likely though. You'll likely see the next xbox in 2011 on a fairly standard 5-6 year cycle.
I agree with most of that. The only real question mark i see is the Wii's staying power, until the next gen. Its already very dated hardware, and in 3-5 years when prices of PS3s and 360s are more econimical, i would think they would start being the consoles of choice over the Wii. We all know that games should continue to look better and better on the 360/PS3 over the next few years, but we also know that the Wii is pretty much pushing its limits already. Just a thought.

What the Wii really proved is that most of the world doesn't care as much about high end graphics as us game geeks do. When my boss, a woman near her 50s who has probably never picked up a video game controller in her life was talking about getting a Wii, then I knew that Nintendo had hit an untapped vein. The Wii's graphic capability has very little to do with its staying power. It offers something that the PS3 and 360 do not, a very active playing experience. The Wii will not lose that market because neither Sony or Microsoft is really going after it. The Wii's market overlaps the PS3 and 360 market and goes into different territory. There are and will be Wii owners that are PS3 and 360 owners. Really, Nintendo is laughing at Sony and Microsoft.
So it is a deciding factor for you. As I said earlier, for many people it is not. Don't apply your case to the rest of the world. The PS3 is a bigger value to some than it is to others. In fact, for some people, it only has value as a Blu-Ray player. Especially those countries where the cheapest BR player is at least 25% more than the PS3. On these forums I've always told people if you want BR and a game system, the PS3 is a great value considering the prices of standalone players.
Im not applying my case to the rest of the world anymore then your saying that HD format matters to an extreme minority.
Im not applying my case to the rest of the world anymore then your saying that HD format matters to an extreme minority.

Now you are distorting what I said. I never said it applies to an extreme minority. I said it doesn't apply to the majority of the market only because HDTV adoption isn't high enough yet. Also, many are not interested in investing in an HD movie format yet. You said the PS3 is the best bang for the buck. I just said that is dependant on whether or not an HD movie format is a of interest to the buyer for whatever reason.
What the Wii really proved is that most of the world doesn't care as much about high end graphics as us game geeks do. When my boss, a woman near her 50s who has probably never picked up a video game controller in her life was talking about getting a Wii, then I knew that Nintendo had hit an untapped vein. The Wii's graphic capability has very little to do with its staying power. It offers something that the PS3 and 360 do not, a very active playing experience. The Wii will not lose that market because neither Sony or Microsoft is really going after it. The Wii's market overlaps the PS3 and 360 market and goes into different territory. There are and will be Wii owners that are PS3 and 360 owners. Really, Nintendo is laughing at Sony and Microsoft.

I wonder if the 360 or PS3 would be seeing significant sales differences if the Wii didnt exist. Or if that market Nintendo tapped into wouldnt have been interested in anything but the Wii in the first place.
brings up lots of interesting scenarios.
I wonder if the 360 or PS3 would be seeing significant sales differences if the Wii didnt exist.

Somehow I doubt it. Wii may have cannibalized a tiny fraction of the other systems' sales. But for the most part, I think Wii is appealing to a different market.
That pie chart only compares Blu-Ray sales to HD-DVD sales. A pie chart that would have been relevant to Dreaz' comment would have compared Blu-Ray/HD-DVD sales to regular DVD.

Huh ?

HD-DVD vs BD is like VHS vs Betamax, you don't want to pick the loser (i.e. betamax)

Don't see what DVD has to do with it. We all know it still greatly outsells them both.

VHS won because consumers favored longer recording time over quality. In the current example, quality is arguably equal. However Sony has the advantage in capacity.
"extreme minority ? Pretty much anyone wants all that stuff. Not everyone is ready to pay for it. A few years from now as the PS3 continues to lower into mass market ($200) price territory there will be more hdtv market penetration and a huge catalog of exclusive games."

I disagree. I argue most people don't want it, but they will eventually feel pressured into getting it (hello VHS to DVD transition).

With HD and Blue Ray both being backed by corporate giants with stubborn heads, it'll be a long time until most people will feel comfortable enough into having to pick and buy a format they don't even want or feel compelled to need. Sure, PS3 will drop in price but so will 360 (and it will drop lower) and then Micro can either bundle the HD with those system or sell the addon for the cost of a game or less.

The price drop will help because it always helps, but I think there will need to be more than that this time around (especially when DVDs are perfectly fine) to manipulate people to switch. I'm not even sure we'll have a clear "winner" by the time the next-gen consoles hit market.
Go Ps3 more sales in Japan means more JRPG's for me.

Ugh, don't remind me on the abysmal state of RPGs, especially JRPGs and SRPGs, in the next gen systems. I have both the 360 and the PS3 and together I have a grand total of four RPGs (and have no intention of getting the others; i.e. Two Worlds and Enchanted Arms).
Huh ?

HD-DVD vs BD is like VHS vs Betamax, you don't want to pick the loser (i.e. betamax)

Don't see what DVD has to do with it. We all know it still greatly outsells them both.

VHS won because consumers favored longer recording time over quality. In the current example, quality is arguably equal. However Sony has the advantage in capacity.

Price was also a factor, in which case HD-DVD supposedly has the advantage (although with buying stuff online I really don't see a gap in actual movie prices).

People most definitely are buying the $400 PS3s as a decently priced 1080p Bluray player. Ask any Bestbuy/Gamestop employee how many times a day they get asked about the PS3 on the basis of Bluray playback. It's the most common question aside from, "Do you have any Wiis?" A close third however, is about the difference between the 360 models.
"extreme minority ? Pretty much anyone wants all that stuff. Not everyone is ready to pay for it. A few years from now as the PS3 continues to lower into mass market ($200) price territory there will be more hdtv market penetration and a huge catalog of exclusive games."

I disagree. I argue most people don't want it, but they will eventually feel pressured into getting it (hello VHS to DVD transition).

Well In this quoted paragraph I was trying to stress the videogame aspects rather than blu-ray. But I honestly believe the tech is integral to the PS3 as a game machine too.

DVD isn't close to dying, but eventually it will be replaced. Tis the nature of things. I think BD is the eventual winner although it may take another couple years to determine. PS3 and BD players need to get more affordable. The software sales indicate an advantage.
You guys have got to start keeping in mind that a large amount of people don't care about Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. A large number of the market don't even have HDTVs. The "bang for the buck" factor is relative.

If you don't have an HDTV and you buy a ps3 or xbox360 then you are kinda defeating the purpose...
If you don't have an HDTV and you buy a ps3 or xbox360 then you are kinda defeating the purpose...
Yes, because all the games I want to play right now are on the PS2 and xbox. HDTV isn't essential for a PS3 / 360... it just makes good looking games look even better.
Yes, because all the games I want to play right now are on the PS2 and xbox. HDTV isn't essential for a PS3 / 360... it just makes good looking games look even better.

hmmm. I dare say that not playing on a monitor that supports high definition resolutions makes gaming on the ps3 or xbox360 look worse. Not essential of course. Hmm I guess it's all just relative aye?