Proxmox is not free?!

Have you given KVM a try with oVirt as a manager?

Never heard of it, I'll google that. I'm willing to try going back as KVM does seem to be a fairly big standard, it just seems I can't get it to work right, and when I do it's bloody slow. Like 4 hours to install an OS. Also could not get hot swap to work on anything, not even a CD. Kept telling me the changes will only take effect on next guest shutdown. But maybe ovirt will be better?

I'm trying everything right now and I can't even RDP into my management VM anymore, I just can't work that way, I need something that works natively in Linux. Once i do manage to get in I will take an image of the VMs I created so I can hopefully just restore them in the new environment if I do switch. Problem is the NICs will have changed so I have a feeling the restored VMs wont have NICs anymore and I'll end up having to reinstall and reconfigure the OSes anyway. But there's only a few VMs in there anyway and they're not THAT important.