Power draw, who cares...

Am I the only one that doesn't give two fucks about power draw? It's constantly mentioned here. Company X has comparable performance to Company Y! Finally!... Oh, wait.. it uses some more megawatts.

Really? I could see for miners, it's a concern. That makes sense based on ROI, but for gamers, especially ones that are planning on buying the top of the line cards, who cares? Are you guys all running 450w power supplies or something?

I could care less how much wattage my system uses, it is built to do one thing, game
I could care less how much wattage my system uses, it is built to do one thing, game
Are you saying you care?
If you can care less then you care already.

If you mean the opposite, its couldn't care less.
ie you care so little about it that your care cannot be reduced further.

Its better to say what you mean rather than the exact opposite :)